
New Day Herald

Spiritual Principles of Health and Well-Being: Live Webcast with John Morton (Part II)

Our inspiring and most helpful webcast began with the lovely Leigh Taylor-Young welcoming us all from around the world to share in the profound learning so beautifully provided in the new book by John-Roger and Paul Kaye, The Spiritual Principles of Health and Well-Being. Participants tuned in from throughout the U.S. and from countries around the world, including Nigeria, Australia, Germany, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Chile. While some viewers participated individually, other communities gathered in groups to share the loving, healing messages from this powerful book.

Leigh reminded us that MSIA teaches Soul Transcendence, which is knowing ourselves as Souls who are one with God. Leigh then led us in Calling in the Light, an invocation of that divine presence within us all. Leigh explained how we can bring this Light forward wherever we are and whenever we choose. I heard Leigh ask for a blessing for everyone’s health — physically, emotionally and mentally — as we choose to align ourselves with our Souls. We then chanted Ani Hu, an ancient name of the supreme God (Hu) along with an ancient word for empathy (Ani). As we chanted together around the world, we helped ourselves move towards greater health and well-being through the loving and joy, two of the “Cures” for dis-ease noted in John-Roger’s new book.

A Moment of Peace from a radio interview in 1996 gave us the opportunity to hear and see the founder of MSIA, John-Roger, as he shared his wisdom and caring. You can watch this Moment of Peace here. John-Roger continues to share his wisdom through more than fifty books and hundreds of recorded seminars which are available to us as CDs, DVDs, and MP3 downloads at the MSIA Store.

Leigh then introduced John Morton, the Spiritual Director of MSIA, and a devoted supporter of the teachings of John-Roger for over 35 years. John travels the world, providing seminars and workshops to bring the teachings of Soul Transcendence to those who are looking for them. I heard John express his tremendous enthusiasm for Living the Spiritual Principles of Health and Well-Being as it is a powerful resource for bringing all of us to greater health. John then reminded us to pay special attention to a section of the book entitled, “Causes and Cures,” pages 100-108 specifically. In these pages, we are provided an excellent and highly useful, practical guide for helping ourselves overcome health challenges by tuning within to our divine loving presence, the source of all healing.

John reminded us that when we feel disconnected from that loving presence, we may experience a sense of dis-ease. Our Souls, that place within where we are one with God, are always present and awaiting our invitation. All we need to do is turn towards that loving presence, and one of the best ways to do that is through Spiritual Exercises (S.E.’s). John encouraged us to do S.E.’s regularly as the best way to have a direct experience of our spiritual nature or our True Self. Through S.E.’s, we can become more aware of the “Cures” for our dis-ease as well as let go of negative thoughts. I heard John remind us that health is the natural choice of our True Self, so the more we tune in to it, the greater health and well-being is in store for us.

John then took questions from participants in the Brentwood Room in Santa Monica as well as from around the world via the Internet. Participants asked questions about a range of health challenges, and then John took each participant, step by step, through the exercises presented in the book. I felt deeply touched and inspired by the candor and courage of my fellow participants who chose to share personal and profoundly challenging health concerns. As each participant followed John’s guidance, responding to questions presented within the book and moving through forgiveness of themselves and their judgments, I shared along with them in their healing and upliftment. The dedication, openness and gratitude of each participant inspired me to look at how I can more fully utilize these vital principles for my own greater health and well-being. Thank you, everyone, for standing up and honoring the divinity within you and us all!

One of the Spiritual Principles noted in the book is that we live and die at the cell level. So as one cell converts from dis-ease to health, other cells can relate to that healing and, in turn, move towards health and well-being too. Similarly, as we can learn and grow from watching and listening to someone experience their own healing, we can move towards greater healing ourselves. Health and well-being are contagious!

I appreciated John’s reminders that when we are in the correctness of who we are, the truth of our True Self, we are in our “Cures” as John-Roger refers to them in the book. I heard John explain that we can experience all the “Cures” at once because the “Cures” are engaged on the spiritual level which is always expanding. John reminded us to have faith and trust in God in order to face the “Cause” of any dis-ease. Have courage to look at the “Cause,” seek information, investigate, and don’t give in to fear. As John explained, knowing the truth is part of the “Cure.”

John then led us in a beautiful guided meditation of what he called the “Sacred Sanctuary,” a place within us all that is our resource, our divine center. I heard John explain that within our Sacred Sanctuary all the qualities for our “Cures” are always present. As John led us through this visualization, I felt such profound peace and comfort through his words of encouragement and reassurance to know more fully the “Cures” available within me.

From this webcast, I am grateful for the reminder that the blessings of health and well-being are already present within us. It’s just a matter of our looking to that infinite source within and trusting God to guide us in our learning, healing and growth. The Spiritual Principles of Health and Well-Being provides the perfect guidance and assistance for us!

You can watch this webcast anytime by clicking here. Download the terrific handouts by clicking here. To buy or download the book, or to download a FREE chapter from the book, click here.

To learn more about the Sacred Sanctuary, a downloadable MP3 guided meditation led by John Morton, click here.

Paul Kaye, co-author of The Spiritual Principles of Health and Well-Being, will be facilitating workshops based on the book later this year and early in 2011. Check the Events Calendar for the workshop schedule.

Be sure to tune in to our Christmas Eve Webcast with John Morton at 3:00 PM PST on December 24, 2010 at John-Roger has been invited.

1 thought on “Spiritual Principles of Health and Well-Being: Live Webcast with John Morton (Part II)”

  1. Beautiful article and reminder of how touching the webcast was. One that I shall definitely be tuning into again for a refresher and to hear what I missed the first time around.

    With love and blessings of gratitude.

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