
New Day Herald

Soul of the Dancer at Peace Labyrinth and Gardens

Article imageSunday, June 5th at 9:30 a.m. filmmaker, Dean Gold, rolled in to Peace Labyrinth & Gardens with a busy crew of six to set up for his shoot that day. By all Hollywood standards, this crew was very small, but from what I observed, very purposeful, efficient and ready to do the day.

We at the Gardens considered it a privilege to host the film shoot, to include images of the Gardens in the film, and to support the effort to make an inspiring, spiritually uplifting film: Soul of the Dancer—the debut documentary from filmmakers Dean Gold and Eden Williams.

Here’s what the filmmaker is saying about the film: Soul of the Dancer is a visual exploration and spiritual celebration of life and self expression. The production will cover the history of the dance, the meaning of the art to artists, and a visual trip though the mind’s eye of the dancers. This is a very special production about the spirituality of Oriental dance. The production features twenty professional dancers including world class performers. The performances require beautiful scenic exteriors to place the performer in the context of nature, beauty, and a timeless sense of connection to all things.

Beautiful belly dancers graced the labyrinth and the pergola. They were also filmed in the meditation garden in front of the huge central urn. It was a very inspiring day. Costumes were spectacular, the weather was lovely, and the belly dancers were amazing to watch as they swooped and swayed, and moved to the rhythms of the music.

Everyone was respectful of our purpose at Peace Labyrinth and Gardens, walking around the labyrinth, taking care as they worked in and among the foliage, and placing their loving into the beauty in their own way.

I came away from the day filled with gratitude for our gardens and our preserved and restored historic mansion known as Prana. And I am grateful that people are finding us and being touched by the Spirit just walking on the property. We invite you to bring your family and friends. It’s an oasis in the middle of Los Angeles.

Carol Jones
Program Director

Please visit our website for information on upcoming events
or contact us at
(323) 737-4055 Ext 124
3500 West Adams Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90018

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