
New Day Herald

John Morton shares at J-R's birthday Celebration in London, September 2024

J-R’s Birthday Celebration in London 2024

In London this year we had an evening event of just under 2 hours to celebrate J-R’s birthday.  With autumn approaching, folks like me with a few hours travel to reach the capital had to make the decision between attending live or watching on Zoom. I’d been in bed for most of the week with a flu-like bug and my energy levels were low. Spirit had clearly, already decided I was going to be there, regardless.  My friend Martha was going to be ordained before the meeting.  My lovely sister, who was travelling up to London from the south coast, offered to travel 50 miles north of London after J-R’s birthday celebration and stay the night so I wasn’t alone on the train journey back. The next day she took 4 trains south, 120 miles to get back home.

I very much wanted to see Roger Wakefield as he had been so kind to me during my recent visit to Prana.  I knew that John, Leigh and all the team had travelled a lot further than my couple of hours each way.  I wanted to be in that energy, so the day before, I booked my ticket and started to feel a bit better.  Thank you, Spirit, for making my decision and path so clear.

Martha’s mother and sister have been involved with MSIA for many years and it was her time to become a minister. She flew in from Ireland and we met at a coffee shop before meeting up with my sister, Joanne and her friend Jhoti.  We shared a beautiful Japanese platter of sushi before walking round the corner to the church where the meeting was being held.

Caroline, Martha, Joanne, Jhoti

The ordination was done by Leigh with many ministers around Martha and John Morton present with the beautiful Traveller energy.  Hopefully Martha will share some of her ordination blessing when she is ready.  I felt as though I was being ordained again, as part of everyone and everything.  Congratulations Martha for formalising the ministry you already do every day with every breath.

The event opened with a series of ministers who had known J-R for many years, expressing their loving through song, poems and words.  Nathalie Franks’ gracious co-ordination of the event held a loving context and dedication that set the tone for the evening.

Here’s a lovely poem by Nathalie Franks for J-R’s birthday:

A Love Note to J-R

By Nathalie Franks

‘How do I love thee?  Let me count the ways’.

When I heard your voice it echoed in my Soul. ‘I am the one you have been looking for, look no further’.  I had come home to my beloved.

With great certainty I began to travel through all the karmas I had to unravel. Through the darkness and the Light I heard your whispers:  ‘I am closer than your next breath and whatever you go through I go through it with you.’ You loved me like no other.

There were times when the trials seemed overwhelming and yet you would come to me in a dream pushing me through to the next level. ‘He wins who endures to the end’.  Indeed, another victory.

I lived for the times you visited London, and the unconditional loving. Your sense of humour, the way you made me feel cherished, your glance of the unspoken. I was safe.

I used to think about your passage into Spirit, how would I cope? One morning I awoke to hear you had transitioned. I felt numb but not afraid, the loving intensified…and as you always said ‘I am closer than your next breath’. The jokes you told me got even louder, and your presence is there in the stillness of my heart. Thank you , J-R, my hero for eternity.

I encourage you to watch and experience the event in such a beautiful church setting.  Its available on That Which Is titled John-Roger Birthday Celebration (London, UK) September 24,2024.

It was such a gift to be present with John Morton.  His sharing was a complete demonstration of all of our challenges with human beingness and the Traveller Consciousness coming through, no matter what.  He described an hilarious story of getting through security at the airport and we could all relate to his and Leigh’s frustrations.  He topped it all off with how Spirit came through in the perfect way regardless.  Thank you, John, for making these teachings so accessible and sharing the 10% as well as the higher levels we all endeavour to access.

Spirit also brought forward the need for us to hear ‘A Moment of Peace: J-R and the Worm in the Wall’.  Roger made this available for viewing within a few seconds.  It’s a brilliant Moment of Peace about when J-R had planted a peace worm in the Berlin Wall and predicted the wall coming down within two years!

I found myself wondering if I could work with Joanne to plant peace worms in my cousins who are battling over a recently exposed financial exploitation of the parents by one of their siblings.  Realising how many Traveller teachings from J-R and John talk about peace being created within us, I knew the work to be done is inside of me!

Then I had the thought that maybe John had planted peace worms inside of us?  God bless you John and the Traveller Consciousness and thank you for the peace worm.  It’s my job to nurture that worm and let it radiate loving and peace to all of my relationships inside of me, including my cousins.

Listening to Spirit for guidance is a muscle I am exercising and That Which Is brings me whatever I need to hear. Sometimes I can hear a number of a seminar, other times a recording magically appears on my phone screen.  Following these intuitions, I was given #7555 Knowing Who is Within You.  I found it so complimentary to J-R’s birthday celebration.

A really big thank you to all those who contributed to and attended this event.  John gave out some books as birthday gifts which was a lovely touch.  And finally, a huge thank you to whoever made the delicious biscuits (cookies) that were waiting for us as we left this glorious event.

Love and Light to all of our human beingness while we discover our individual paths back to God.

Baruch Bashan,
Caroline Khambatta

View the Photos by David Sand from J-R’s Birthday Celebration in London 2024


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