
New Day Herald

Martha Peck

My Path to Heaven on Earth

Many years passed between the time I finished the Master of Spiritual Science (MSS) and the time I started the Doctor of Spiritual Science (DSS). My narrative was something like, “Do I really need DSS when I have so many tools and teachings from MSS keeping me connected to Spirit and helping me know myself as Divine? I’m rich in Spirit already! Plus, I’m so busy! And, DSS sounds like a lot of work and I really just want to float along in Grace & Ease!”

Then I finally tiptoed into the DSS and I said, “Well, I’ll just take the first year and see how it goes.” And this is the part where I hear J-R chuckle a little and give me a wink. Because once you fully submerge in this Ocean of Love & Mercy there really is no going back.

Year One came and went, and I swam deeper into my intentions, understanding what blocks me from the energy of Spirit and how I could expand more fully into the Loving.

Year Two came and went and I began to experience significant transformations in how I take care of myself on all levels – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I was sandpapering all the rough edges, and moving into greater Compassion, Cooperation, Peace, and Joy. The challenges in my life didn’t magically disappear, but how I dealt with them was radically changed for the better. And that, of course, led me to more Grace & Ease. (What I wanted all along!)

Year Three was a beautiful baptism into my ministry to self and others. I waded beyond just asking for Spirit’s assistance, into really allowing it. The blessings that came forth were, and continue to be, amazingly simple and profound.

And now that I’m approaching the horizon of DSS Year Four, my old patterns of resistance, denial and distraction that once stood in the way of my spiritual fulfillment have faded into the past. Now it’s like, “Yes please! I would love some more of that!”  

Thank you PTS, the Travelers, and all who make this program possible. As my DSS reader once said to me, “This is the greatest training on earth.” And for me, it is also the path to Heaven on Earth.

-Martha Peck

Starting in September of 2024, PTS is offering DSS Year 1, DSS Year 4 Recorded Format, and DSS Year 6.  For more information about the Doctor of Spiritual Science programs, click here.

Ready to enroll?

👉 Enroll now at Click here if you have an account at for the Doctor of Spiritual Science Year 1 program.

👉 Enroll now at Click here if you don’t have an account at for the Doctor of Spiritual Science Year 1 program.

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