
New Day Herald

Gaby Grigorescu at the Peace Awareness Training 1 at Prana, July 2024

Discovering Inner Peace: My Experience at the Peace Awareness Training 1 at Prana

I had the beautiful opportunity to serve as the captain of the assistants at Peace Awareness Training (PAT) 1, held in Prana from July 8 to 14, immediately following the Conference of Celebration. This experience was wonderful and transported me back to the cherished days when John-Roger was physically with us. Throughout the retreat, I felt a profound connection with the spirit and the energy of J-R.

The energy in the large seminar room was magnificent, filled with peace and lovingness. The group of participants was very special and magical, and having Vincent Dupont as the facilitator was incredible; words cannot fully capture the depth of what I experienced during those seven days. I am deeply in love with the Peace Awareness Trainings, which are incredibly powerful, and I must confess that they are among my favorites. For me, this retreat is a sacred space where the Spirit becomes present and expands its love and wisdom.

Seeing how the participants arrived on the first day and how they concluded on Sunday was a true blessing. This group connected and committed from the very beginning. I could perceive the joy and bliss present, as well as a deep connection of love and peace. Discipline was a constant throughout the training, and although it can be challenging at times, from my experience, if I cooperate with it, everything flows perfectly and effortlessly.

Those were indeed exhausting days, as you must dedicate many hours to being present, holding the Light not only for the participants but also for the facilitator and other assistants. For me, this is the fundamental role of a TC. I felt honored by the opportunity to serve in this way, giving my love, joy, and enthusiasm. Having the energy of the PAT once again was something extraordinary. By the seventh day of the training, my heart was overflowing with love and emotions.

A part of me did not want the training to end; I wanted to remain in that energy that filled my heart with love. I felt a deep nostalgia the following week, which we Venezuelans call “guayabo.” This training, for me, is an opportunity to observe patterns, let them go, release, and become aware of what I do not want to recognize in myself and sacrifice it, filling myself with love and joy.

It was a week full of learnings, of being present in the here and now. I left very grateful for having witnessed the divinity and am filled with gratitude for the opportunity to serve. In summary, my experience at the Peace Awareness Training 1 in Prana was transformative and deeply gratifying, renewing my sense of peace and connection with my inner being.

Gaby Grigorescu, Director of Graduate Studies

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