
New Day Herald

(left to right) David Raynr, Zane Morton, Joey Hubbard facilitating the Celebrating Who We Are Workshop at the Conference of Celebration, 2024

Photo Slideshows from Events at the Conference of Celebration 2024

MSIA’s Conference of Celebration was held at Prana — MSIA’s headquarters at Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens — June 26-July 1, 2024. These are photo slideshows from each of the events throughout the Conference. All photos by David Sand.

View the Photos from PTS Graduation

View the Photos from the Gathering of Peacemakers Event

View the Photos from the Joy of Heartfelt Service Event

View the Photos from the Prana 50th Celebration

View the Photos from Day 1 of the Celebrating Who We Are Workshop

View the Photos from Day 2 of the Celebrating Who We Are Workshop

View the Photos from the Ministers Meeting

View the Photos from the Initiates Meeting

View the Photos from the Blessingsfest

All photo galleries from the Conference of the Celebration can also be viewed on MSIA’s flickr photo collection. Click here for the Collection.

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