
New Day Herald

Dawn White at Windermere for the Windermere Peace Walk

Peace Walk: Windermere Blessings!

What better way to prepare for our beautiful Conference of Celebration than participating in the Peace Walk held at beautiful Windermere the Sunday before Conference! Sponsored by IIWP (Institute for Individual and World Peace), this simple yet powerful event is a reminder of how powerful it can be when we focus on peace and harmony

After several work parties at Windermere with a focus of moving forward, the super-warm welcome and beautiful preparation made us feel right at home under beautiful blue California summer skies. Such honors to dear Alicia Landa, who created and designed the Peace Walks many years ago and who has implemented them ever since, both at Windermere and other locations back east, along with joyful English translation – provided by dear Kay Turbak at Windermere! This beautifully organized event was attended by approximately 30 folks, who enthusiastically gathered in the newly-cleared out barn and under the beautiful shady trees nearby. 


Opening with calling ourselves forward into the Light (as all ways!), we placed our intentions into the Light and moved into a beautiful J-R Peace meditation before moving forward on the land with the focus of our Peace Prayer: “I Love You, God Bless You, Peace Be Still.” 


There was plenty of time to share our views and experiences of Peace. One of the great Blessings for me of walking the land was taking the time to go where Spirit led me (making sure I was safe, of course!) and placing Loving Light wherever needed for the highest good and listening to the land. Of course, we were all receiving all the Blessings of the land while there, and ongoing in Spirit! 


In this beautiful cycle of giving and receiving, in this great Oneness of The One Accord, we came together to do a beautiful Peace Planetary Blessing together and to share a glorious lunch – a Peace BlessingsFest, as someone joy-fully shared!


The gratitude and enthusiasm of us all was absolutely fantastic! I’m sure most of us placed our Peace intentions into the Light before we even started on our journey to beautiful Windermere! This made it all the more powerful and was a reminder we can do that every day! Just as we can Peace Walk wherever we are!


The Blessings of Windermere are truly tangible. The power, beauty, serenity, peace, healing energies and calmness felt like a balm to the consciousness, everything was joy-fully blooming, the trees just waiting to be hugged, the air fresh and clear, the animals friendly and welcoming! And naturally, the Windermere staff a great Blessing to behold!


Thank HUUU angels and to dear Alicia, Kay and all who made this possible! 

We look forward to our next beautiful Windermere day trip, which will be straight after our Conference of Celebration on Tuesday 2 July, with vans departing from Prana.

Peace Is Sure Present! Infinite Gratitude + Loving Light! 

Baruch Bashan… etc…

Dawn White

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