
New Day Herald

(left to right) CEO of the Salt Mines, Jsu Garcia, John Morton, Leigh Taylor-Young Morton, Kate Ferrick-Klein, Diane Botticelli, Richard Klein. (In front) Nicole Campbell, Phillip Barr. Photo by David Sand

Traveling with the Traveler Through Kansas and Missouri in Mostly Ordinary Ways

There was no clicking of heels while intention setting to go to the salt mines in Kansas where the master recordings of seminars by John-Roger and John Morton are stored. Although healing did seem to occur in a myriad of ways. The journey to the salt mines was a descent closer to the center of the earth from Hutchinson Kansas. It began on a clinking elevator excursion to 650 feet below the surface, from over 100 degrees in temperature to about 68. We were told there were over 200 miles of tunnels in the salt mines and they are ever expanding their exploration.

We were transported in a kind of elongated golf cart through old and new tunnels, and whisked by rusted mining equipment and 1960’s looking vehicles rigged to run on batteries instead of gasoline. We saw chunks of freshly mined salt rocks and a few were plucked off by our host from a conveyor belt and given to each of us as a sample. He informed us this salt was not sold for table use, but mostly used to cover roads in winter weather. In spite of this, like a doubting Thomas, I found myself licking the sample rock to test its authentic salty self.

This location which was once sought after as a storage for nuclear waste (which fortunately, did not occur because of the successful protest of the people of Kansas). This rare earthly wonder has morphed into a storage area for individuals and companies wanting to preserve their wares and media. One area of interest was the movie industry’s display of original super hero costumes and props from popular movies such as Superman, Batman and Men In Black. The displays made heroes look larger than life!

The room where masters of the seminar tapes and reels by J-R and John Morton were stored appeared more orderly than most of the rooms we toured. I was not surprised, as it seemed so fitting for the NOW organization I know which has taken the principle of impeccability to ever higher heights year after year, in my experience. I was not surprised to see the customary neatly organized and uniformly boxed items in that 10 x 20 foot storeroom. I expected somehow to see a large bolted door with cold temperature controlled storage and massive ceilings. But alas, it was just an ordinary metal sheet door with a steady 68 degree room temperature.

Nine of us huddled by the door as John Morton said a blessing. I particularly enjoyed the harmonic resonant sound of the familiar Ani Hu chant bouncing off the solid walls. I resisted peeking at the response of our tour guide who for decades has been the CEO of the salt mines. He revealed that he had seen a lot of groups come and go. I wondered what our tour guide was experiencing during the blessing.

After the official blessing and chant, we stood for several minutes in small talk about the mines and storage room functionality. John’s blessing is indescribable… more experienced in the silence than the echo of the words. I barely heard the chatter as I experienced a flood of very strong loving energy and a sense of being rushed or whooshed through the walls of the salt mines. I had fleeting thoughts of the energy of the blessing time traveling to those who would, for many years to come, experience these teachings and share how they have been heart-touched and opened and in turn share with many others. It was awe inspiring to imagine how many would be blessed. All I remember was the continual flood of loving pushing through me as if I were weightless. When I tuned in to the rather ordinary conversation, I knew we were kept here purposefully holding the Light.

The next day we met at Unity Village. This village is a vey large complex with Italian architecture complete with archways, pillars and beautiful gardens of roses and other flowering plants. A moment of beauty occurred when we were walking through a garden. An endangered monarch butterfly landed, waving its magnificent wings until he was amply photographed and admired and then just as magnificently, he took flight.

Unity Village is replete with a very large labyrinth, canals, and several large fountains. The tower which can be seen for miles in this plains country, rings a prayer every 15 minutes. There are many chapels but one has ornate floral design on the walls and pillars reminiscent of Atlantis. Some of the doors have intricate carvings and are quite exquisite art pieces in themselves. Visually there was much beauty to behold. The most remarkable was a circular foyer with calligraphed sayings of the wisdom of Jesus printed in the round, hugging the high circular dome ceiling in between back lit etchings of the dove of the Holy spirit. This place, we were told, was one of the oldest constructions at Unity Village. The energy was very still there and very sacred. Another smaller, humble chapel had modern stained glass windows. One image I took with me was John Morton standing gazing up to a bright blue stained glass window with the white dove signifying the Holy Spirit.

What added to the grandeur of the physical surroundings for me were a few experiences of Living Love that stand out. It was the loving humorous banter between our tour guide Lois and Jsu Garcia. The gracious expressions of gratitude from Leigh Taylor-Young to the staff there at Unity, and watching them truly receiving her appreciation. There was also an experience of Living Love in a most humble moment along the corridor of fountains and canal.

We crossed a bridge that connected older buildings to newer buildings. Our tour guide remarked that it was an arched bridge built over the canal with the intention of bridging the old to the new. She followed that statement with a declaration that Unity construction intends beauty and functionality simultaneously.

There were children playing along the fountains and canal. Jsu picked up a stray ball and naturally tossed it back to the boys playing. I noticed a young girl picking the petals off a flower the color of her dress. John Morton asked us to hold hands and plant a blessing right there. What I noticed was this little girl, probably 5 or 6 years old, was drawn to John and planted herself at his right side during the prayer. She just looked at him with wide eyes during his praying. When he concluded the prayer, I asked for the little girl’s name and John, noticing her, lovingly patted her head for the purposes, I imagined, of giving her a blessing. She smiled very big and then promptly went off to play. It was a sweet magical moment that if you blinked you would certainly have missed it.

The last stop was the most challenging. I experienced this visit as a test of my ministry to hold in neutrality. We visited the Truman Library in Independence, Missouri. The story of Truman’s life is of a humble farmer and soldier who rose to serve in the office of the president during the end of WWII. I found it overwhelming to imagine the choices President Truman had to make to end a war like WWII a few short months into his presidency (which he inherited when FDR died). President Truman was faced with ordering the first use of the atom bomb to end WWII, among many other big decisions. How a decision like that weighs on a heart I can’t imagine. I did imagine that our group sent his Soul the Light for his highest good and the highest good of all concerned. I understand that we as a human race were all involved, so the prayer was wide and deep to lift and heal in so many ways for the highest good. What I found intriguing, but not surprising, was that immediately the day after Truman’s term of office ended, he promptly left the white house and drove straight back to his farm in Grandview, Missouri. His farm is about 10 miles from where I currently live. From grandeur to a humble home, and from the story told, he was grateful to return to his humble home where he found some peace.

This day ended with an evening of sharing expressions of joy, peace and gratitude for the visit with friends and fellow ministers.

5 thoughts on “Traveling with the Traveler Through Kansas and Missouri in Mostly Ordinary Ways”

  1. What a wonderful read . Thank you so much . I walked with you , saw through your eyes —- felt and imagined those Light filled experiences .

  2. Beautifully done Diane! Thank you! Blessings to our teachings.
    I do love the story of Harry Truman getting in the car with his wife and driving to Missouri. I wonder if some gas station kid somewhere in Illinois ran out and asked, ‘Hey sir,’ do you want a fillup?’
    God Bless

  3. Nice to see you in the pics and thinking with Love for you and Phil and your wonderful children. A few years ago and still alive for me. It would be great to reconnect.
    With Love and Light,


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