Image of Loving Each Day   Reflections on the Spirit within

Loving Each Day Reflections on the Spirit within

John-Roger has traveled the world giving seminars and talks for more than three decades. This beautiful collection of quotations, selected from John-Roger’s years of speaking, offers an inspirational thought each day for contemplation and a lift in Spirit. You can use this book to assist you in creating more peace and well-being in your life and knowing your true self more fully.

Published Date 1989-01-01 00:00:00
Publisher Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness
Language en_US
Source Book
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Books by John-Roger Awakening Into Light Baraka Blessings of Light The Buddha Consciousness The Christ Within & The Disciples of Christ with the Cosmic Christ Calendar The Consciousness of Soul A Consciousness of Wealth Dream Voyages Drugs Dynamics of the Lower Self Forgiveness: The Key to the Kingdom God Is Your Partner Inner Worlds of Meditation Journey of a Soul Manual on Using the Light The Master Chohans of the Color Rays Passage Into Spirit The Path to Mastership Possessions, Projections, & Entities The Power Within You Psychic Protection Q & A Journal from the Heart Relationships—The Art of Making Life Work Sex, Spirit, & You The Signs of the Times The Sound Current The Spiritual Family The Spiritual Promise Spiritual Warrior: The Art of Spiritual Living The Tao of Spirit Walking with the Lord The Way Out Book Wealth & Higher Consciousness If you’ve enjoyed this book, you may want to explore the following resources through the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness, where John-Roger serves as Spiritual Advisor: Soul Awareness Discourses—A Home Study Course for Your Spiritual Growth The heart of John-Roger’s teachings, Soul Awareness Discourses provide a structured and methodical approach to gaining greater awareness of ourselves and our relationship to the world and to God. Each year’s study course contains twelve lessons, one for each month. Discourses offer a wealth of practical keys to more successful living. Even more, they provide keys to greater spiritual knowledge and awareness of the Soul. $100 one-year subscription To order call MSIA at 323-737-4055 Soul Awareness Tape (SAT) Series These audio tapes provide a new talk by John-Roger every month on a variety of topics, ranging from practical living to spiritual upliftment. In addition, SAT subscribers may purchase previous SAT releases. $100 one-year subscription To order call MSIA at 323-737-4055 Loving Each Day Subscription Loving Each Day quotes are offered in the form of a daily e-mail message from MSIA that contains an uplifting quote or passage from John Morton or John-Roger, intended to inspire the reader to reflect on the Spirit within. Loving Each Day is available in four languages—English, Spanish, French and Portuguese. A subscription is free upon request. To subscribe, please visit the web site, Spiritual Warrior: The Art of Spiritual Living By John-Roger This book is essential for every person who wants to integrate his or her spiritual and material lives and make them both work. A practical guide to finding greater meaning in everyday life, this book is a #1 Los Angeles Times Healthy Bestseller. $20, hardbound ISBN 0-914829-36-X Available in bookstores everywhere or from MSIA at 323-737-4055. We welcome your comments and questions. MSIA P.O. Box 513935 Los Angeles, CA 90051-1935 323-737-4055

Loving Each Day
Reflections on the Spirit within

By John-Roger

For Further Information, Please Contact:

P.O. Box 513935
Los Angeles, CA 90051-1935

© Copyright 1989, 2000 Peace Theological Seminary & College of Philosophy

All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.

Published by Mandeville Press
P.O. Box 513935
Los Angeles, CA 90051-1935

Printed in the United States of America
ISBN 0-914829-26-2


In the early 1980’s a small printing of a little book was released. It did not make a big splash, but it did make a big impression. Though it sold out fairly quickly, there were no plans to reprint
it. However, over time, demand for the book would not go away. In fact, instead of fading, it increased.

With the expansion of the Internet, the idea behind the book was taken and presented in the form of a daily, free, subscriber-only e-mail named after the book. Though it became extremely popular, it did not replace the desire for the book. If anything, it increased it.

And so, this wonderful little book, Loving Each Day, was reprinted.

Loving Each Day is one of those gems that can be used for upliftment and inspiration in endless ways. Keep it by your bedside and open it at random when you awaken to find a theme for the day. Or read a quote just before turning out the light at night. Put it on the coffee table for a quick jolt of inspiration whenever you or guests need it, or read a page a day just for the pleasure of it.

However you use this book, you are sure to find joy and happiness transmitted from its pages into your heart.

If you would learn the secret of Soul Transcendence, look only for the good, for the Divine in people and things, and all the rest leave to God

This new age of living love manifests each time you enter into the love of the spiritual heart.

The message of the age is that God’s love is manifest here and now, within every one.

When you see the positive in all things, when you are of service to yourself and others, when you work always to lift yourself and others, you are living love.

The energy of living love can give courage and hope; it can renew the faith of everyone around you. Find that center of living love, and give from that level.

As you reach into your heart and manifest love, you have fulfilled all the laws, all the prophecies, and all the scriptures. You have manifested your divinity for all to see.

When you awaken to your own Christ consciousness, to your own Soul consciousness, you will love freely, you will live freely, you will love from the loving heart. You will be living love.

You have to actively place yourself in a position to receive what you want.

When you are in a state of cooperation, your attitude is one of joy, enthusiasm, and abundance.

Complete the projects you begin, fulfill the commitments you have made, live up to the promises you have made.

Set your goals high and go for them. Don’t let anyone or anything sidetrack you. Create only the very best things for yourself.

You bring to yourself that which you focus upon, so it makes sense to focus on the best, the highest thing you know.

It is important to take responsibility for your actions. It becomes more and more difficult to lay your troubles at somebody else’s doorstep and say, “My misery is your fault.” No, your misery is only your choice. Your joy is also your choice.

There will come a time when you will receive the divine Light and know it in your consciousness. You will receive your own awakening and say, “I am already that of which you speak. I am the love of which you speak.”

Manifest loving in all you do. When you work, work in loving. When you play, play in loving. When you touch someone, touch with loving. And when you speak, speak with loving, for love is the sound of the Soul.

That twinkle in the eye, that smile on the face, that awareness that says, “I know you’re here; I can see you”—that’s living love!

As long as you focus on the outer world, you see imbalance and dis-ease. There is no need to reside in that; there is a place inside of you wherein resides serenity.

God speaks to those who live in the spiritual heart. Create words of harmony and love. Create thoughts that are worthy of the divinity within you. Create loving that can be manifested anywhere, at any time. Walk with the Beloved and just be one with all.

When you get high enough in the consciousness of God, everyone has the same name. That name is love.

Practice finding the living love within you before looking outward.

You can break free of limitations by sacrificing every one of them.

When you are free, you do not have to demonstrate it.

Take care of yourself, so you can help take care of others.

We are all our brothers’ keepers, but not as prison keepers. We keep our brothers free by allowing them the individual experience of their own life, the way they see it.

True freedom is expressing yourself freely and allowing others that same freedom.

Disturbing action creates karma. Disturbing reaction perpetrates karma. When you change disturbing action to loving action, and disturbing reaction to acceptance and understanding, you may experience love, joy, peace, and fulfillment. These divine attributes help maintain the harmony of God’s creation.

In the total consciousness of One, you realize that this body is all the bodies, that this heart is all the hearts, that this love is all the loves, that this God is all the Gods, and in that, we have our living and our breathing, our coming in and going out, our death and our resurrection.

God has given us life—the most precious of all commodities—and then said, “Do what you will.”

Life is awareness. Life is love.

There is only one reality: that which is the heart that which is the Soul, that which is God, that which is.

Everybody’s going to make it into the high consciousness of God by way of the spiritual heart.

In the Christ resides spiritual protection. And Christ resides in your spiritual heart.

Your body is a temple, on this level, for the consciousness that is the most high.

God is living love. To go to God, you must also be living love; and then you are also God.

You cannot be divorced or separated from that which you truly are.

Truth is within you. God is within you. Love is within you.

When you look to the spiritual heart for your fulfillment, when you become pure of heart, when you let the spiritual heart speak, when you love—then the body, mind, and emotions follow and you express total loving.

Get busy now and do those things that will bring you the honor and glory that is yours.

Everyday we create anew by flowing with what is present.

Part of your job is to create the most perfect environment for yourself and for others when they come into your presence.

Living love cannot hurt, harm, or hamper. Living love lifts.

When you give from the consciousness of living love and service, you will receive all that you give—and more—in return.

Everything is now. This is the moment of God’s eternity—right now. It goes into the past and into the future, but it is all now. There is no place that you can think or be that you are not within eternity.

Home is where the Spirit of Christ reigns eternally and that is in the spiritual heart.

Where there is love, there you have found home.

You reside, always, in the heart of God. God is the perfect lover. All else is imperfect, and yet is perfect because it is part of God. Some part is always perfect, some thought is always magnificent, some deed is always charitable.

When you bring yourself into a loving consciousness with all things, peace and harmony will enfold your heart, and you will recognize within every level of your beingness that there is only love.

Give from the spiritual heart and you’ll be amazed at how Spirit takes care of its own.

It’s a challenge to take that which has been your hurt, your anger, your grief, and use these as stepping stones to go higher in your spiritual freedom.

As God in manifestation, you are responsible for what you create.

The Soul attracts to itself the positive essence: truth, love, joy, peace, and fulfillment.

Negative expressions that disturb creation are re-cycled by the law of cause and effect, action and reaction, until the consciousness is balanced through acceptance and understanding.

You experience love to become love. You experience Light to become Light.

You must be child-like to enter into the kingdom of heaven.

The value of each experience is in the understanding and growing.

Let your love be your guiding star. Let it be your breath. Then you live in the heart of God. All things are made new, and God is personally present, all the time.

The Soul is life and gives health. Even though the mental, emotional, and physical bodies may suffer from negativity, hurt and disease, the Soul can continually revive them and bring forth healing.

Spirit presents to you infinite opportunity.

Your prime direction is to understand your own beingness. That’s a full-time job.

Be devoted to yourself.

Look within yourself, inquire within yourself to find understanding.

Your own inner counselor is your revelator.

Living love is not just loving from someplace deep within you, but living love with every breath. When you breathe in, love breathes in. And when you breathe out, love breathes out.

Each heart awakens a little more as it trusts itself.

Those people who are fortunate enough to experience love are, indeed, saintly people. Those people who are fortunate enough to express love are the avatars of the ages.

When you are loving, you have the consciousness of self present.

God is the instigator; the Traveler is the sender; Hu-man is the receiver; the Christ within is the decider; and you, consciously, are the completer.

Ignorance is a sin—the only sin. When you come into understanding, ignorance drops away and you change automatically.

Unconditionally love all things.

When you feel like you’d like to give someone a piece of your mind, give them, instead, a piece of your heart; give them love.

The Beloved stands with you and gives love to you.

You are divine love. You are living love.

Always use love all ways.

There is only one mind, and that is the mind of God. There is only one love, and that is the love of God.

When you speak of God, you attune yourself to God.

Dig deeply into the spring of love and partake of it. The supply is infinite.

Anyone who is residing in the power of love is never destroyed, never separated, always free, always up, always growing.

Love is living in the spiritual heart.

When you come to the spiritual heart, you find yourself in the center of all beingness. At that point, you reside at the apex of time and all things are delivered unto you.

When you become one with life, the very leaves on the trees are the scripture of nature. The face you look at is the scripture of your own beingness. The aura around you is the scripture of your mind and emotions, and very often, of your own spirituality. The very Soul is seeing the face of God in the physical world.

God sees only perfection.

God may be many different sizes, shapes and forms. But it is all God. It is all divine love made manifest.

God loves all of its creation.

If you strive for perfection, the work you have started will be finished by the Christ.

As you exercise freedom, you learn to be responsible for what you create and thus are educated by your own experience.

You must be the teacher of the level below you, a competent worker on the level you’re on, and a student on the level above you; then you can move ahead in your spiritual consciousness.

Can you truthfully say, “I am the Light, the Truth, the Way”? If you do not say that, you do not say a truth at all.

Put the Light around the world. Ask to live each moment in the consciousness of the Light, and to be the Light.

When you do the Father’s work, you do everything perfectly.

The willingness to do creates the ability to do.

If you look deeply into people, you will see something very majestic.

Divine love is given to everyone, just as the sun shines on everyone.

You are the Light. Move to the Divine. Look through the eyes of the Master, and you will see what is there for you.

The presence of divine love within the Master will stir the presence of divine love within you.

You can start finding your own divine love when you start loving others. But that doesn’t count until you can love yourself.

The most precious gift is the gift of self. The most precious return is the self returning.

Loving can cure all.

Loving is action, manifestation, movement, the consciousness of giving.

When you sing from the center of your beingness, you sing a celestial song.

The Light of the Soul emanates from the center of your being as living love. The Soul is noninflictive by nature; the Soul is joyful. The Soul is a divine river from the infinite Ocean of Love and Mercy.

Before you express the power of love, you must first be silent in order to find out what love is.

When you love, you live. When you live, God pours forth his energies through you into the world.

The holy land is wherever divine love is being made manifest. Wherever you demonstrate the consciousness of love, that land becomes sacred and holy.

Home is where the Spirit of Christ reigns eternally, and that is within the loving heart.

The Light of the heart, the Light of the Soul, the Light of the Christ, the Light of God. These things are in all.

The spiritual things are the invisible things, and they will endure forever.

Not one soul is going to be lost.

You dwell always in the heart of God.

Living In God’s Holy Thoughts

God resides in the kingdom of heaven, and heaven is right here and now.

The One we are waiting for and the One we have been looking for is already here, and has been here for a long time. You are the spiritual being you’ve been searching to find.

There will come a time in the Soul of everyone on this planet when they will receive the divine Light, and know it.

The name of the game is your willingness to participate in your life.

There is a guide inside you, a great counselor, a guiding Light. God is present, working in you as you, pulling your consciousness away from the distractions of the world and back into awareness of Spirit.

It is possible for you to lift out of your present level of consciousness into higher levels of consciousness.

Thinking about something doesn’t get it done. Feeling about it doesn’t get it done. Fantasizing about something doesn’t do it. Doing does it.

When you can allow people to express their Light their own way, to fulfill their destiny and walk the path to the drummer they hear, then you are, in essence, doing the same thing God does—allowing them the freedom of their own expression.

All that you want to be, you already are. All you have to do is move your awareness and recognize the reality of your own Soul.

Integrity is an indicator in the physical world of spirituality.

You were put here with something special inside you: the ability to contact Spirit within.

Your job is to awaken to the levels inside you that are asleep, to awaken to the consciousness of love, Light, and Sound.

When you’re living in the now, you can accomplish much more than when you try to live in the past or the future.

Love God with all your heart. Love yourself with the same devotion. Love all who come to you as you love God.

Spirituality is the most natural expression in the world. It is your true and abiding nature.

There is nowhere you can go that you’re not in the body of God—nowhere. There is no place that you can imagine that you’re not within this frequency of Spirit. Even in your darkest moment, you are still in the body of God, a portion of Spirit.

You have a responsibility to be loving.

Wisdom is using those things that work for you, for as long as they work for you, and letting go of the things that are not working for you.

Those who sit quietly in the silence that roars the name of the Lord and do the most mundane jobs in love and devotion are performing a beautiful service that God sees as very great, indeed.

By practicing the song of love, which is the spiritual exercises, you awaken to that which you truly are.

To discern Spirit, you must attune yourself to Spirit and to those who know Spirit.

There’s only one key. There’s really only one law—and that is the law of loving.

Loving is the only channel for clear communication.

The family is the foundation of society. Love is the foundation of the family. God is the foundation of love.

All of your relationships are inside of you. Ultimately, each relationship you have with another person reflects your relationship with yourself.

Your primary relationship is to your own Soul. If that’s clear, then everything else will follow.

How do you handle fear, insecurity, and anger when they come into your consciousness? Go into the theater of your mind and envision yourself being able to think and plan intelligently.

Just sit there with the loving process inside of you because the reward of a loving, open heart is exactly that.

Feelings of discouragement and despair can come in when you are not realizing who you really are.

As you create expectations of people or situations, as you create opinions of what should or should not be taking place with yourself and others, you create your dilemmas.

Don’t be afraid to be who you are. Allow yourself the dignity of your own loving.

The thing you’ve done that you think is so terrible that you must hide it from the world is not unique or special to you. The Inner Master knows those innermost secrets and loves you totally. These things are the “tiddlywinks” of the lower realms. They mean little in Spirit.

The more purity you can perceive, the more you can add to the glory of the Light you manifest.

If you want to be an optimist, if you want your energies to be lifting, if you want to realize your highest potential for joy and fulfillment, then you must pledge to yourself that from this moment, you will become more and more aware of what you are doing now.

You are greater than any problem, and you have the keys to solve all problems.

In reality you don’t win or lose in life’s games. The process is one of completion and fulfillment, of mastering and thereby lifting into higher realms of consciousness.

Bring your consciousness into line with the true idea of service by serving with love and joy.

It’s important to do whatever is necessary to overcome your obstacles. You can live on faith and belief, but they are not substitutes for mastering, for developing the ability to accomplish.

If you seek the kingdom of heaven, you’re going to find it; if you don’t seek it, you are going to find it, anyway. It’s just going to take a little longer.

We are all extensions of God, and being extensions, we are all God expressing on some level.

Regardless of what happens, you always keep going on to the next thing. If you’re in an illusion, go through it. If you’re in truth, go on to greater truths.

There is only one consciousness, and that is the consciousness of God.

The object in life’s game isn’t necessarily to win, but to master the game and to lift beyond it.

Choose wisely those with whom you are going to associate. Choose those people who are looking in the direction you want to go. Spend your time with people who are also keeping their eyes on the Lord.

The physical body is only one expression of you; you also express on many other levels.

You have a true self which you may not always be aware of. The true self is the divine spark within, the Soul, that which you really are.

You may not know what the Soul is; you may be unable to define it or label it, but you are it. Your essence is Soul.

When you can approach every experience openly, honestly, and lovingly, maintaining your center and saying, “I know all things are for my learning and upliftment,” then you can work through all possibilities. You may also choose not to experience something because you are free in your consciousness and expression.

In your freedom, exercise wisdom. Hold back from demonstrating your realization, and allow other people to rise to theirs naturally, in their own timing.

When something works for you, use it. If you find that it doesn’t work, or when something that used to work stops working for you, have the wit to drop it.

You’re never given anything you can’t handle. Once I said, “But how about this?” They said, “You still exist.” I said, “Yes.” They said, “Then you handled it.” God will never give you anything he can’t handle.

Depending upon how you direct your consciousness, you can use anything that comes to you as a stumbling block or as a stepping-stone. You can use everything to your advancement when you see it with a positive consciousness.

Depression is a false image. The true self, the true image, the Soul, is positive. It is the Spirit within as an extension of the supreme God. The Soul is perfect. It represents joy, love, and harmony.

God didn’t put you on earth to be a beggar. He gave you everything you will ever need.

You are not a beggar unless you choose to express that consciousness. You have free choices. However you will it, you will have it.

As you give, you receive. If you give a lot, you receive a lot. If you give a little, that’s all you get.

You may be alone physically, but you are never alone spiritually. When you reach into the higher levels of consciousness, into the positive areas of Spirit, you have knowledge of your oneness with everything and everyone. There is no separation.

You are already spiritual. You don’t have to try to be what you already are.

Fulfilling the prophecies of Jesus is easy, for when you direct yourself toward the expression of the Christ, you have the Christ Consciousness on your side.

Realize that everything is yours and that you can’t use it all at once. Your supply is always here. It always has been, it is now, and it always will be.

When people say things meant to hurt or anger you, you don’t have to fight them. You don’t have to do anything. Let them have their fun. You simply direct yourself into the consciousness that you want to have.

You can have all knowledge. You may not consciously know everything at one time, but whatever you direct your attention to, you can know.

No one can be God, but we can all be coworkers. You cannot become God, but you can become one with God. We stand as One, while maintaining our individuality. All you have to do is assume this consciousness. The law of assumption is a spiritual law, and you will have God consciousness if you start assuming it.

Realize your true self; that’s all that is necessary.

Desire (even desire for God) produces resistance, and resistance blocks the process of Soul Transcendence. There is no resistance in the consciousness of God. There is only flow.

Let go and be what you are—a divine being working here to express a greater degree of creative and loving consciousness.

When you release your desire for something, your unhappiness goes. When you release the concern about what somebody else thinks about something, your concern about it goes. As you realize that you can’t handle other people’s lives, your worry about them goes. And when you realize that you can handle your life, your happiness increases.

Sacrifice your desires. When they are gone, all that is left is your true beingness, which is everything and nothing.

Place things in the Light to be balanced and cleared.

The Light is wonderful; you’re wonderful, too, because you have the wit to look at an area and say, “This causes me trouble.” It takes courage to walk away from the familiar thing that is not working for you, into the unfamiliar thing wherein you may find your eternal happiness.

Happiness is a neutral territory where you have no desires. You have no highs, no lows. You have a high point, but it continues on.
You don’t talk about highs or lows. You talk about eternal progression. And in the silence that roars the name of the Light and Sound of God, you move on in great tranquility.

It’s your attitude toward what you are doing that counts; not just what you are doing, but your attitude toward it.

Desire is not what the heart wants. The heart wants a contentment, a peacefulness, a quality of flowing through life like a stream that flows on its path to the ocean. You’re flowing on the stream of Light and Sound, into this great ocean of love. You can’t get off. You can go a long way to the periphery, but you still keep moving forward. And everyone is going to make it back to the ocean, back into the heart of God.

Living love means that your love extends unconditionally to all beings. You love everything and everyone present, no exceptions.

Each time you can look into an area of your unhappiness and see how it can be changed, you come closer to the realization of your divinity.

Only the love matters, the pure love, the unconditional love that is simply present as God’s beingness.

Once you recognize the God essence within you and within everyone, you can move through life in a more neutral state.

Be happy and free in your relationship to yourself.

The best approach is simply to live in the now, do the best you can with present abilities and talents, and let your actions speak for themselves. That takes understanding and awareness. It also takes love and respect for self. With it comes freedom, a sense of self-worth, and an inner security and serenity that is worth everything.

The consciousness of love can cure anything.

Spiritual progression is a continual process of leaving behind the old, familiar patterns and venturing into the new.

As you realize that there is no reason to hide what is true for you, you find yourself living a life of integrity, a life of loving. In so doing, you open yourself to an inner experience of loving and freedom that transcends words.

Go inward for your happiness and fulfillment.

Discover where you can assist, rather than interfere. Assistance is a very beautiful form of loving.

Don’t try to control people. Just let them unfold the way they want. It’s beautiful to sit with others and have them start telling you about themselves. The support is in listening and hearing them reveal themselves to you a little bit at a time, while you remain free of judgments or preconceived opinions about what they should or shouldn’t be.

The person who understands you the most, who cares for you the most, who can do the most for you is you. The ultimate relationship is with yourself, and it’s important to keep that inner relationship harmonious. To do that, you have to be in a continual state of self-education, and you need to tune in to the source of who you really are.

You were given life to experience abundance and joy, and if you’re not experiencing that, look at what you’re doing to block yourself. Then use that block as a stepping stone. Don’t get rid of it; instead, use it—and everything—as an opportunity to lift yourself.

When you give of your ability, your joy, your gifts and your creativity, people coming behind you (whom you may or may not know) are able to partake of the blessings you extend.

It is by your actions that you are known.

Love awakens you. That love is what we’re here for—to love each other, to be with each other, to live in spiritual communion.

If you start feeling tired, ask yourself if you are doing your work or the work of the Lord. Ask yourself if you are a taker. Ask if you are fighting, trying to get a hold of something that is not yours and never will be. Once you start getting answers to those questions, you’ll say, “Oh, forget the taking, I’ll just give of the over flow.”

It is time to come back into your heart, into that one place that is the essence of who you are, into that one place that continually vibrates, “I am love.”

It is time to stand forward in the integrity of who you are and to celebrate the love and joy that is inside you. It is time to reach out and touch to others, to share your love, to uplift those next to you. By doing that, you’ll make this world a better place in which to live.

When you get sick and tired of being tired and sick—you’ll change.

Become aware of the divine presence that lives within you, as you, and use this awareness as your springboard into higher consciousness.

The ultimate goal is union with God.

The difference between man and God is that man can kiss you on the outside, but God kisses you on the inside.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

You are the Light. You are divine. You are in a state of becoming what you already are.

It takes great courage to see the face of God because you have to stop wanting, you have to let go of all desire patterns, and accept what is.

You cannot allow anything discourteous to get into your mental attitude toward anything or anyone, including yourself. The instant you do, your relationship goes out of balance. There is no emotionalism, no sentimentality, no wishful thinking in all of this. You simply realize that if you identify anything as either intelligent or unintelligent, good or bad, friendly or unfriendly, cooperative or uncooperative, that is precisely how it will appear—for all you experience is the state of your own consciousness being made manifest in your outward experience.

The mind is to be used today. It’s an instrument of perception. The emotions are to be released from yesterday and used today. They’re instruments for feeling. The mind and emotions are tools for perception, feeling, and action. These bring completion on this level.

You can be honest and true to yourself without making anyone else wrong.

Go into situations with what you want to find there. If you want to find Spirit everywhere you go, take it with you.

Turn the Light of your consciousness on yourself and bring yourself awake.

The Traveler is a special aspect of the Holy Spirit. You don’t give yourself over to the force that is the Traveler; you are it. It is the guiding Light. It is your own inner guidance.

All you have to do is be the Light and assist anyone who comes to you. It’s like saying three magic words: “God bless you.” Then each person rises to the challenge of their own true self, their own Soul, their own God consciousness within.

Acceptance is one of the primary laws of Spirit and one of the most important laws in spiritual unfoldment. On the impersonal level, you accept everything that is going on. On the personal level, you select what you bring in to form your life and your moral and spiritual values, and to support your true quest. You select those things that will work for your highest good and your best expression.

Accept your mistakes, accept your actions, accept every situation as a learning experience and as a stepping-stone. As you accept yourself and your own expression, you are really on your way.

To support yourself in the Light consciousness, it’s important to be around and attuned to those people who are also in a Light consciousness, or who are moving in that direction. There are many people who are expressing a Light consciousness.

You are always in your own movement of spiritual inner awareness. You can come together with other people to assist each other as part of this movement.

Your questions, your doubts, and your fears are not living love. Do everything in God’s name, and you will be walking straight toward God.

God’s name is living love. If, every morning, you say, “Here I come, Lord; open your arms,” you may find the love of your life awaiting you. But you must bring your living love present.

Manifest living love.

Living love is loving yourself first, so that you can love others. It’s taking care of yourself, so that you can help take care of others. It’s doing those things that are good for you, so that you’ll be happy, healthy, and a joy to be with.

If you shower and change and put on your best cologne so you’ll smell good for your husband or wife, you’re doing things backward. It’s when you smell good for yourself that you are manifesting living love. You are clean for yourself, for the Spirit that resides within your bodily temple.

Living love is the service of the moment. To reach the Traveler Consciousness, you must manifest living love. You must consistently give in living service. You don’t give for the reward of giving. You give because it is love’s nature to give. You do the right thing just because it is the right thing to do.

Express lovingly toward everyone you encounter.

Become God’s faithful servant, experiencing the joy that comes with serving unconditionally. You will be able to do anything that is needed in the moment, knowing that service done in love is the highest expression on the physical level.

Forgive yourself.

Find the center within and let your wisdom come forward from that point. Learn to work from a selfless nature. Put aside this world, and do for the other person in a total love of doing.

Use each experience to awaken yourself.

All that really matters is that you know you’re living and breathing, that you are a student, and that you are becoming a better student all the time. I’m not necessarily talking about becoming a better student on the outer levels; I’m talking about you, that part of you behind your eyes. I’m talking about the you who is awakening to your greater self, to your divine self within.

Be where you are and be who you are—honestly, openly, purely.

If you can stop for a moment in your thinking and your questing and listen to the silence, you may start becoming aware of many levels of consciousness. You may become aware that you are on all levels of Light simultaneously. The trick is to learn to shift your awareness to where you wish to be.

It is important to take time for yourself each day—time to focus into your spiritual awareness, time to drop the physical concerns of the moment and once again become aware that you are spiritual, that you are divine,
that you are, through your Soul, an extension of the supreme God.

Move through all the experiences that come to you.

Reach out and embrace the Traveler in your inner awareness. Know that form as the essence of yourself, your Inner Master, which is closer to you than your breath, more real than any other level. Know that in the Traveler’s love, you are walking straight into the heart of God, and awaken to the pure form of God’s beingness.

Turn to your inner Light.

Don’t judge your inner or outer process. Let it be whatever it is. Use each experience to awaken yourself to the greatest degree possible. Use each experience as an opportunity to work with the Light and to exercise the Christ Consciousness within.

Use your spiritual exercise time to experience “now” as the pure and perfect moment that it is. If you are concerned about a mistake you made at work, forget it in the moment of your spiritual exercises. It is not now. If you are concerned about your relationship with your spouse or lover, let it go. Sacrifice your concern and use the energy that you would have put into worrying to lift higher in the Spirit.

Keep forgiveness and unconditional love flowing.

Be very selfish about getting to your next level of spiritual unfoldment. Love everybody, no matter what. Love yourself, no matter what. Present yourself daily to the Spirit. Make yourself available. Come into Spirit’s presence.

Arise to the consciousness of the Christ within you.

Nothing here is designed to hurt or harm you. It is all for you to use to lift yourself into Spirit. It all points you toward God. It is all for your benefit.

God may be using your family, friends, boss, or even total strangers to bring discipline to you, but it is really coming from Spirit. Spirit loves you enough to point up to you the mistakes you are making and to assist you in correcting them. When you can see the loving in every action and behind every action, you are on your way to seeing God in everyone. You can see the God in everyone and still recognize the mistakes of this level and the areas that need improvement. The two are not mutually exclusive; they coexist.

The Soul, the Spirit within, is perfect and is an extension of God into this level. The consciousness on this level is continuously progressing. If you can awaken to the dual nature of yourself and others, you are awakening to Spirit in greater reality.

Enter into the warmth and graciousness of God within you. Go inside to Spirit, to God, to your own loving nature. Don’t go inside and look at your emotions, or all you’ll see is upset. Don’t go inside and look at your mind; it will keep pushing you back out here, and you’ll never see anything else. Go past those levels and you’ll start moving into some of the most glorious territories that have yet to be investigated.

See the loving in every action and behind every action.

Over and over again, we come back to the same thing: spiritual exercises are the key to your freedom. It is through the inner process that you will gain the knowledge, wisdom, strength, and clarity to lift out of these worldly levels and move into Spirit. It is the most important skill you can develop here.

Do whatever it takes to assume responsibility for yourself.

Life is awareness, awareness is life. The degree of your awareness is the degree of your loving. The greater your awareness, the greater your loving. The more you open to Spirit, the more clearly you see and the more completely you love. When you become one with Spirit, there is no separation from anything or anyone. There is only loving of one thing—your divine self, the God that is you and that is also everyone and everything else.

The spiritual energy brings liberation, and liberation is the keynote of the Soul. Liberation is the inner attitude of freedom. It is not what you do; it is how you do it. You can say right now, “I am free from the shackles of my emotional habits. I am free from the addictions of my mind. I am living a life of preference.”

Gain the experience of Spirit for yourself. Don’t substitute anyone else’s experience for your own. Don’t let anyone else interpret Spirit for you. Look to your own experience and interpret your own experience. You do not need others to tell you what your experience is. No one else can ever truly know, and that includes your family and friends as well as psychics and fortune-tellers.

Give of the goodness that you are. Give of the truth that you are. Give of the Spirit that you are. The reward will be that you know those aspects of yourself more deeply and truly. The Spirit will become more alive and present for you in every moment, and you will walk hand in hand with the Beloved and know yourself and God as one.

See the God in everyone.

Enter into all situations and relationships in a state of love, freedom, and responsibility. You will find life flows more easily for you.

The Soul is the essence of Light and love and Sound, and those are the essences that stir you continually. Soul brings joy. As you express the essence of Soul, you demonstrate divine love.

Come into the process of understanding and maintain your calm by consciously, directly holding, not letting flights of fancy take you where they will. Come back to this moment, continually, and you’ll find that tensions disappear, distractions disappear, and you’ll start coming into the calmness of right now.

Keep order within yourself.

Those who realize God consciousness are those who enter into it, hold to it, and maintain it as the one thing they must always remember.

God lives inside of you as you, and your body is the temple in which resides the magnificence of God.

When you find yourself getting upset because of what someone else does or says to you and you feel like your toes have been stomped on, pull your emotions back in. Place your loyalty once again with your Soul, with your spiritual exercises, with the upliftment of your consciousness. Focus on the unconditional loving you know you can experience and express.

When you find truth in any situation, you are discovering God. When you do not seek to manipulate what presents itself to you, but accept and deal with what is, you are tapping into Spirit.

At times, we can all express loving in ways that aren’t necessarily appreciated. But if you can realize that loving is the essential message in all your communication, you’ll be further ahead.

The mind is not necessarily a tool for understanding. It’s a tool for gathering information. The spiritual heart is the tool for understanding. And the Soul is the tool for truth.

When I say it takes great courage to see the face of God, it’s because you have to see the face of God in all people. That does take a lot of courage because you have to continually move yourself past your personality, prejudices, and points of view, until you recognize your oneness with all other personalities.

Sometimes doing nothing is the greatest gift you can give to another. Sometimes just your presence is the greatest gift.

Don’t create separation by looking at physical bodies as being “there.” Look at them as being “here.” Look on them as being manifestations of truth, God, and Spirit, all carrying the same essence as yours. Then you can love them all.

You can keep the awareness of the Light and of God present in your heart, no matter what. When you do, you stand as a beacon of Light for everyone around you.

We all need reference points. We all want to see where we’re going. When you are loyal to yourself, you can develop inner reference points of peace, contentment, and a sense of worthiness.

All you have to do is turn inside to find that the Traveler never goes away. It’s always with you. It’s always present. It’s always there for you.

When the Soul is present, you experience love and joy in all that you do. You are like a little kid, singing and playing your way through all sorts of situations.

Love can appear in all sorts of forms. It can appear as discipline. It can appear as limitation. It can appear as freedom. It doesn’t have just one expression.

You are in God’s hands.

Put your loyalty to the Soul and to your awareness of Soul, right here and now.

Bring joy present in your life at every moment, regardless of what is going on around you.

Be loyal to your next breath. That type of loyalty will lead you to seeing the face of God.

Be loyal to your own well-being and happiness. If you go through an unhappy period, remain loyal to your own happiness, and you’ll find yourself returning to happiness. Be loyal to your own upliftment so that if you get a little down or depressed, you’ll just move through it and come right back around to being happy and uplifted. Be loyal to doing spiritual exercises. If you miss a day or two, your loyalty to doing them will reassert itself and you’ll move back into the process.

Make it a habit to be loyal to the activities that serve the highest part of you and to the attitudes that bring you joy and happiness.

Focus on love, the divine love. It can increase circulation, increase oxygen supply, increase vitality. You can feel great—dis-ease disappears.

Be loyal to the loving inside you for yourself and for others.

Nurture those parts of your expression which are positive. When you are living from a positive consciousness, you cannot be hurt. When you are loving, nothing can harm you.

Blaze a path inside you which leads to love and joy. Foster and nurture all the positive aspects of yourself. Dwell on that which is good.

Strengthen the good things about yourself. Let them become your habits, so that in quiet moments, it is the positive expressions that come naturally to you.

When you experience the loving within you and allow others in so they can experience your loving, you find your love growing.

Use all the tools you have to live your life in the most effective and joyful way available to you.

Truth is everywhere.

Loving is the most important quality you can nurture in yourself.

When you are loyal to yourself, you can develop inner reference points of peace, contentment, and a sense of worthiness.

You may have to disturb yourself in order to become aware of yourself and establish a reference point for your progress. Then you can know that you are forever moving upward in your spiritual progression into the heart of God.

You’re in the physical body, but you are not it. You are on the planet, but you are not the planet. It’s a truth and a paradox that everything you are to become, you are right now.

One of the things you do not have to do is seek love. You are love already. If you were not, you would not be here.

If God is on your side, who can be against you?

It matters little what someone else does or has done. What matters is what you’re doing right now.

If you stay focused in the now, you can have tremendous joy and great fun wherever you find yourself. It’s all your attitude, and your attitude is your choice.

There are at least two ways you can go through this life: you can go through crying or you can go through laughing. It’s your choice.

When you can keep a positive attitude, you can learn from any situation. You can continually be growing and lifting in consciousness and awareness, and life can really be a beautiful experience.

The Light of your own consciousness is the most magnificent gift you can ever give, it is the most valuable thing there is. Your individual expression of the Light is so precious in its perfection and beauty.

One of the greatest ways to break up crystallizations is laughter. Laughter expresses great joy and brings everyone to a common ground of oneness.

See your experience through the eyes of the Master.

Within every illusion, there is some truth.

Recognize the divine Soul within every person you meet.

You are in the process of discovering your Beloved, your Soul.

The world is your illusionary field. Your Soul is your reality.

Within everything physical and finite, there is infinite Spirit.

One way to get back on the spiritual path is to be honest.

One of the first signs that you are moving from your spiritual path is the expression of gossip.

When in doubt, you just don’t do; you hold until you see your direction more clearly.

The way has already been prepared for you. All you have to do is walk it.

Awaken your will. When you decide to do it is your choice. Spirit does not push.

All you have to do is move forward and claim your divine inheritance.

You are here to gain knowledge of all the levels of creation.

Why bow down and worship a little piece of green paper with a fancy design on it when you can have God and the Light and the love and the energy of Spirit to sustain you?

Remember that you are a creator and that which you create you must fulfill.

Lift and secure yourself first before you attempt to lift anyone else.

Ultimately, your only judge is you.

You cannot be shut off from God—you can only think you are.

God is everywhere, in all things and in all levels of consciousness. Things that appear to be negative are only learning devices, not punishments.

There is nothing to control. There is only a state of being.

When Spirit radiates down, you come to the point where you realize, “My God and I are one.”

The first law of Spirit is acceptance.

Self-awareness is a state of movement—awareness is activity.

God does not forsake you; you forsake yourself.

The loving nature is the key to all things. When you speak, do not speak out of a level of hurt or a level of lack. Speak out of a level of fulfillment, out of your loving nature.

The wind that blows from heaven is the Light of God, and that is what we call the Christ.

The Christ within you knows the Christ in others. To many people, the Christ has not appeared yet. To others, he has come and gone. But those who dwell in it know the Christ is eternally present.

As you come to understand that Christ is not the man, that man is of Christ, you start unfolding.

Christ-mass, or Christmas, is not the exchanging of a gift out there, but a receiving of the gift of the Christ into you.

Every Soul has the divine message within itself.

When you sing in your dreams, that is the language of the Soul.

Prayer is talking to God. Meditation is listening for the answer. Contemplation is looking at the path to God. Spiritual exercises are walking the path to God.

God meets you at the point of your action.

It is the heart that does the work. Listen to the heart. It will tell you truly where you live. When you turn to your heart, which the Light has filled to overflowing, you may know the joy of the Soul.

The kingdom of heaven is within, and therein resides the Beloved.

You are the Beloved.

What you can behold, you can become.

About the Author

A teacher and lecturer of international stature, with millions of books in print, John-Roger is a luminary in the lives of thousands of people. For over three decades, his wisdom, humor, common sense and love have helped people to discover the Spirit within themselves and find health, peace, and prosperity.

With two co-authored books on the New York Times Bestseller List to his credit, and more than three dozen spiritual and self-help books and audio albums,

John-Roger offers extraordinary insights on a wide range of topics. He is the founder of the nondenominational Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA) which focuses on Soul Transcendence; President of the Institute for Individual and World Peace; Chancellor of the University of Santa Monica; President of Peace Theological Seminary and College of Philosophy; and founder of Insight Transformational Seminars.

John-Roger has given over 5,000 seminars worldwide, many of which are televised nationally on his cable program, “That Which Is.” He has been a featured guest on “Larry King Live,” “Politically Incorrect,” “The Roseanne Show,” and appears regularly on radio and television.

An educator and minister by profession, John-Roger continues to transform the lives of many, by educating them in the wisdom of the spiritual heart.

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