Image of Walking with the Lord

Walking with the Lord

For anyone interested in spiritual exercises, or for anyone who wants a deeper relationship with God, this guide is indispensable. It is a handbook that provides instruction in meditation, in chanting the name of God, and in dealing with mental and emotional distractions that tend to get in the way. It also describes the quality of empathy that awakens through doing spiritual exercises, and explains the various realms of the Spirit that meditators may visit.

Published Date 1991-01-01 00:00:00
Publisher Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness
Language en_US
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Other Books by John-Roger Spiritual Warrior—The Art of Spiritual Success Inner Worlds of Meditation The Tao of Spirit Forgiveness: The Key to the Kingdom The Christ Within & The Disciples of Christ with the Cosmic Christ Calendar Dream Voyages God Is Your Partner Q&A from the Heart Passage Into Spirit Relationships—The Art of Making Life Work Loving—Each Day Wealth & Higher Consciousness The Power Within You The Spiritual Promise The Spiritual Family The Sound Current The Signs of the Times The Way Out Book Sex, Spirit & You Possessions, Projections & Entities The Path to Mastership Music is the Message The Master Chohans of the Color Rays Manual on Using the Light The Journey of a Soul Dynamics of the Lower Self Drugs The Consciousness of Soul Buddha Consciousness Blessings of Light Baraka Awakening Into Light For further information, please contact: Mandeville Press® P.O. Box 513935 Los Angeles, CA 90051-1935 (213) 737-4055 Bibliography If you enjoyed this book, you may want to explore and delve more deeply into the Traveler's teachings. Here is a selection of great audio tapes that relate to the subject of spiritual exercises. The Sound Current $10—Audio, #2021 You'll want to have this tape from the early days of MSIA, because John-Roger gives wonderful and essential informa-tion on one of the most important aspects of the Traveler's teachings, the Sound Current. Signs and Sounds on the Inner journey $10—Audio, #2128 The inner experiences can be so subtle. In this richly informative seminar, John-Roger gives us reference points, such as what physical sensations we can recognize when we start lifting in consciousness and how to know if we are really listening to the Sound Current. Inner Journey Through Spirit Realms $10—Audio, #7251 Discover the colors and sounds of the inner realms as John-Roger takes you, in this beautiful meditation, through the lower realms and into Soul. Simran—Chanting the Sacred Tones $10—Audio, #2538 In this short, riveting seminar, J-R gives valuable informa-tion on the work of the Mystical Traveler and attuning to Spirit through the chanting of the sacred tones. Spiritual Exercises: From Distraction to Divine Experience $30—Tape packet (2 audio tapes), #3810 If you want to strengthen your practice of doing s.e.'s or if even doing s.e.'s is a challenge for you, this innerphasing can really help. Relax and be nurtured as John-Roger guides you through your inner levels to your basic self, that part of you where a lasting change in habits can be made. If you work with affirmations, you'll love the ones that are included here on s.e.'s. This package also contains a question-and-answer session with John-Roger on s.e.'s. It's a tape that can be listened to over and over again. We think you'll be surprised at how you can always find something new on it. Initiation—Molding the Golden Chalice $10—Audio, #2601 If you are wondering what initiation is or are thinking of being initiated, you will want the information on this wonderful tape. Initiates can relisten to this tape often for inspiration and a loving reminder of the value of initiation into the Sound Current of God. Soul Journey Through Spiritual Exercises $30—Tape packet (3 audio tapes), #3718 A Meditation for Soul Travel, a HU Chant and Breathing Exercise, and a seminar on s.e.'s—all by John-Roger—make up this outstanding package. It's a great support for doing s.e.’s. Practical Keys to Doing S.E.'s $9—SAT Library, #7193 This tape is a great follow-up to this book. John-Roger reads questions about s.e.'s and then answers them, concise-ly and profoundly. It's a gold mine of valuable information on s.e.'s. You'll need to be a SAT subscriber to get this tape. SAT stands for Soul Awareness Tapes. These are audiotapes of J-R seminars, meditations, and sharings that are sent each month only to SAT subscribers. Once you subscribe, you can obtain previously issued tapes, many of which are on spiritual exercises, such as: S.E.'s-Cleaning Up the Inner Environment $9—SAT Library, #7223 J-R Explains Some Subtleties of S.E.'s $9—SAT Library, #7224 Words of Wisdom for Spiritual Exercises $9—SAT Library, #7225 An Inside Look at Inner Awareness $9—SAT Library, #7170 A one-year SAT subscription consisting of 12 tapes is $100. Teachings of the Traveler: A Reference Manual Free For more books and tapes by John-Roger on s.e.'s and Soul transcendence, as well as a wealth of information about how to cope in this constantly changing world and many other topics, you can consult your Reference Manual. It's organized by subject, which makes finding what you want very easy. About the Author WALKING WITH THE LORD-About the Author Since 1963, John-Roger has traveled all over the world, lecturing, teaching, and assisting people who want to create a life of greater health, happi-ness, peace, and prosperity and a greater awaken-ing to the Spirit within. His humor and practical wisdom have benefited thousands and lightened many a heart. In the course of this work, he has given over 5,000 seminars, many of which are televised na-tionally on "That Which Is." He has also written more than 35 books, including co-authoring two New York Times best-sellers. The common thread throughout all John-Roger's work is loving, opening to the highest good of all, and the awareness that God is abundantly present and available. If you've enjoyed this book, you may want to explore and delve more deeply into what John-Roger has shared about this subject and other re-lated topics. See the bibliography for a selection of study materials. For an even wider selection of study materials and more information on John-Roger's teachings through MSIA, please contact us at: MSIA® P.O. Box 513935 Los Angeles, CA 90051-1935 (213) 737-4055

Walking with the Lord
by John-Roger


Walking with the Lord

Copyright 1991 Peace Theological Seminary and College of Philosophy®
All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.

Published by
Mandeville Press
P.O. Box 3935
Los Angeles, CA 90051

Printed in the United States of America

I.S.B.N. 0-914829-30-0


Introduction 8

1. Why Spiritual Exercises? 16

2. What's the Value of Doing S.E.'s? 28

3. Preparation and Practice 42

4. When Should I Do S.E.'s? 56

5. How Long Do I Do S.E.'s? 62

6. Where Do I Focus? 72

7. Looking and Listening 84

8. What Do I Do About
My Mind and Emotions? 92

9. The Inner Journey 100

10. Soul Transcendence 112

Glossary 125

Chart of the Realms 131

Bibliography 135

About the Author 141

Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance.

Psalm 89:15 (KJV)


Walking with the Lord is for anyone who is interested in finding out more about one of the most essential parts of the teachings of the Mystical Traveler—spiritual exercises, often called s.e.'s.

A collection of excerpts from what John-Roger has so generously shared with us over the years, the book is designed to be read by any student of MSIA regardless of how long they have studied the teachings. It has specific information and techniques as well as encouragement and guidance. You may want to read it straight through, or you may want to dip into it from time to time as a source of inspiration, particularly before doing s.e.'s.

A common question that is asked by people new to MSIA is, "Where do I start, if I want to do s.e.'s?" J-R has often told us that "the only wrong way to do s.e.'s is not to do them," so there are no rules, rituals, or postures that are necessary to begin your practice. Mostly, s.e.'s are an action of the heart, in which the approach is one of devotion and a clear intention to know Spirit or God in a greater way.

Having said that, for those people who would like to have some form of methodology so they can begin their s.e.'s, we are offering the following step-by-step procedure as a suggestion for doing fifteen minutes of s.e.'s. Chapter 3, Preparation and Practice, gives more information.

1) Find a quiet place with low lighting and a comfortable chair to sit in. It's best not to listen to music while doing s.e.'s (although it's fine to listen to music while getting ready to start your s.e.'s).

2) Sit upright, if possible, and close your physical eyes.

3) Call yourself forward into the Light for the highest good, and ask the Mystical Traveler for protection and guidance during your s.e.'s.

4) Chant the HU or the Ani-Hu, which are sacred names of God. It's preferable to do this inwardly (silently).

5) While chanting, focus your attention in the area near the center of the head directly back from your forehead. It is in this place that the Soul resides and the Soul energy gathers.

6) After you have chanted for about five minutes, stop and listen within. You are listening for the Sound Current, which is very subtle. You may hear it the first time you do this, or it may take years of practice. It is a very individual matter. (See the Chart of the Realms on page 131 for a listing of the sounds of each realm.)

7) If you find your mind wandering and you lose the focus of listening, you can focus the mind by chanting again.

8) After about five minutes of listening, you can either continue to listen and look inside or return to chanting again. The times are approximate, of course. The idea is to spend time in s.e.'s doing both chanting and listening.

9) If you see the color purple coming from the right or center of your head, you can allow yourself to follow this inwardly, for this is a form the Mystical Traveler often takes. If the color (or any other form) is coming from the left side, we advise not following it because this is often a negative influence. (All this applies to seeing inwardly.)

10) After about five minutes, you can open your eyes. You may want to wiggle your fingers and toes to bring the energy back into your physical body. And so ends your fifteen minute session of s.e.'s.

Through daily practice, you can gradually build on this time period until you reach the recommended time of two hours a day. For longer periods of s.e.'s, you can expand the time for chanting and listening to fifteen minutes each. For example, in an hour session of s.e.'s, you can chant for fifteen minutes, listen for fifteen minutes, and then repeat the chanting-and-listening cycle one more time.

All the above are guidelines, and it's important to remember that the only wrong way to do s.e.'s is not to do them. So you can experiment with how you do s.e.'s, using what works for you at a particular time and not getting attached to a certain form. And, again, the focus is on doing your spiritual exercises with as much loving and devotion to God as you can.

If any of the words in this book are unfamiliar to you, you can look them up in the short glossary that's at the back of the book. Also at the back is a list of recommended tapes by John-Roger that relate to the topic of s.e.'s, so you can delve even deeper into this wonderful subject.

On a personal note, I'd like to end with a quote from John-Roger, who, to me, is always the ultimate pragmatist:

"Boy, how I wish you could do your spiritual exercises like you can get involved in your fantasies and thought forms! You'd be in the Soul realm immediately."

Enjoy your walks with the Lord.

Paul Kaye
September 1991

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:1 (KJV)

"These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.”

John 14:24 (NIV)

1 Why Spiritual Exercises?

I teach what God taught: spiritual exercises. This isn't mine. It's not new. It's as old as the ancient of days. It's as old as God. And it's God's method that's being done. All in this line of the Travelers have done it the same way.

In fact, there are millions—I'd venture to say billions and maybe trillions—of Souls that have transcended into Soul consciousness and gone even higher. There are only a little over five billion people on the planet right now, so what we're talking about is a very terrific, successful way to do it. And there are more successes than there are failures,

It's natural learning. There's nothing difficult about sitting down, closing your eyes, chanting God's name, and following it back inside of you and seeing where it takes you. There's nothing as simple and as simple-minded. But it's not simplistic because your own mind and emotions and ego can be very devious.


People have asked me, "Who makes up these tones that we chant?" That's a good question. Everything on this planet is made up. Everything. Your name is fictitious, but when we call you, you say, "What?" My dogs' names are fictitious, too, but when I call them, they come. I could have given the dogs any name as long as I energized it by calling it to them and rewarding them and letting them know it was them.

These names of God have harmonic frequencies set within them. If the name is not charged, not set into vibration, it doesn't matter what the name is; it isn't going to do it for you. You could sit and chant the words "one, one, one," and that'll produce an altered state, but it will not produce a spiritualized state, a Soul-transcended state.

So, these names were all made up in the beginning because how can you say God's name when God's name can't be said? But the vibration of the tone will induce harmonics to God's name.


Doing spiritual exercises is to go in and live with God.


This path, this track of Soul transcendence, is not for everyone at this time. It is for those who had it written on their foreheads before the foundation of the planet that this would be their time. They can default on the time, but they cannot be denied the opportunity, by me or by anyone else, because the part that set up the time is us in oneness. That's why this isn't a hierarchy of J-R running anything. The Spirit is running it all.


When you're dealing with spiritual things, you need a way to get to the Spirit. We teach you a scientific, repeatable approach—called spiritual exercises—of how to keep getting into the Spirit.


The spiritual exercises that we do are not done by man because man cannot do that. It is done by a higher form and designed by a higher form, and that higher form is the one that sees that it takes place.

We progress when we don't even do anything. Well, then, who's doing it? The higher form. We do not have the wherewithal here, without the connection to the Sound of God, to get off the planet. We don't have it within us as a unique individual. A lot of people would like to think they do, except what happens? They fall and they fall and they fall.


Everyone's walking this path. The reason we're walking the path is because we are separated from that which is the Beloved, the Precious One, that which is our true self. We're wrapped up in personality. We're wrapped up in bodies and in sex and in money and in all these outer things here that leave us fallow and hol-low because they don't fill anything. They contribute to the false sense of beingness.

Yes, you could be made happy. I give you a thousand dollars; you're so happy. Then you go and buy things, and you can't pay for them, and now you're miserable.

But joy and love from the heart—these are gifts that spring eternal. These are things that have to continue on, always. Don't look out there except as a reflector back to you. And if you must look out there, then look through the eyes of the Master. Look upon God's beauty in all things. It is there. It always has been there.


You've heard the old saying about the person who was a success because while everyone else was asleep, they were working away in the night. A little Soul travel goes a long way. This is the inner path.


As you chant the name of God on each realm (which is your initiation tone), you are calling to the God of that realm, who then turns around and reaches into its own name-vibration and pulls you up. People often feel the pulling inside their bodies as they are being pulled from the physical body into their Spirit body, or Soul.

The Traveler Consciousness travels with you in each realm of Spirit. The Traveler is the guide in that realm and is already there, so you must learn to love the Traveler in all the realms in order to get through the realms. As you do, you learn to love yourself, because the Traveler is with you and is you. You don't yet have all the keys of knowledge to know what that is. But you're getting them as you go up.


In the work we do in the Spirit with the spiritual exercises, we're shooting ourselves way off there at a target. Then, as we move into that place that we have already made ready by our preparation and our devotion, it appears.

We move into that in our own time line. Now, shortcut time says that by doing the spiritual exercises and entering into the presence of our own spirit and the presence of Christ and God and all those noble ideals, we do not have to deal in a time line; we deal in the immediacy of everything. And it becomes present right now. I don't know why on earth it does it, but it just does it—time after time after time after time.

It's been doing it for thousands of years, right down through this line of "Travelers," until it has become a science of the Soul, or practical spirituality. We can teach with the adeptness and assurance that just as you say, "Two plus two equals four," and you can lay out objects to show that, we can tell you the practice of spiritual exercises. And as you lay out those objects to do it-as you chant the names of God—it takes place. It just does it. But it doesn't do it in terms of our time here. Get that really clear.


Guess how you get to God. Spiritual exercises. Chanting your tone builds the bridge into the higher levels. It's a golden bridge, and you build it with every tone you chant. Then you walk across the bridge from the physical to the astral, then into the causal, the mental, the etheric, and right into the Soul and heart of God.

You build this golden bridge of consciousness. Only royalty can walk the bridge. No one else can walk it. That means you have to lift yourself up by the bootstraps and pull yourself out of the muck and mire of a downward-moving consciousness. You have to lift your consciousness and tap into the joy that is in your heart and Soul.

“The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life.”

John 6:63 (NIV)

2 What’s the Value of doing S.E.’s?

Q: J-R, if there were anything you could tell me to help me get to God, what would it be?

J-R: Spiritual exercises.


If we need twenty-five good thoughts or affirmations to cancel one negative, can grace or s.e.'s enter into this and help out? Yes. That's why we do s.e.'s. That's why I keep telling people: Do s.e.'s. Why? Because it works. That's why it's so terrific.


The very beautiful advantage of being in the physical form is that within this corporal form, there are the Soul, the mind, the emotions, the imagination, and the body—all intact in one place through space and time. And it has truly been noted by those who have undertaken the spiritual disciplines, the spiritual exercises, that when they focus the mind through a mantra, the emotions through love, the imagination through a vision of completeness, and the physical body through action, the channels are open for the Soul to manifest energy through to the physical level.


The Traveler's work is whatever the work is inside of you because you’re also the Traveler. So it doesn't take my physi-cal body to tell you that. It takes you doing spiritual exercises, tuning in and finding out, "My God, I am this, also." And you'll have the same information that I have. Then it depends upon your level of loving how you might use it.


We teach spiritual exercises as a means to bring forward a discipline in-side that brings you into line. You move past everything this world can offer you—your own personality, other people's personalities, possessions, wealth, glamour, the crazies, the depressions, the illusions, all of it. As you get past these levels, a remarkable thing begins to happen: a dynamic freedom starts appearing within you.

This can be wonderful, but don't fall into the trap of making freedom the goal. It is not the goal because there is no goal. If you do s.e.'s for twenty years so that you will be free, you may find yourself twenty years later still asking, "Why aren't I free?" If you do s.e.'s so that you will be disciplined, you may find yourself wondering why you have not achieved discipline. Those things are by- products of doing s.e.'s, but they are not the reason for chanting the sacred names of God. The reason for doing s.e.'s is to learn to be aware of the spiritual realms while you are conscious here.


Very often, the value of doing spiritual exercises is not found at the time you are doing them. It works much like when you run for exercise: you get the benefits after the running is over. In the same way, sometimes you get the benefits of s.e.'s long after they are over.


So, what are we working for? Why is it that we want to go into this? To fulfill the ideal that we already are. How do we know when we have reached the ideal? Because there will be perfect balance. We will have perfect rhythm, cooperation, coordination—and that is the Sound of God. That is the sound of all things. All humanity is walking to the heartbeat of God. Everything walks in this. We can't get out of it. Our problem is that we think we're out of it or we feel we're out of it. And those are the betrayals of our own personality/ego.


Through spiritual exercises, you create a channel, an opening, a tunnel, through which Spirit can convey its wisdom to you. As you practice your spiritual exercises, you shorten the time of awareness between the intuitive level (awareness) and the mental level (recognition). The shorter that time becomes, the more it will appear that your thoughts have be-come aligned with the spiritual wisdom. It seems as if spontaneous knowledge just appears. And in a way, it does, but it appears as a result of the practice and conscious effort to align the spiritual aware-ness with the mental/physical process.

With practice, you can condense the time needed to move from lower levels of consciousness to spiritual consciousness. When you are able to integrate all of these, you live fully on all levels simultaneously and spontaneously. As you move toward that, you are able to resolve physical-level dilemmas rapidly. You can work that level of knowing present with you.

Spiritual exercises are a tremendous key. They may not solve anything for you, but they give you the altitude to see more clearly. And as you see more clearly, the solutions often appear.


One of the values of spiritual exercises is that they give you a chance to attune yourself to the Spirit inside you and be-come aware, once again, of the loving that is extended to you through Christ. All you have to do is follow the loving back into the heart of God, your home in Spirit.


The value in spiritual exercises is that you make the Spirit familiar to you, so you can replace the familiarity of the world's distractions, activities, and excitements with the familiarity of the Spirit inside. You have proven time and time again that you will not move out of the familiar into the unknown; it’s too threatening. So we are working with those proven patterns of behavior and creating a new familiarity so you can move into that.

When you have established the familiarity with Spirit, it's an easy transition from this level to the next. At some point, you will just let this world go, and the physical reality will drop away from you. You'll realize your physical body is no longer present, and in the perfection of spiritual reality, it won't matter much to you whether you come back into this physical world or continue your path of evolvement on the other levels.


We often ask the Traveler, "Am I ready for my next initiation, and if not, what can I do to get it? What do I have to do?” And the answer has always been, "Do spiritual exercises." That's always been the answer. It's never changed.


First, always speak kind words. Always. Second, always teach by example. And if you've made an agreement to do spiritual exercises, and you do them, that's discipline. Part of that internal power may then transfer out into these other occupations. And that's the only thing that transfers from doing spiritual exercises. The ability of the discipline and the ability to focus your mind and hold it until you get the thing accomplished that you're after.


I often tell people, "Why don't you just sit there until you outlast whatever it is that's pushing you around inside when you do s.e.'s, because it not only pushes you around with s.e.'s, but it pushes you around with every other relationship, too."

So during the time you're sitting for meditating, for spiritual exercises, that's the time to cage that "little devil" that pulls you away and not let it have its say-so in you. Understand that it doesn't run you just in spiritual exercises; it runs you at various times all over the place.

Now, I may be one of the fools. I never said, "Oh God, cage the little devil." I said, "God, give me the strength to handle the little devil." So mine never got caged. They just run free. But I have the strength to let them run free and not let them run me.


The way that I am most effectively supported is by each person doing spiritual exercises and validating their own spiritual consciousness. Once you've done that, you will be guided by that internal spirit, called who you are, yourself, into the behavior that is needed for the situation you're in. And, therefore, you're helping all beings on the planet at precisely the same time.


The only reason to do spiritual exercises is so that you don't get ripped off by me or somebody else; you do them so you can find out for yourself what it is we're talking about. If I tell you about something that goes on in the inner worlds and you're not doing your s.e.'s—you're not going in there to find out if it's so—then you're just acting dumb or stupid, and I probably wouldn't be comfortable with you around. I'd probably say, "Go someplace else," because you're going to plague me with all the questions that you could answer for yourself if you just went inside and looked. So spiritual exercises is a method for you to find out for yourself the truth of anything that we tell you.


One of the things that most of us do s.e.'s for is a greater sense of emotional, mental, and physical balance out here in the world, so that we can look at our spouse or boss or children or neighbors and say, "Hello, how are you?" and have a sense of caring in that question.


If you want to hurry up getting your next tone, you do more spiritual exercises. Then the Spirit in you gets stronger and starts to influence these levels. As it influences these levels, it starts to clear them faster.


What is the value of spiritual exercises? The value is in the result. Spiritual exercises are not the goal. They are the means to achieve the goal. The goal is Soul-awareness and God-awareness.

Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.

John 6:68 (KJV)

3 Preparation and Practice

Take the time every day to chant the name of the Lord. Take the time to be with yourself, to sit quietly and let the concerns and distractions of the world fall away. If it doesn't feel natural to you, keep in mind that there isn't anyone born on this planet who has a natural taste to sit down and exercise discipline in this way. It's not natural. It's a taste you acquire by practice and doing it. As you do it, you become more and more familiar with it, and then it becomes natural.


You may ask to find where all reality exists. It exists in you. To find it, the key is to go back inside. Take the tone and practice it, practice it, practice it. Spiritual exercises become one of the most important keys to spiritual liberation in this lifetime, while you are still in the physical body.

How do we get into that place inside where all reality exists? By drawing our attention to the place where it exists. It exists in what we call the third-eye area, which is just above the eyes and back in to about the center of the head. (If you're a medical doctor, you would say it's about where the pituitary gland would sit.) That's what we refer to as the tenth door. The eighth and ninth doors are the two eyes, and the tenth door is above those, in-visible to this world. We sit in spiritual exercises, and we focus our attention there.


One of the best positions for doing s.e.'s is where you will not go to sleep and where you can be very free from any kind of physical irritation. Let's get down to brass tacks about what we mean by this. This means that you're not pressured with body waste material. In other words, handle all that before you're going to sit down and go into your own inner realms. If you have a tendency to get thirsty, put some water in a glass nearby. If you feel like, "Well, gee, my stomach's a little empty," put something in it just to take up the acid. And, of course, if you're too full, then there's the gluttony feeling.

We're talking about the idea of being selfish when you are going into your own inner levels of awareness, into your own inner consciousness. This means that you unplug the telephone so no one can reach you. And maybe you have to put up a sign on the door: Do not ring or knock until such-and-such time. This way, people can cooperate with you.

This may seem like a lot of wasted time to tell you this, but when you start getting in there, the loyal forces of the opposition will start to distract you, especially when you feel as if you're on the edge of breaking through to a new dimension. So it's good to have the physical environment taken care of.

When you have completed all this, then it's nice to sit in a room that is comfortable, neither too hot nor too cold if you can arrange this. Naturally, after you have become a master at this, all these things, which are really rituals, are not necessary because after you learn how to do it, you don't need the ritual. So it's great if you can do it without the ritual, but most people find out that they have to set it up so they can get their levels of consciousness moving more in a oneness with where they are to go.

Of course, the direction to go is in. And so it is nice to close the physical eyes to relieve the distraction of the outer physical world and then start moving backwards within yourself. Some people say they feel as if they start to tumble back over. Some people say they feel as if the room around them seems to get smaller as they seem to go away from it. And others say the room seems to get very big, and they go very deep within it. These are all indicators that the consciousness is moving within you. In other words, your own movement of spiritual awareness is now consciously taking place.

As you go further back in, the challenge then is to just observe without trying to control or get involved in what you're seeing. You're seeing the inner world within you.


You have had the experience of being in love and having a warm, special feeling for another human being. Use that quality of loving to enhance your spiritual practices. Meditate upon the Spirit of God as though you were going to see your sweetheart, your lover, in the next two or three minutes. You know what that feeling is. Use it as a springboard to connect you with your love for God. Place that feeling of love and devotion inside you; then meditate upon God. You can find God the same way you found your physical-level lover.


Sometimes people feel a sensation like electric shock pains when they are doing s.e.'s. The "shocks" are clearing energy blocks. This kind of feeling can also happen as the Soul is pulling Soul energy up from the body. This can have painful effects where the Soul has been attached through desire, non-use, or physical injuries.


Spiritual exercises deal with your total beingness, with everything you do or don't do. So there's nothing to be embarrassed about or ashamed about or feel unusual about or "Oh, my God" about. You just forget that nonsense, and you do the inward practice. The whole key is inward, inward, inward.


How do you know the difference between traveling the inner and outer realms? When you're in the outer realms, the Mystical Traveler will be with you. When you're in your own inner realms, you can be there by yourself.


We are ultimately our own and only counselor. In this world, we primarily see ourselves by reflection. So, we look out there for reflection, and we see people because they reflect light.

But inwardly, the eye sees itself by being singular, by focusing. Then it becomes that and knows that because it is that. It's not an absorption, but is an absolute oneness. And yet, individuality maintains itself because we have worked to have this right: to be co-creators with the supreme God, the God of all Gods, the Spirit God. Not the personality-God of wrathfulness and indignation; that's a good one to keep the people in line. Not the Jesus who cleaned the temples or the Jesus who had the short hair or the long hair. No. We're talking about the Jesus who had the son of God dwelling all through himself. The Beloved. That one who could be all things and still maintain its own identity. And there's your spiritual promise.


For what you do in silence, God will reward you openly. No one may see it, but openly inside of you, you will be rewarded with the strength and fullness of what you've done.

Take the time to go into your own quiet place. Nobody in the house even needs to know you're doing your spiritual exercises. You can have the television on with your eyes watching it and be Soul traveling. You can lie in bed quietly and chant the HU or your initiatory tone, and the one lying beside you need never know you are doing that.


If you go and sit in the corner and get comfortable and go inside and go on a an spiritual quest, you'll find results depending upon the method by which you choose to travel inwardly. If you sit in fantasy, you will have fantasy results. Do you get it? If you choose to sit there and hash over old things, you get hashed-over results.

So take the method and medium of greatest upliftment to you and anchor yourself onto that—the Name of God, if you will. Call out that name inside of you. And as you call out, you get stronger in-side, and you lift up until you grab God's hand. You say, "God."

He may say, "Yes, I'm right here, and I've always been here. It took you a long time to get here."

You say, "Well, the first thousand times I called you, you didn't answer, so I thought you weren't there, and so I went out and had two thousand lifetimes over there."

And God may say, "Look, boobie, I've got over five billion people here on this planet, plus God knows how many on other planets, and it's up to you to lift yourself to a certain level."


Many people have been doing spiritual exercises out of human ego, which is okay. I mean, as long as you're doing them, that's what counts.


So you're going to sit down to do spiritual exercises. You take a glass of water and you get all your itches and scratches taken care of, and you settle back. You want to get real relaxed so you can get real good s.e.'s. You really relax everything. You play a tape or something, because you want to get really relaxed. You close your eyes—and you fall asleep. Are you doing s.e.'s.? You're doing "s.z.'s." Your intention was not Soul transcendence. Your intention was relaxation.


The discipline of spiritual attunement through spiritual exercises is not a restriction; it's an affirmation of your ability to sit down and maintain a positive focus. In spiritual exercises, you learn what you are creating and how. You learn to observe everything you think or do. You learn to concentrate the energy of Spirit inside of you and become a true channel of harmonious energy and balance. Once you have learned the discipline of Spirit, freedom appears spontaneously. Joy appears spontaneously. And loving is entirely present.

Do you get the idea that spiritual exercises also have a lot of joy and fun and upliftment to them? Their premise is uplifting. The end result here is upliftment, joy, expansion. The end result is at-one-ment with God.

Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing.

1 Thessalonians 5:16, 17 (KJV)

4 When Should I Do S.E.’s?

I would experiment around with doing s.e.'s. I know that one of the best times to do s.e.'s is after you've had a real good night's sleep. You get up and you do some physical exercise. Then you sit down to do s.e.'s. Your body's going to be awake and not want to go to sleep.

I also know that between 2:00 and 4:00 in the morning, the magnetic field on the planet is quieter in every location. That is 2:00 a.m. wherever you are: Los Angeles, Europe, New York. The magnetic field is quieter then, and it's easier to break through the magnetic field of the planet by doing s.e.'s at that time.

I'm often awake in the house between 2:00 and 4:00 in the morning. I may be quietly sitting in a chair. I may be reading mail, watching television, doing something, but I'm already "out," in Soul transcendence.


If you wake up at night and have a lot of energy, 2:00 in the morning can be a real good time to do spiritual exercises and stay in a conscious awareness. You use up the adrenaline staying awake. Don't read or watch TV or listen to music. Go inside and listen to the music of God, and see what's going on in your inner worlds. It's a great time. Then you can use up that energy by staying aware with it, and it'll burn up inside of you. You can even lose weight by just burning the energy off at night.


When you hear yourself saying that you're too tired to do spiritual exercises, instead of going to bed, do spiritual exercises. Charge up the higher consciousness until it's so charged that it starts discharging the excess into your body in terms of available energy. That way, you'll have the energy you need to sustain you in the work you do in Spirit.

"For God gives the Spirit without limit.”

John 3:34 (NIV)

5 How Long Do I Do S.E.'s?

That we do two hours of s.e.'s is really a good criterion. But that we become the walking spiritual exercise becomes a better criterion. It's by far a better one.


If you would take just five minutes a week, an "honest" five minutes, and sit down and say, "This time is between me and the Beloved," just five minutes where you say, "Beloved, I give you five minutes to do whatever you want; it is yours," and if you would do this without conditions and with the attitude that if the Beloved does nothing, that's fine—then for that five minutes a week, you could start the evolution in your life. How about five minutes a day? Oh my, you're really going to start going. Five minutes a day, thirty five minutes a week. It won't take too long until you have what you already are: part of God-consciousness.


We use a tone, a spiritual tone that comes out of a higher realm of Light. We start saying the tone over and over, much like you say your name. And in saying that, because of the nature of the tone and the nature of the mystical consciousness, it starts ingraining itself inside of you. It's the exercise of moving conscious-ness, and you can do this anywhere in a minute or two or in a half hour—anytime you can get that much time.


Even five minutes of devotion to s.e.'s can be worth weeks of mechanical repetition. We're talking about putting yourself into the hands of God and walking with your hand in the hand of the Lord. Let that devotion of love flood through you into all that you deal with, and you’ll be fine.


Spirituality cannot be taught. It is something that you have to find yourself fortunate enough to grasp. If you present yourself in the line of energy enough times and long enough, you can catch it.

The essence is so extremely subtle. I think most of you have had the experience of seeing the sunlight come through a window, and then you can see the dust particles in the air—some people call them sunbeams. That's pretty rarified. If you didn't see the sunlight coming through the room, then you might not see the sunbeams even though you know they would be there. Then, if you were to place an open bag at the bottom of those sunbeams, how long do you think it would take before those dust particles would fill that bag? When you are dealing with spiritual energy, it is even more subtle than that.

To put it another way, it takes an awful lot of spiritual gasoline to fill up a tank, a tremendous amount. This process of spiritual exercises is much like going into a gas station to put gasoline in the car: while you are chanting your tone, in essence, you are filling up the gas tank, adding oil, checking the battery, washing the windows, seeing that there is air in the tires. All of these necessities are being taken care of. So there is a lot of activity going on during s.e.'s. The mind often goes here and goes there, the emotions are out there, and you may think, "I'm not getting anywhere." You are filling up the gas tank, cleaning the windows, checking the battery, and so on.

It's not very often that in the process of doing spiritual exercises you will consciously Soul travel. It's rare. But at night when you go to sleep, we kick over the motor, and away we travel. Then you may wake up in the morning and find you are almost out of gas. You think, "What happened?" What happened is that we were using your energy, your "gasoline," to get going and travel.

You may think, "I can hardly get out of bed." Fill up the gas tank.

"What do I do?" Start chanting again.

You say, “Was I clear full of gas before I went to bed last night?" No, you were about three-eights full, so we could only take you so far because we had to leave enough so you could get out of bed in the morning.

"How do I get full?" Chant twenty-four hours a day. Continually be chanting. Continually be filling up with gas. Isn't that the smartest thing to do?


Sometimes you don't have to sit for two hours and do s.e.'s. If you do fifteen minutes really well, that may be enough for one week. But you've got to be up there pretty high.


Some people are uncomfortable with the thought of doing two hours of s.e.'s. You can start with about ten minutes a day and gradually increase the time in a way that is comfortable for you until you get up to two hours. When that happens is up to you, and there is no judgment involved. The only thing of true value is that you make the effort to say your tone from the loving consciousness. Love is the key. Loving is the answer.


One HU in devotion is worth three hundred on a tape. One moment of chanting your tone with devotion is worth one hundred done mechanically.


Chant not as a repetitive gesture by rote, but as a new expression each time. Don't add up how many times you chanted the name of the Lord for sixty minutes. That's history; that's gone. Make each minute new, each second something that has just come into creation for you to awaken to God.

The one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

1 John 4:4 (NIV)

6 Where Do I Focus?

The centers of the body are really quite interesting when we are dealing with chanting the sacred tones. When we are chanting, we have to shut off all of our awareness into the physical level. Now, how do we have awareness into the physical level? Well, we have two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, a mouth, a rectum, and a reproductive organ; these are the nine levels of consciousness (the nine doorways) that pull us back to the physical level.

So as rapidly as we can, we want to pull our consciousness out of our eliminative system, our reproductive system, and the sense organs of the world. We bring our consciousness up to what we call the spiritual eye, the third eye, the tenth doorway, the tisra til. That's usually where the Soul will reside in the physical body: between the eyes, about two inches straight back. Sometimes it looks like a little round disk, and sometimes it can be as small as a fingernail or as large as a universe.

The Soul has such tremendous potential; it can fill every nook and little cranny and crack in every universe. We call God the Great Soul, that which can do all these things. The more we get into the Soul, then the more we say, "I do that, too," and it will be a very "true" statement.

So when you are working to overcome these lower levels, you will want to gather your attention up into the third eye, the tenth door. That is where the Inner Master resides, waiting for you to come to that point. And when you come to that point, then you'll become aware that the Mystical Traveler is there with you.


Some of the things that keep us in the physical level are the sexual urges and the fantasies of illusion and glamour; these things make us aware of these lower levels. Of course, when we start into the spiritual things and begin to focus our attention inwardly, the only reference point of validity we're going to have there will be what we call the "Inner Master." That will be a reference point for you.

Often, this is seen as a purple light (some see it as a deep shade of blue), or sometimes a cross or a star. Some people call it a bursting light, and to other people it will have the shape of a globe or globule.

When a person is gathering their attention and doing s.e.'s, they are taking all of the attention and energy from the nine lower openings of the body and placing it in the area of the third eye. Because of the divineness of who we are, when we gather all that energy, we can more readily petition Higher Consciousness (or Soul) to open so that we receive the Light of God and the Sound of God in a pure state, bypassing the glamour and the illusion that are by-products of the mind.

This isn't difficult to do. This is going on continually with everyone who has consciously said, "I will work within the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness. And yes, the Mystical Traveler can work with me if it's for my highest good."

When you've gathered your attention into the third eye, you will start contemplating what we call the Inner Master. Some people see the physical form of the Traveler rather readily. Others of you don't really want to see that, so Spirit mocks up for you what you want to see and what will work for you, because the form it takes doesn't really matter.

The form could be Jesus Christ. Or Spirit may mock up a close friend you feel comfortable with because maybe they’re the one who introduced you to MSIA and brought you to seminars. Perhaps they had even been talking to you for a year about all of this. If that person was an initiate of the Sound Current, as soon as you started talking to them, they extended to you the consciousness of the Inner Master (the Mystical Traveler), and it was established with you. But if you didn’t feel a security with the Traveler Consciousness at the time, your friend’s form could have been used inwardly for you, so you may have a sense of well-being.

Some people, after they have been contemplating the form of the Inner Master, will find that the whole world physically disappears. They’ll be absolutely, totally unconscious to anything going on here. This scares some people. (You may wonder how it could scare them if they’re not conscious of it. Well, it’s very amazing what we can still do from the unconscious responses that we have built into ourselves.) If they’re scared, they will focus back down here and say, “I don’t want to do that anymore; I’m not getting anywhere.” And they were right on the edge of eternity—knowing and having and doing.


One of the great laws is “out of God comes all life.” So what can hurt you? Nothing. Once you get this idea ingrained in you—that this life is God and is you—then you become imbued with it, and you become what we would say is the Light and the Sound or the Messiah (not the Messiah that is Jesus Christ). At that point when you step through this tenth door into the inner worlds, you join up knowingly with the Mystical Traveler, and you consciously travel through these greater realms of consciousness.


Part of the spiritual eye, or third eye, is involved in the psychic worlds. So when people say they want to open their spiritual eye so they can see into the psychic worlds, they are dealing with the lower two-thirds of the spiritual eye and haven’t gone into the spiritual part of the spiritual eye (the upper third of it.) Instead, they've gone into the psychic element of it. Now that's tricky. That's the thin dividing line between where you incarnate back and where you go on into the God realms.


When you fall asleep during spiritual exercises, you've dropped the attention in the upper part of the third eye, and it has dropped into a lower level. If you watch it while it's happening, you'll feel the energy level dropping right down in-side of you. When it hits your throat, you'll be asleep.

Correct breathing, getting enough air, having enough oxygen in your room, and focusing into the top part of the third eye or into the crown chakra (the top of the head), as well as sitting up straight or standing up, will assist you in staying awake and alert while you do your spiritual exercises. Once you've learned the technique of staying awake, there is no need to program an addiction to the technique. You no longer do the technique; it abolishes itself.


You may say to yourself, "I'm tired of this process of going off and daydreaming. I'm going to hold myself out of the daydreams and do my spiritual exercises, no matter what." And then you fall asleep. Then you write to me and ask, "How can I do my spiritual exercises and stay awake?"

I write back, "Stand up."

Then you say, "But J-R, I was after a magic word." That's the magic word—stand up. Stand up on every level within you. Don't just stand up physically. Stand up emotionally. Stand up mentally and spiritually.


Many of you who go to sleep while you're doing spiritual exercises are starting to program negatively by saying to yourself, "Oh, God, I'm going to go to sleep again. I don't get anything out of this." This is programming negative exercises. It's best to say, “I went to sleep that time. I'd like to be more aware, but if this is what is necessary for me at this time, I will do this. And I will continue living here and now, always and all ways in the level of living love."

It takes a lot of practice to pull the awareness from the sex organs, the taste organs, the smelling organs, the hearing organs, the touch organs. Do spiritual exercises to pull that energy so that you are masterful in yourself with your life energies. Jesus said, “I have overcome the world." He's masterful over all of the energies of the body.

O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the Lord.

Jeremiah 22:29 (KJV)

7 Looking and Listening

Q: How can I see the face of God every time I do s.e.'s?

J-R: Open your spiritual eyes.


Spiritual exercises move your Soul into the Spirit of God. When you do s.e.'s, don't do a ritual because that's not necessarily spiritual exercises. Be flexible to see which way the Sound Current is moving, and flow with it.

After you get in there, open your spiritual eyes. Say, "I'm opening my spiritual eyes." It's not like your physical eyes. Sometimes all you see is white because it's so bright after you open your spiritual eyes. It's as if you woke up from a physical sleep and someone is shining bright headlights in your eyes; you can't see anything because it's so bright. However, accommodation starts to take place in the Spirit, and you start to differentiate in the spiritual realms. A lot of times, spiritual exercises are just learning to see in the Spirit.

Then you open the spiritual ears to hear the Sound. You do this because you can see in the Spirit and be lost in there for eternities, but if you start to follow the Sound, then you're heading back towards God. Otherwise you can just traverse "worlds without end." I know people who have been in there for thousands of years, still wandering around, and they think they know what they are doing.


Spirit will open your spiritual eye for you when you are, indeed, ready to enter into it. Your job is to make yourself available to recognize it when it is open. And so, as the old saying goes, you sit at the feet of the Lord and look all day at his eyes in case he glances your way. And that's going to take a lot of patience.

There is a whole level of love, Light, Spirit, and God that's beyond the physical veil of the body, that is so dynamic. You say, "Why don't I know that?" Why don't you look at it?

"How do I look at it?" First, you remove the veil of suffering and anguish and guilt. Then you have to find yourself worthy to look. It has nothing to do with your color, stature, sex, emotions, mind, the food you eat, or anything else. It is only that ability to look, just look.

You say, "I'm looking! I'm looking!" You are not looking; you are intensifying your whole position. So we tell you to relax. Relax the consciousness. When that ego consciousness relaxes, you move past it into the part that is you, and then it makes very little difference what this level is. Truly, it makes very little difference.


In s.e.'s, you come to that level where you hear the Sound; you hear it in the right ear or in the center. Sometimes a good way to practice is to close the ears so that you cannot be distracted by outer sounds. Or you could get ear plugs.

How do you hear the Sound? The best way is to draw your attention to one place so that you focus into the intention; then let the intention listen to the sound. The intention will listen, and it will hear. Usually you will hear it above the third eye area. If you hear it in the left ear, the negative forces may have you going. And if you hear it in the right ear or in the center, then you're listening to the positive side of the sound. Sometimes you have to take your finger or ear plug out of your left ear so you stop hearing that side and listen to the Sound on the right side. Those are physical things that will help.

But the best way is to draw that attention up so that you listen to that Sound. Once you catch the Sound (if you can hear the bell sound, for example), you don't chase after it because your mind will scatter it and then you won't know what you're listening to. Or if you can catch the rumbling sound that's like a train going across a track or a trestle, this will let you know that you're doing okay.

As you get above that area and you start hearing, then you're above your fate-karma, and you see it for what it is from the very beginning of dispensations to the very end of them. At that moment, you find out that you're above it and it has no effect upon you even though you still may not have a leg. Or you still may not have an arm. Your attitude then is clear and at that point the Sound keeps pulling you up.


Seeing is above all. Not feeling, not hearing. Seeing, the inner vision. You almost have to will your spirit eyes to open—and they do. It doesn't come in physically like seeing with our eyes here, because this is physical vision; it doesn't come in the same way. You also have to know how to look for it and find it. It's sometimes inner pictures. Sometimes it may be strange archaic symbols, and it may take you a month to get them down and together.


Once you start traveling, you don't need to keep chanting. That's when you keep your awareness open. There are a lot of ways to do that: listening, watching, sensing.

The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever.

Isaiah 40:8 (NIV)

8 What Do I Do About My Mind and Emotions?

The reason we do spiritual exercises is that when we move into the Spirit, we get to see the dynamics of the emotions, the mind, and the unconscious, and when they start to act up, we say, "That's the emotions. That's the mind. That's the unconscious." Then we may deal with it and clear it. Or we may see that it doesn't last more than thirty seconds, so we just let it go and we're on to something else.

You see, you can't see the top of the swimming pool when you're swimming on the bottom. You've got to get up and get out of the pool to see it. And that's what spiritual exercises do—get you above that field of activity so you can see it.

While doing spiritual exercises, a lot of people struggle with the idea that they can't steady or focus the mind. Very few people can hold the mind steady, however. So while you are chanting, you may start thinking of other things. But you can think of other things and still be chanting. You can do that. It's a mechanical thing. Don't stop the chanting, and don't try to control the mind. Just let the mind do what it wants, and you continue chanting. The mind is slowly trapping itself.


Sometimes in spiritual exercises, you'll be involved in a lot of mind chatter. The mind races here and there and expresses all sorts of things. As you sit and observe that process, there is sometimes a clear directive that emerges. Maybe it's to go and talk with someone about a difficulty. Maybe it's to stay home rather than go out to a party when you know there's going to be a lot of temptation. Maybe it's to cancel the order you made for that new car you really can't afford. When you come out of spiritual exercises, it takes courage to move on those directives, because it's easy for the ego to reassert itself and give you all sorts of good reasons why it's okay to continue with the original plan of action.


The thing that's important in spiritual exercises is not to throw the mind away but to utilize it properly. Don't try to throw the emotions away, but also don't use the emotions as though they're intelligent and have accurate information.


When you're doing spiritual exercises, you may find it a very creative time mentally here. And I tell people, take a pencil and pad or a tape recorder with you when you're doing s.e.'s so you can write down or tape the information and then later do it.


When you are in the inner levels and have the attention focused, you can lose contact with the physical body and the world it's in. And for a while, your mind scatters in doing the spiritual exercises. To become disturbed about the mind's scattering just scatters it more. To be concerned about that, then, makes you feel guilty. Then you've got the guilt, and there's some new karma for you. With that, you're into daily karma. So if by chance you were to work out your fate-karma, and if by chance you were to work out your daily karma, there is always the reserve karma. So never worry that you'll be lonely and won't have karmic companionship.


The freedom that comes with the ability to sit for an hour and a half and to focus on the spiritual reality without even consciously being aware of the spiritual reality is so spiritualizing. There's a thing inside that goes, "God, I can do it." That will transfer out in the world to concentration, attention, focus, and other things, and you'll just start accomplishing. That discipline, that focus, that attention of sitting and focusing and doing s.e.'s—that all transfers to other levels here in this world, and you can accomplish a lot more in a period of time than you ever thought possible because you're really holding the focus.

Generally speaking, about six to ten seconds is as long as we can hold a thought before we start to dump it or it ruptures. But that's generally. For initiates who are doing s.e.'s, that doesn't apply anymore. The rules are erased away, and we're writing our own rules.

"God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth."'

John 4:24 (NIV)

9 The Inner Journey

I know that doing one chant with the devotion of "this is the one" is better than doing three hundred, hoping that I'll get one out of it.


How do you keep the commitment to the tone when the devotion isn't there? Go surf, and fall off the board. When the board hits you in the head and you feel as if you're drowning, you will then have devotion to s.e.'s because you'll be saying, "Oh God, help," like you can't believe.

Now, there's a shorter method: have someone hold your head under water. As bad as you want your next breath but you don't want that water in your mouth— that will be the attitude to have in order to have devotion.


Always check all the physical things first if you have some symptom of a disease. If that check shows nothing, then start looking to the next level to see what karmic release you are dealing with. But it's much easier, much simpler, for you to go check it out physically than to try to go in and focus on a physical disturbance inside of you, get the spiritual alignment, and release it—when you should be in there meditating on the upward flow of God.

Really, don't waste your time trying to align the body chakra centers, because they're going to keep going out of alignment unless the upper chakra centers and the spiritual bodies are aligned. You're just going to keep wasting time going in there and playing with the energy fields. And it is play. The only energy that will be worthwhile will be the energy that is God, that is the pure form. These other energies are to assist you, but they're not by any means the end result. No way.


There can be thousands of levels of consciousness on any given plane, in any subsection, and this is why it's a redundancy for you to ask me to verify a dream for you, to want to know all sorts of tiddly-winks about what this meant and what that meant. Nine times out of ten, it's just a mock-up for you to work things through to release karma, and it means nothing. Spirit could have mocked up forty thousand things. But it did what you were comfortable with, so your basic self could readily relate to it. And why not do it that way instead of trying to do it a hard way that isn't going to work?


You don't do the s.e.'s as a way to get out of doing work or to get away from the world or the people you don't like or who don't like you. You don't do them because someone has been saying bad things about you. All of those are avoiding the relationship of yourself and the rest of God's body. You do s.e.'s as a sacrifice and an offering to the Lord.


The practice of spiritual exercises really ferrets out the junk. And sometimes, when the junk is being ferreted out, we have to express it. So we don't get to express the Godliness and the Christlikeness that we'd like to. So it's important that we love ourselves anyway and be as honest in our expression as we can without dumping our stuff on somebody else.


One key thing really makes this work—and you can do this with the Traveler or Jesus Christ or Buddha or your little daughter or whoever—and that is to fill yourself up inside with them. You think of them with so much love that if they were there, you would kiss and love them straight to God. You fill up with so much, with their essence, that you enter into it.

I use Jesus Christ.


Doing spiritual exercises is not sitting and waiting for God to obviously come into your field of activity and behavior. It is to go to God's activity and field of behavior.

In other words, you make the effort to reach out. Then that loving, caring, and sharing of yourself with God in the spiritual form inside, and everywhere you see it physically, becomes a form of spiritual exercise.

When you call upon God's holy name to connect inwardly from your own Soul to that which is the supreme God, you connect those two forms of energy. And at that moment, we ride the divine current, the word made flesh, the sound, the orchestra, the divine melodies.


Never be anxious to take on the karma of the world or of anybody else in the world. Don't be anxious to do this. If it becomes your lot to do that, then spiritually you'll know. Then you do it.


When people hear negative things, what should they do with that? Forget it. Go do s.e.'s. Go be with the Lord. Why? Because when you're with the Lord, you'll forget it. I mean, he's going to handle it.


God meditates me. I don't know how to meditate God or on God, but God meditates me by me putting myself in that position every day at that time to sit there and give God a chance to meditate me or to transform me into whatever it is that's to be done.

And since we use spiritual exercises, it's the same thing. You're sitting there, ready, setting yourself up for God to exercise you spiritually, to get you to where you want to go.


In spiritual exercises, it's important to realize that you are involved in a process of continuing change and movement. If you don't "see" anything, you might be lucky, because then you can't hang on to anything.

Give up the idea of even looking for anything, and just let the experience be whatever it is. If you have some great experience during your spiritual exercises, then you have to deal with not having that later. The levels of addiction can become so very subtle.

The addiction to sensation is one of the most subtle. When you become accustomed to sensation, you often feel as if there's something wrong when there is simply a lack of sensation. But sensation is an aspect of the lower levels; the higher levels do not have sensation as we identify it here. So it's important to drop the belief that there must be sensation for something to be happening. There can be action and movement without sensation.


As you practice your spiritual exercises, you may begin to experience the higher levels. Those experiences are often sacred and special and are best not shared with others. Maintaining the sacredness of your inner life with Spirit is a good way to contain and hold the energy of Spirit. Talking about the sacred inner experiences can dissipate the energy; suddenly, what was so very special to you is being talked about, and the meaning and symbolism may become twisted through interpretation—and then you may start to doubt yourself. The gift that was given to you by Spirit is not available to you anymore because you've given it away.


Go into your closet and pray in the silence where the Father knows you and will reward you spiritually. Do not seek the rewards or recognition of the material world because, if you do, you don't get them inwardly.

This is why I tell people, "Don't talk to other people about your spiritual exercises," because you'll get the reward of the world here. People will idolize you, love you, worship you, and you will not get the reward internally, which is the only place it lasts.


Spiritual exercises are a way of bringing daily remembrance that you are divine Spirit. When you get caught up in the mundane world, you only remember the mundane world. You go to bed remembering how your boss yelled at you during the day or how your spouse lost the keys to the car or how you failed the exam or how the dog pulled the roast off the table just before the company arrived. You go to bed remembering all the junk of this world, but you don't remember who you are and where you truly live. So that night you may sleep in the junk of the world instead of in the divine mansion that is your spiritual home. All because you forget to remember you are Soul.


Have any of you ever smelled perfume from a flower? That's similar to how the Spirit moves. That flower was really nearby in order for you to smell it. And if you turned to that essence of perfume and started tracing it back, you came to the source it was coming from. But you must pursue it in order to get to the source.

If the perfume seems to float interminably through the air, you have more of a job; you have to be more alert, more aware, more watchful than before. And it could be that you smelled it for so long that you've lost track that it's present. But somebody new coming in will say, "That sure smells like roses," or "That sure smells like this or that," to refresh your mind once again of what you knew.

And that's what I'm here for: to once again refresh your mind of what you know. You already knew all this, and you didn't deal with it. It's also okay if you don't deal with it now. But my job is to tell you, and that's what I'm doing.

"The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."

John 3:8 (NIV)

10 Soul Transcendence

Spiritual exercises are of prime importance. They are your key to freedom. They're your key to getting off the wheel of incarnation. It takes a lot of energy, a lot of thrust, to break free of the negativity and conditioning of the lower realms. Chanting builds the spiritual energy so you have the resources to break into the Soul level and even higher.


What you're doing when you do s.e.'s is a very sacred, holy thing. When you get into that, you start to see people's faces and eyes change and lighten up. And whenever I start to talk about it, it comes present, as you people have experienced here.

So where do we have to go in s.e.'s? Nowhere. It's all present. You're not "traveling" to see the face of God. You're having "heaven on earth."


Some people say, “J-R, I've chanted and chanted, and I still don't know." My beloved, if you knew, you'd slit your throat to get away from this physical level, and you wouldn't finish up those things that are necessary here. You’re not going to be permitted to know the other levels in full awareness for a while because you have more to do here. I've pushed a lot of people back into their bodies when they've been reluctant to return after seeing the beauty of the higher levels and experiencing their own divine consciousness.


During spiritual exercises, you go in and out of the body thousands and thousands of time, and each time you're trying to take your awareness higher and higher and higher and higher, until you've actually expanded across the void. In the void, there's no memory; there's nothing there. Then when you come back down, whatever you got up in the other levels gets filtered as you come through the void. When you wake up here, you know something happened, but you don't know what it is. So you have to learn how to fill the void with your beingness by expanding the consciousness.


The teachings are inside. And as people work them and own them and validate them for themselves, they don't give a darn if I'm here or I'm not because they know what works. That's why these teachings have been written down in discourses and recorded on tapes, so that when I go physically, the community will hold the teachings intact, and they'll be a tremendous light to the world.

There always has to be a Traveler here physically, so there will be a Traveler here after I leave the physical body. He may be in Europe or South America or someplace else, but you'll still be in contact with him. And I will still work with those I've initiated even after I leave the physical body. That can't stop. The next Traveler will take over the initiates that I have under my energy field, and they will be in contact with me spiritually through him. And if he is not available physically, we will still be in contact spiritually, the same way it is now.


You people aren't going to get any rest, but then, who needs it? I mean, even when you've rested you're not getting any rest. You get up and say, "I rested, but I'm tired." The only rest I know is in the Soul when the Spirit comes to a steady place, and I call that the rest point of eternity. And it's also the rest of eternity.


If you want to leave this planet and if you want to truly see God, you must see God in the Spirit, not in the flesh, because it's not done in the flesh. Only by reflection do we see things in the flesh, and only by Spirit do we see things directly. And every time we see anything through the flesh, we are heirs to the errors of the flesh.

But if we can, during spiritual exercises, hold with the presence of the Divine, we would realize that it is the flesh that shakes, the mind that shakes, the emotions that shake, and the unconscious that shakes. The part that is pure and steady and knows—that is the part that I work with. That's you.


This is a path of great noise and great silence. A path of great serenity and great trouble. A path of total fulfillment and complete emptiness. How can it be these things? That is where God resides—in all of this.


Inside of you, increase your wattage to overcome the brightness of the realm you're on so you can lift to the next realm. That's spiritual exercises. That's partaking of the Spirit. You just keep taking it in until you absorb the fullness of God. And then you reside in that, as that, because that's what you are.


Wouldn't it be neat if tonight everyone in MSIA did spiritual exercises and maybe just prayed that everyone in the world could find out what God wanted from them and supplied it? You know, I think we probably could reverse the planet.


You sit down and say, "I'm going to do s.e.'s," and you close your eyes. And this thing starts to adore and love you and makes you move more and more into it and into a serenity that many people won't understand. It is not a mental thing. It's not the word happy. It is an energy field that is, by itself, absolutely whole and complete. It is called God. Being in that is the divine nature of what we call the Beloved. You first feel you're the Beloved, then you know you're the Beloved, then you just are the Beloved.


Soul transcendence has to do with your intention to do that. You want success: have the intention of that. Most people do spiritual exercises, sit down, chant, relax, and see what happens. Often, nothing. Why? That was your intention.

"No, it wasn't my intention. My intention was to do the spiritual exercises, the tone, and see what happened." That's what you got.

"Well, nothing happened." That's right. That's what you got.

"But I wanted something to happen." What? What? What?

"Well, I wanted to see God." Okay, then have that as your intention. When
you sit down, have that you want to see God, and then call God's name.


Q. Sometimes during the day, I feel a beautiful, close connection to the Traveler and to God. Are these experiences of connection a form of spiritual exercises?

J-R: They are the best times. After one does s.e.'s, the next step is a "living relationship" as you have described. At some point, we have to stop doing s.e.'s and start walking with the Lord.

The only thing I can tell you about spiritual exercises and this path of Soul transcendence is, he wins who endures to the end.



Ani-Hu. A variation of the HU chant. An invocation to the supreme God, with an added dimension calling forth the quality of empathy. Pronounced "ahn-eye hue." See also HU.

astral realm. The psychic, material realm above the physical. The realm of the imagination. Intertwines with the physical as a vibratory rate.

causal realm. The psychic, material realm above the astral realm and below the mental realm. Intertwines some-what with the physical realm as a vibratory rate.

cosmic mirror. The mirror at the top of the void, which is at the top of the etheric realm, just below the Soul realm. Everything that has not been cleared in the physical, astral, causal, and mental levels is projected onto the cosmic mirror.

HU. A "tone," or sound, that is an ancient name of the supreme God.

initiation. In MSIA, the process of being connected to the Sound Current of God.

initiatory tone. In MSIA, spiritually charged words given to an initiate in a Sound Current initiation. The name of the Lord of the realm into which the person is being initiated.

Inner Master. The inner expression of the Mystical Traveler, existing within a person's consciousness.

inner realms. The astral, causal, mental, etheric, and Soul realms that exist within a person's consciousness. See alsoouter realms.

karma. The law of cause and effect: as you sow, so shall you reap. The responsibility of each person for his or her actions. The law that directs and sometimes dominates a being's physical existence.

Light. The energy of Spirit that pervades all realms of existence.

Lord of realm. Each realm (physical, astral, causal, mental, etheric, and Soul) has a Lord that directs that realm. The Lord of a realm is subservient to the Lords of the realms above it. All of the Lords of the psychic, material realms are subservient to the Lord of all negative crea-tion. The Lord of the Soul realm has authority over all Lords of realms below the Soul realm, including the negative power.

mental realm. The psychic, material realm above the causal realm and below the etheric realm. Relates to the universal mind.

Mystical Traveler Consciousness. An energy from the highest source of Light and Sound whose work on this planet is Soul transcendence and awakening people to an awareness of the Soul. This consciousness is always anchored on the planet through a physical form.

negative realms. See psychic, material realms.

outer realms. The astral, causal, mental, etheric, and Soul realms above the Soul realm also exist outside a person's consciousness, but in a greater way. See also inner realms.

physical realm. The earth. The psychic, material realm in which a being lives with a physical body.

positive realms. The Soul realm and the twenty-seven levels above the Soul realm. See alsopsychic, material realms.

psychic, material realms. The five lower, negative realms; namely, the physical, astral, causal, mental, and etheric realms. See also positive realms.

Rukmini canal. An opening in the void at the top of the etheric realm through which a person moves in consciousness into the Soul realm.

Soul. The extension of God individualized within each human being. The basic element of human existence, forever connected to God. The indwelling Christ, the God within.

Soul realm. The realm above the etheric realm. The first of the positive realms and the true home of the Soul. The first level where the Soul is consciously aware of its true nature, its pure beingness, its oneness with God.

Soul transcendence. To transcend the lower levels (physical, astral, causal, mental, and etheric) and move into the Soul realm and above. The work of the Mystical Traveler on this planet.

Soul travel. Moving the consciousness into the Soul body and then traveling in the Soul body to realms of consciousness other than the physical realm. Sometimes known as out-of-body experiences. This can be done in one's own inner realms or in the outer realms, the higher spiritual realms. (This is different from astral travel, in which the consciousness leaves the body and travels in the astral realm. MSIA does not teach astral travel or astral projection.) See also inner realms and outer realms.

Sound Current. The audible energy that flows from God through all realms. The spiritual energy on which a person returns to the heart of God.

Spirit. The essence of creation. Infinite and eternal.

spiritual exercises (s.e.'s). Chanting the HU, the Ani-Hu, or one's initiatory tone. An active technique of bypassing the mind and emotions by using a spiritual tone to connect to the Sound Current. Assists a person in breaking through the illusions of the lower levels and eventually moving into an awareness of the Soul. See also initiatory tone.

spiritual eye. The area in the center of the head, back from the center of the forehead. Used to see inwardly. Also called the third eye or tisra til.

Chart of the Realms



God clear HU or H-U

Various woodwinds

realms violinlike sound Eternally

between angels singing or Traveling
God and humming Consciousness

the Soul wind/breeze
through trees

Soul clear haunting flutelike Liberation
pale gold sound
light gold
_________________________________________________Rukmini ____
cosmic mirror/universal mind Canal

Etheric violet/purple buzzing Consecration
(like bee or fly)

Mental sky blue running water/ Dedication
babbling brook

tinkling bells/
Causal salmon/orange chimes/bell-like Devotion

Astral rose/pink rolling surf/ Ambition
ocean waves

Physical green thunder/pop/ Attention &
heartbeat Endurance

Page 133 intentionally omitted sound current illustration.

[back cover]

Walking with the Lord

J O H N - R O G E R

"I teach what God taught: spiritual exercises. This isn't mine. It's not new. It's as old as the ancient of days. It's as old as God. And it's God's method that's being done."

—from the book

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