Image of  The Spiritual Promise

The Spiritual Promise

The Spiritual Promise is an inspirational poem reminding you of the beauty and wonder of your inner Self, and of the awakening you can experience as you journey Home. John-Roger's words provide guidance for our journey on this planet and promises that one day, we will see the face of God

Published Date 1973-01-01 00:00:00
Publisher Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness
Language en_US
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The Spiritual Promise

John-Roger, DSS

The Spiritual Promise


Copyright 1973, 2014 Peace Theological Seminary & College of Philosophy

All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.

Published by Mandeville Press
P.O. Box 513935
Los Angeles, CA 90051-1935

I.S.B.N. 978-1-936514-92-2


Dr. John-Roger Hinkins, as founder of the MOVEMENT OF SPIRITUAL INNER AWARENESS, has given many talks covering a multitude of subjects, and these have been recorded.

While listening to one particular recording, things beyond my ability to describe occurred within my consciousness. It seemed as though I was viewing an ever-opening lotus flower with an infinite number of petals, and Life itself opened to me with an unending variety of pictures or images – until I was transcending all that I had ever dreamed, into that which I had never dared to dream and still beyond, until I could understand no more but knew there was more when I was ready.

I played this recording for others, and they, too, spoke of their great inner response.

It occurred to me that I would like to have these wondrous words to carry with me, so I started to transcribe them. As I wrote, I realized it was truly inspirational poetry and to be shared. Immediately, I was “shown” the finished product in book form, that which you now hold in your hands.

I showed the poetry to and discussed the book with an artist friend and student of MSIA, Maureen Martin, who also caught the vision and so beautifully hand-lettered and artistically illustrated it through her own consciousness into this lovely flowing form.

For Maureen and myself, it has truly been a joy to be of service.

Reverend Rama Fox

The Spiritual Promise

To all people -everywhere – In every stage of Life.

Created by –-

through his Son, John-Roger, and manifested in great Love by those in the Miami M.S.I.A.

Look with the Eyes of Knowing,
Hear with the Ears of Knowing,
Understand with the Senses of Knowing.

Nothing else exists.

Cast your doubts away,
they're not spiritual.
Cast your fears away,
they're not spiritual.

But…. Remember,
doubt and fear can sometimes
lead you into the Spirit.

Every aim,
every goal
of every atom on this planet
or anywhere else,
is to usher you Back
into your own personal kingdom,
where you are the god
of your own universe,
where you are divine
in all your levels
of consciousness.

Don't worry
about today.

You certainly shouldn't worry
about yesterday.

And tomorrow will be
a carry-over from this moment.

Resolve it in this moment

Only traverse this world
in the physical body.
Do not load yourself down
with those things which
stop this Movement.
You can love,
you can honor and respect
and still be able to move freely
in these dimensions.

But, My Friend,
as soon as you move
into where you don’t belong,
then you feel the agony
of your own confinement.

Turn to the Spirit.
Turn to Your Own Beingness,
knowing that all is present
------ in this moment.

Since it's all present,
your answers can flood you

It's always darkest
just before dawn.
And when that sun (son) shines in YOU,
it's going to be so majestic ……
you're going to kick yourself,
and say,
"Why did I hang on to that?
I thought it was working for me."

It works for you
when it works for you.
When it's not working for you,
for God's sake and your own,
move to that which does
work for you.
always move to It.

with the ears of the angels
you can hear the angels speak.
If you listen
only to the voice of humans,
you're going to be stuck
in despair.
Their words will hurt you,
their emotions will offend you,
and their burdens
will be heaped upon you.

You're more than that body ......
don't ever forget that!

There's so much Love
so much Glory

If you don't take of it—
it's because you won't take of it.

When the Angels of Light
and the Masters of Incarnations
and the Teachers of All Beingness
appear --- they worship you
for your great potential.

They love you because
of what you will move into
and will sustain you in those things
you work through now.

You're Blessed,

Stir the Divine Spark.
Let it burst forth
as a blazing ember
and you'll warm the consciousness
of everyone you walk by.

Sure ------------
they're going to condemn you.
You'll be maligned
and misrepresented.
And almost surely
you'll be persecuted.

But, I can tell you
also just as surely,
you have found your Consciousness
Within Your Soul
when you can stir other people.

If they strike against you,
They strike against themselves;
for they might not know
the inner beingness
that you're bringing forward.

When they strike,
be like the Ocean –
when you throw a rock into it,
it disappears,
and you can never tell where that rock-
----- hit.

Because the great
Ocean of Love and Mercy
goes to the shore
of the material world, and yet,
goes back into the great depths

We, many times, feel as though
we are a ship of fools.
But we are really
the Prodigal Sons.

And, lo and behold,
the fatted calf is
already being prepared
and we can feast
in the Higher Light
because we will be welcomed ----

And I'll say to you,
Let's go together”
For the place has already
been prepared for you.
The fires are lit,
The smoking lamp is out.

Great Glory

Now, don't delay.
Because it's already yours.
and Heir to the Throne
of the Eternal Now.

That throne is so large
we can all sit on it at the same time,
if we wish it that way.

So, as you go up, as you rise higher and higher,
take everyone with you.
For great will be the feasting
and great is the party.

If you wish to have
Chinese Lanterns
they'll be there.
If you wish the
it'll be there.

Because You are
the Cause of All
and You are also
the Effect of All.
But, You must know it -------
Ye are Gods,
Ye are creators in the making.
So create wisely.
We are held responsible
for our creations.

There is a Temple of Light
that has been erected
over your head.

In this temple
there sits a golden bird
which is just waiting
to take you H-i-g-h-e-r

But YOU must release it
from that temple
and with the wings
of Paradise
and with Joys
you will slowly
circle up
Because you will

One day,
as the Spiritual Promise
has been given,
you will see the
and be able to Know it.

Now, don't be afraid.
The future only brings
wonderful things.
The years of confinement
are past.
The uncertainty,
the feelings of not being loved
are gone,
and you are Now
going to fulfill
Your Destiny.

We must listen to the
Sound of Love
---- the great inner feeling
that Movement of
Spiritual Inner Awareness
which unites us
on all levels of beingness.

Then we know that
We are PEACE
We are JOY
We are LOVE

But most of all, we know
We are
Joy reigns supreme
in that awareness.

Be a high stepper.
Take everything that comes
because we must be lifted
from this material world
and sometimes the cross we bear
is the cross we placed there.

We must be resurrected
from our own lack
of Spiritual understanding,
so that we will stand

And when we enter
into the majesty of the Soul Realm,
you'll know where you are -----
because the Sound of God
is so fantastic.

You'll know every level below you
and then you will only lift.

Every thought, every word,
will be Light in action.

Every movement will be lifting
and the inner realms
will be glorified
by your presence.

They're waiting.
Your Home is prepared.
The Keys are being given to you
The Path has been lit.
All measures have been taken
for Perfect Love
and protection.

And now, My Beloveds,
let us follow that which is
Inner Master
and we find ourselves Home,

We can be Home there,
while we have our feet here.
While we visit this material world,
we'll draw the energies down
from that higher realm
and glorify God by our mere presence.

Resolve yourself
to Light and Love
and worship the God
that remains nameless.

So much peace and calmness,
so many healings of emotions
have taken place.

So much determination
has been issued forth here
that I can guarantee and assure you
Your Light is being seen
across the planet
by those people who have the wit to see.

Your Sound Currents of Love
are being heard
by those who have the Ears to Hear.

And your Presence,
through the Holy Spirit,
is being felt
by those who have the ability to feel.

So Rejoice!
All is at hand.
All is for the taking.

Spirit only presents to us ---
and, as the inheritors,
we must reach out and take.

But we never inflict ourselves,
we never harm another;
for we are all one,
all moving,
all joy,
through the Eternal Light.

Listen very quietly
and you can hear
that higher frequency
we have tuned into
and you can hear your own heart
beating to the

Just relax and know
All is Perfect.


- - - The Blessings already are.




---- and, It has just begun.

Information about concepts brought forth in THE SPIRITUAL PROMISE, may be obtained by inquiry to:

The Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness or simply (M.S.I.A)
Post Office Box 513935
Los Angeles, CA 90051
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