Image of Wisdoms of the Spiritual Heart

Wisdoms of the Spiritual Heart

This little book of inspiring messages gently reminds us that every Soul has the divine message within itself. From the first inspirational thought “Always use love always”, this uplifting collection of quotations from John-Roger offers messages to open up your Spiritual Heart and dig deeply into the spring of love and partake of it.

Published Date 1974-01-01 00:00:00
Publisher Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness
Language en_US
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Wisdoms of the Spiritual Heart
by John-Roger

© 1974 Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness, Inc., P.O. Box 513935, Los Angeles, CA 90051

Adam Chancellor
Bill Glazier
Melinda Grey
Joel Harris
Candace Hughes
Mary LeSassier

The Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness teaches the awakening in love. As you begin your inner journey you will be filled with joy and the glorious feeling of love...

Always use love all ways

There is only one mind and that is the mind of God.

There is only one love and that is the love of God.

There is only one consciousness and that is the consciousness of God.

When you speak of God, you attune yourself to God.

When you bring yourself into a loving consciousness with all things and with the one consciousness that is everywhere, peace and harmony will enfold your heart and you'll recognize within every level of your beingness that there is only love.

Dig deeply into this bring of love and partake of that the supply is infinite.

Anyone who is residing in the power of love is never, ever destroyed, never separated, always free, always up, always growing.

Love is living in the spiritual heart.

When you come to the spiritual heart, you find yourself in the center of all the beingness. At that point, you reside at the apex of time and all things are delivered unto you.

When you become one with the life, the very leaves on the trees are the Scripture of nature.

The very face you look at is the Scripture of your own beingness.

The aura are around you is the Scripture of your mind and emotions, and very often, of your own spirituality.

The very soul is seeing the face of God in the physical world.

God sees only perfection.

God may be many different sizes, shapes and forms. But it is all God. It is all divine love made manifest.

God loves all of its creation.

You must remember to look only for that divine in people and things. And leave all the rest to God.

The soul that has had all experience is God.

Through the exercise of freedom we learn to be responsible for what we create. And thus are educated by our own experience.

It is your choice to determine the level of your experience.

You will never be given anything you can't handle.

Depressions can be fun because they make you look.

If it's a block, then it can be a stepping stone. All the force that is pulling against you can be changed to lift you.

The only way to grow is to grow -- willingly, knowingly, and determinedly.

If you don't learn something every day, what are you doing, anyway?

You must be the teacher of the level below you, a competent worker on the level you're on, and a student on the level above you, and then you can move ahead into spiritual consciousness.

Can you truthfully say, "I am the Light, the Truth, the Way"? If you do not say that, you do not say a truth at all.

Put the Light around the world. Asked to live each moment in the consciousness of the Light, and to be the Light.

When we do the Father's work we do everything perfectly.

We have only one obligation on this level and that is to be spiritual. And in that spiritual consciousness, we have only one obligation and that is to reach into that which is God. And when we have reached into God, we have only one obligation and that is to reach to all of gods creation and bring it back into itself.

If you see someone without a smile, give them yours.

If you look deeply into people you will see something very majestic.

When we get high enough in consciousness we are together.

We are all the Sons of God.

Divine love is given to everyone just as the sun shines on everyone.

You are the Light. Move to the Father. See through the eyes of the Master, and you will see what is there for you.

The presence of divine love within the Master will stir presence of divine love within you.

You will start finding your own divine love when you start loving others. But that doesn't count until you can love yourself.

The most precious gift is the gift of self. The most precious return is the self returning.

Loving can cure all.

If you try to manufacture love, you may manufacture frustration.

is action
is manifestation
is movement
is the consciousness of giving.

When you give to somebody, somebody gives to you.

When enough people give, the Light shines in the heart.

When you sing out of the center of your beingness you sing a celestial song.

The wind that blows from heaven is the Light of God and that is what we call the Christ.

The Christ within you knows the Christ in others.

To many people, the Christ has not appeared yet.
To others He has come and gone.
But those of us who dwell in it know the Christ is eternally present.

As you come to understand that Christ is not of the man but that man is of Christ you start unfolding.

How can man become tender in his heart and loving unless he who knows God in His lovingness and Christ in manifestation give of this and awake the heart?

Prayer is our talking to God.
Meditation is our listening for the answer.
Contemplation is looking at the path to God.
Spiritual exercises is walking the path to God.

It is the heart that does the work.
Listen to the heart.
It will tell you truly where you live.
When you turn to the heart, which the Light has filled to overflowing, you know the joy of the soul.


Every soul has the divine message within itself.

When you sing in your dreams, that is the language of the soul.

The kingdom of heaven is within, and therein resides the Beloved.

You are the Beloved.

Living love from the center of your being emanates the Light of the soul.
The soul is non-inflictive fine nature and joyful.
The soul is a divine river from the infinite ocean of love and mercy.
From the center of God flows all life.

To express the power of love, you must first be silent in order to find out what love is.

When you love you you live.
When you live God pours forth his energies through you into the world.

Man is a walking prayer and wherever he walks is holy ground.

The holy land is wherever divine love is being made manifest.
And wherever you demonstrate the consciousness of love, that land becomes sacred and holy.

Home is where the Spirit of Christ reigns eternally and that is within the heart.

The Light of the heart
the Light of the Soul
the Light of the Christ
the Light of God.
These things are in all.

The invisible things are the spiritual things and they well and you're forever.

Not one soul is going to be lost.

The soul is so protected that only those who are indeed partaking of the celestial melodies can sing the song of the soul.

When you sing out of the center of your beingness, you sing a celestial song.

You dwell always in the heart of God.


God resides in the kingdom of heaven and heaven is right here and now.

The One we are waiting for and the One we have been looking for is already here, and has been here for a long time.
You are the spiritual being you've been searching to find.

There will come a time in the soul of everyone on this planet one day well received the divine Light and to know it.

There is one thing you cannot hide from me and that is the beauty of your Soul.

Baruch Bashan

My Beloved, it is just a while longer that you are here.
Can you not endure all things to find the Kingdom of Heaven?
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