Image of Blessings of Light

Blessings of Light

Published Date 1981-01-01 00:00:00
Publisher Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness
Language en_US
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Blessings of Light
by John-Roger

Copyright 1981 MSIA

Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness,™ Inc.
P.O. Box 513935
Los Angeles, California 90051

All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.

Printed in the United States of America

This Book Belongs To __________________



Discernment 5
Expression and Creativity 11
Female Polarity 17
Fulfillment 25
Love, Light, Sound 37
Ministry 53
Spiritual Form 59
Spiritual Healing 65
Strength 71
Teaching 81
Understanding 87


It was/is a great Blessing to me to read of the Blessings that the Traveler so freely gives in bestowing its absolute Divine Nature into the Hearts of mankind to stir anew the Divine in Man.

The Blessings brought into the physical level of my consciousness demonstrate once again that the work we are, and that which we do is a sacrament to God, sacred and consecrated, and helps in preparing the at-one-ment for All of Mankind--my cup runneth over.



Spirit brings forward blessings to each of us every day of our lives. Each breath we take is the blessing of life itself. Most of us are relatively unaware of the many blessings bestowed upon us, and rarely are we able to hear and record them when we receive them.

Each of the blessings recorded in this book is brought from Spirit, through John-Roger, to a votary at the time of his or her ordination as a minister of light in the movement of spiritual inner awareness. Other ministers present at the ordination participate in and partake of the blessing. Ministers in MSIA are ordained to minister to all, regardless of race, creed, color, situation, circumstance or environment. A minister being ordained is loved, supported and blessed by all of the ministers present, who stand by the one being ordained not only during the ordination, but also throughout his active ministry.

Spirit brings forward the blessing that is right and perfect for each person at that particular time. The individual ministers who receive these blessings understand their own in a way that we may not, and yet we can each share in them from our own level of experience and knowledge, from our experience of being blessed.

This book is a record of the blessings that have been brought forward to these ministers over a period of many years and is a representation of the possibilities that Spirit can and does bring to each of us. As you read these pages, you may find that experience of being blessed stirring within you.


The minister of love and light and sound must walk in the consciousness of purity, for we become the ambassadors of light in the physical world. And those who are ministers and partners in your ministry are all equated with you in consciousness, so what you do as your ministry reflects upon the totality of all ministers of God.

Therefore, we place in your consciousness discernment, so that you may have the ability to select the areas of your expression for the upliftment of everyone around you. We also place a blessing of strength in your consciousness, the strength of holding the highest consciousness for all, and caution you to not place your ego in, but to lift always into that which is for the highest good of all who are around you, whether it be official ministry or the silent ministry. The official ministry would be that which is done outwardly, verbally, evoking the consciousness of God; the silent ministry is being the consciousness of God.

Spirit stands forward at this time with a blessing. It places honor upon you because this was foreordained before the time of your physical manifestation. This is then a calling from out of the inner realms of light. The manifesting of this calling is your own miracle made manifest. For this is the divine destiny within you--that the Spirit as you speak, as you walk, as you be that, will be noticed and known by those who are part of this consciousness of becoming. Many of them (and we place this caution here) will strive to move you from that which is your divine heritage.

Spirit also places within you at this time strength, courage, but, most important, the discerning of spiritual things. For when you have stepped from that which is spiritual, you have reaped it within your body as illness, as a sense of disease. As you again place your footsteps on the path and walk with the Beloved, the divine essence will bring forward the healing into that which is the physical and the emotional and the mental--for the spiritual is not ill.

We place upon you a blessing of spirit at this time to let you know that the Mystical Traveler will work with you in the discerning of that which is spiritual action and that which is magnetic light. It will be important that you place your strength within your consciousness of light and love and sound, and then the power and the authority of God can flow through you.

As we walk through the portals of the halls of learning, we find that the rays of love become mirrored and many; but we find that the path to this consciousness of love is the rainbow bridge of unfoldment. So, therefore, we speak to you in terms of fulfilling the balance of your color energies, for these are the tones of God as we see them reflected.

As you sing the divine melody, and as you walk in the divine path, the form that is the Beloved walks with you and performs the ministry through your consciousness into the world.

We place the blessing of discernment of Spirit with you, for this has been a question in your questing – to find that that is, and to have knowledge of this. It will activate itself in the time pattern of its need, and at the unappointed times it holds itself in readiness.

The needs of the world will be met as you fulfill this destiny of spiritual unfoldment.

As you are walking through the school of life, and as you enter into that which is the counseling of beingness, we state to you that the blessing of spiritual differentiation will become apparent to you, and that you must always lift to the Spirit of each one you meet. For this is the blessing of Spirit, to recognize itself as it lifts all men.

As you lift your own light and love and sound, you will find that the path of necessity will alleviate itself, so that you may more clearly walk the path of the Beloved.

We place now in the heart that which we call joy, for this is man’s eternal promise.

Expression and Creativity

At this time Spirit will place its blessings. The consciousness present has come forward through a long series of experiences and has chosen, this time, the vehicle of physical handicap so that all may understand that it is not the body, emotions, or mind that is present, but that which is of divine origin, the soul. Therefore, it is very important that this consciousness move to that which is the soul, and thereby become the Loved One manifest.

It is important for ministers present to understand that a handicap is only that which has been placed forward in time, and that when it does succeed in overcoming the handicap, it has become karmically clear and gains merits of light. Also, there are handicaps placed at all levels of consciousness. And even though we speak clearly in consciousness, yet do we betray ourselves when we speak to the world, for there are many illusions present. This consciousness which is present will shatter many illusions and will demonstrate to those who would feel "weak" and "inferior" the "doing consciousness" and thereby walks with the Beloved in the open consciousness of oneness.

Spirit at this time will bring forward a blessing to be placed deep in the consciousness. We place the blessing of creativity, to be brought forward up through the centers of all your chakras, and touching into that which is the crown center and the third eye, to open it into the greater vision of love and beauty and harmony that has become your heritage in this lifetime.

We state to you that as you stay tuned to that which is the Inner Master or the Mystical Traveler, those things that you have done now will only be small stepping stones on the stairway to eternal perfection. Your ministry will encompass many areas, including that of music and healing and painting. This is not a restriction on other areas.

That which has formulated inside of your mind and emotions to be of service has often been blocked because of feelings of inability. That inability is now being blessed with removal so that you have the authority of God to do the work in this world. Be prepared for criticism, for those who step upon the path of light into God's heart are often belittled and looked upon as being disloyal to what is formulated in man's mind for Spirit. And that which is the God form or the Avatar form does not look upon what is loyalty, or man's concept of loyalty. It is always involved with doing the good of God and, therefore, uplifting mankind.

This then becomes your ministry, that of upliftment. It will take many forms and many forms will come in and out of consciousness, and all you do is release and go to the next one. Upon this we also place in the body now an action of healing, that it may also magnify the health of body, mind and emotions.

You have now evolved to a clear state of inner consciousness wherein many will relate in clarity to you. It is a position you have evolved to that is now yours by recognition. It is also yours to express, for you have also moved into that part of Spirit wherein the energy of God is manifesting continually with your beingness. Therefore, we now place enthusiasm in the consciousness to maintain this flow of energy so that you may always be giving forth that which is the vibrancy of your own vitality, for in this you will be met by the spiritual flow and that which produces itself from this union is divine marriage.

Therefore, you may, from this time, just walk joyfully for you walk in the hand of the Beloved, and it is this that is bringing forth this present ordination. Therefore, stand clear in your beingness, for upon you have been placed responsibilities.

You have gone through the cleansing of body. You will go through cleansing of emotion and mind. While this is going on, Spirit places a caution that you walk within light and love and truth. As this is done, your inner consciousness will open to behold that that we call the Beloved One.

As you walk within the path of the light of the Beloved, then you also will know that you are part of this divine essence that we refer to as God. As this is done, that which comes from you in a smile, in a word, in an action, comes forward as a blessing to all those who are there to perceive this.

Female Polarity

Spirit places its blessing. Light from God is total reality--therefore, let this be the ministry. And Live In God's Holy Thoughts, for this also is the ministry. As you reach into the physical world, you may often find that the female polarity as a minister of God may receive rejection from even those who are also in the female form. It is only their own lack of light awareness that parades itself. Do not attempt to convince, but demonstrate by understanding that this ordination was regardless of race, creed, color, situation, circumstance or environment--and, we should add, or what they say or do to you. For as you demonstrate the strength of your beingness, your light will shine.

Do not attempt to make the light shine. Demonstrate the strength of your own beingness. Otherwise they will think that what you are doing is phony and dismiss it as a misrepresentation. Therefore, stay true to that which is the ideal of God in you, and leave others the same ideal to fulfill. Assist them with the love and joy and happiness. And we now give you a blessing that brings peace--peace that surpasseth all understanding. For this is the one that is the Beloved, that brings the peace of God.

When you entered into the incarnation in the female pattern, it has been one of subservience. That must change. For your light is second to none, and it only must be awakened to that which we are acting upon at this time. Therefore, do not stand in the shadow of male imagery, but stand forward into your own light. For God, like the sun in the sky, places the action of Spirit in all equally. It is our responsibility to take of that light, for only that way does Spirit give to us.

Therefore, stand strong in that which is spiritual love and conviction, and upon this the form of ministry will express itself. Be true, then, to that form by which you extend your love.

The path of female polarity as engendered upon the plane of consciousness in the physical world has often been misrepresented as being only a receptive pattern, for in reality it represents the divine complement, or that that is the giving of life. Therefore, your ministry should always be that of giving, of sustaining, and of supporting life wherever it is to be found. Have no concern if your awareness does not perceive life, for it is the Beloved through you that will perform your ministry. For this is the Beloved of the soul. This is God's anointed and ordained. And through this the keys of this dispensation are given to all. But even in the giving to all, it must first be manifested through the physical form and placed as a ministry.

Therefore, gain the strength of your beingness through doing. Do not live the fear of the mind or the emotion, but only complete each process as it comes to you. Have no fear of tests, have no fear of exams. For these are only processes that reveal to you that which the mind has not yet recognized and awakened to. Only review what is pertinent to your individuality, and let all others review unto themselves their own awareness patterns. Do not enter into that which we call comparative processes, but stay clear and free in your living love. For this, then, is the path of spirituality. We now place a gift of strength in the heart, for it has yearned and cried out for manifestation of the Beloved, and this is now presented to you.

What we refer to as the minister is, in the greater reality, the facilitator--one who works to facilitate the action of Spirit into the physical world. When that one is in the female polarity and extends herself into a ministry, she is scrutinized tremendously by the physical world; and so therefore she must always make sure that her ministry includes herself and her family. For when this is completed, there is solidarity in the total action, and the support of the family is unified.

This is of great importance in bringing forward the greater ministry into the world. Stand firm in your convictions of your ability. Do not let that that appears to be loving appear wishy-washy, but hold firm, knowing that the spiritual form of the Beloved walks with you. And as you walk upon the path of truth and loving, that that is the ministry of God will flow through you.

That which is the female polarity must often struggle to gain its place in the material world against that which is male polarity. We say to you, ministers of God are neither male nor female polarity, but they function as the representative of the Beloved. Therefore, treat all as your own individuality expressed coming toward you. This then is walking in the path of the Beloved. As you find yourself doing this, the living love of your own beingness will perform the ministry, and you will just walk your body into those areas where this energy, this Spirit, may manifest the glory of God.

Be strong in your determination to always uplift yourself at every opportunity. Do not entertain doubt, nor sit in mental contemplation of that which cannot be perceived mentally. But move intuitively into the next level of fruition, and always bring forward, then, the completions as you see them. Stand firm, for a minister of God is always tested and tempted by negative power, and each victory of your own beingness brings victory to all the ministers of God.

When those that are the female polarity enter into the minister consciousness of God, they are often beset with the qualms of opinion, whether they should do this or do that. Every consciousness that ministers, ministers under the same form of the Beloved. Therefore, you should use only the Beloved as your reference point, and leave the consciousness that speaks to you through other people as their opinion level, and only move into that which is verified through the consciousness of the Beloved. This often will give the appearance of slowness, of not manifesting a greater spiritual light, where, in reality, it is just seeking for that which is the truth ... and let the truth manifest through you clearly.

This then becomes a reference point for all ministers, that some will take upon them the teaching consciousness and destroy the very nature of their beingness. This you must watch, that people do not place you in a consciousness of teaching, but one of ministering the truth of your levels of awareness; and upon this we place the blessing and the completeness of your ministry.


Spirit will bring forward a blessing to be placed in the living heart. We have looked at turbulence that you have manufactured within the emotions and the mind, and we say to you, child of light, that as you stay attuned to the path of the Beloved, this will disappear; and in its place will come the energy and the knowledge that you are blessed and that the needs of the world are being taken care of, for your first action is to the Kingdom of heaven, and other things come as they are needed according to your faith and use in your ministry. For you are part of that line that was ordained before the beginning of this time, and this is to fulfill that action and bring you into the completeness that is your own heritage.

We find it indeed pleasing that in the consciousness of Spirit you have recognized the urging in the calling of Spirit to go forward into the world to minister to all people regardless of race, creed, color, situation or circumstance.

We also bring forward a blessing to you--that you may be fulfilled on the physical plane, that all of these areas that are needs for you be met, that you will grow strong within your Spirit, that the heart will open and know the truth within you, which is your soul.

You have often found yourself walking the two-fold path into Spirit: that one has been tradition into your family; the other has been the reality of your own beingness. The tradition must never be usurped nor cast aside for what is not surely known; nor should tradition bind that which is the spiritual action, for this is the freedom of the Beloved.

As you fully lift yourself more completely into the trust of your own beingness, you walk the path of the Beloved. As this is done, the needs of the world will be met for you. You will find that you will no longer hunger and thirst after this world, for you will be fulfilled with the springs of the living water. And this, then, becomes the tradition.

Spirit at this time would place a blessing within the heart. You have searched long to know, within your mind and your emotions, that you are indeed one of God's children. As you walk this path of love and light, those things will be made known to you, that indeed you are part of God's family. As you walk this path, you will find that the environment will place itself in its proper perspective for you so that the needs of your existence will be met.

At this time Spirit brings forward the blessing of recognition for this ordination. This is part of the ancient heritage of fulfillment, for you have walked the path of the spiritual flow in times past. This, then, is a fulfilling of your ancient desire and prayer that you again minister the Sacred Ordinances of the Most High to those who are the fellow workers of light. Also, at this time, we place strength of confidence in self, that what you do becomes a blessing to all around you.

We also at this time place energies of healing in the body that they will flow through the entire levels, cleansing, purifying and releasing karma that has been accrued to this time, for this has been also a part of your work, to cleanse and purify around you.

We state to you that as you walk the path of the Beloved, and you follow this frequency of love, light and sound, the needs of the world will be met, and you will find that you are walking in the path of true fulfillment.

Spirit brings the blessing. The form which is formulated as the intellect must first be predicated upon the fulfilling of the emotions. That that is the emotion is based in solid contact with the physical body. Therein let this ministry form as the intellect, flow through the emotions and complete through the physical body. That ministry then becomes self-fulfilling as the moment of inspiration becomes intellectualized. The heart will lift, and the body will radiate the presence of God. This then becomes the great source of ministry. Let the face light up with the countenance of joy; let the heart reside in the peace of its love; let the mind direct its action to that which is the Beloved--therein resides a solid expression.

Therefore, as this is done, the soul energy will manifest through these worlds of darkness, and you will become one of those that is the light in its formulation and action. Caution is placed, for to whom much is given, much is expected. But you cannot demand of it, you only place yourself in that which is receptivity. Do not be anxious to voice ego, but seek diligently to discern the spiritual form from that which would be self-destruction. Do not alienate, but seek to bring those into the form of oneness in Spirit, for they cannot fulfill the mental-emotional-physical qualities, but the inspirational level is given to all. Therefore, listen as part of the ministry, for upon this you may then fulfill your entire beingness.

We bring forward a blessing from Spirit to you at this time: That you may walk within the path of righteousness and find that that is your counterpart to fulfill you in these endeavors upon the physical plane. Spirit brings forward the blessing that you will not have to go beyond the area of need in your life to find yourself fulfilled.

Spirit brings a blessing forward at this time stating to you that before you were known in the physical you were known by Spirit; that it has issued forth itself through you, and through your loins has brought forward that which is of the Light Children. You, with your husband, have been blessed in this dispensation of time. The trials, the little tribulations that have stood forward with you have all been stepping stones into this now, which becomes another great stepping stone into your spiritual awareness.

Spirit will bless you from this day forward, bringing forward all things that are necessary for you on this physical level to sustain you and those that you love. It sees ahead certain conflicts, certain times of despair, but as you walk, within the light of your own truth and knowledge and beingness, you will find that it is all part of God's Divine Plan being manifested through you and your spouse and your families. Therefore, as we stand with our hands upon your head, we confer and seal all these keys and blessings upon you into your highest good consciousness.

We extend to you from Spirit a blessing of greater fulfillment. The confusion that has clouded you in your actions of seeking into greater conscious awareness, we now place within the area of a blessing so that you may more quickly know that which is of Spirit and that which is of illusion and of desire.

We say to you that you are to go forward into the world, ministering to all people regardless of race, creed, color, situation or circumstance. We say to you that it is also your responsibility to maintain the dignity of your own beingness and to always restore and leave the dignity of the beingness of all those with whom you have been in contact.

As we stand by you with our hands in this position of ordination, we confer all of the spiritual powers and gifts and rights upon you.

Spirit at this time brings forward the blessing.

The path on which you walk has been one that is part of the wish fulfillment, for this has been part of the heart, to step forward into the light of day. And much like the seed that must be fertilized in the dark, it then stands to the light and grows into the sunshine of its own beingness. For no one can stand in the shadow of another and grow to the fullness of their beingness. For this one that stands by is that one who stands as the emissary at this point in time and space. And as you reach into that that is the sound of love, the light of love, and the love of God, the needs of this world will stand back. You will place yourself in the correct position at all times, knowing that this is divinely ordained in your consciousness.

Love, Light, Sound

The consciousness of the Beloved is the consciousness of the supreme life, and therefore it is through this love that we awaken ourself continually to the divinity of beingness. Never be concerned with the splitting of your consciousness to support yea this or yea that, but place your consciousness with love, and let love place itself where it will, for it sings its own song, and it performs its own dance, and it becomes all things.

This path, then, is a path that has been foreordained before this incarnation and functions directly under an ascended master form that was there at the time of the star over Bethlehem. And from that time forward, it has placed its observation with you. You may reach into this consciousness more directly through love, for this is the message that is placed in consciousness.

We also place the gift of will, and caution you to make your will useful to you and to others.

The keeping of the household in a state of happy balance becomes that which is your mission, the divine calling of uplifting, teaching and awakening all to live the divine life.

The divine life is divine love. And the divine love mission becomes, then, the greater part of your ministry, to bring forward unconditionally this love that will not judge nor recriminate, even against yourself, but will continually lift into that that we call the Beloved, and then walk into the High Country, knowing the totality of Spirit, while you have your anchor in the physical levels.

We also place a blessing of strength in your consciousness, wherein, even when the doubts of mind and emotions assail you, the strength inside you will carry you through to that that is the Golden Land.

The seed of light, to be implanted in the human consciousness, must first find that consciousness in the condition to receive this energy of unfoldment-- then it cannot stand or lie in the shadows of another consciousness, for to do that would bring about that that we call decay. It must stand forth within the light of God, and thereby lift itself into that that is its own Beloved. For this is the action that speaks--there is none other than that into the heart of God. For it is with this love that all healing takes place. It is with this love that the unfoldment of your ministry will reach into others. When you have touched to those who are your ministry, then you will be filled to the overflowing. We now place strength in the consciousness and bring forth the energy of healing, for this is part of the answering of your inner prayer.

Spirit at this time brings a blessing to be placed in your consciousness. It has looked upon that that you have called the suffering of your heart and your emotions for seeking of that that you call the "Loved One," but the Beloved now awakens itself in your heart so that you will know indeed that this is the true love, that that is of the Spirit in you.

As you walk on this path of upliftment and unfoldment, the needs of the world will be met around and about you, and you will not sit in want for these needs, for truly Spirit will bring to you the fulfillment of need, as that is part of the action of the Beloved.

Also at this time Spirit brings forward a process of healing within your consciousness that will manifest itself as you move more and more into this that is your ministry.

The path of individual unfoldment is often open to scrutiny by the world. Because we live in the world we must then have concern for world opinion; we must always have concern for that opinion that reflects upon God and God's missionaries in this world. As a minister of light, then, you must always hold yourself in a position wherein the scrutiny of the world can be held steady in your consciousness. That that you do should always be done through the consciousness of love. When this has completed itself, there is no need for concern, for you are indeed then amplifying the soulic light and placing it in the world, that the Father in heaven may receive the glory and the honor for our activities.

Do not have concern for those who follow a secular path, for this path is that of universality and God in all its magnificent dimensions. Therefore, love without regret. Fulfill your destiny by letting the light shine through you, and it will do the ministry while you keep your consciousness open as a vehicle of divine expression.

That that is present inside of you is of bright light and Spirit. Let it be known that your light is second to none; that as you radiate your own beingness, all those around you will feel this effect of Spirit within their inner consciousness. As you walk the path of love and truth and light, the needs of the world will be met and placed by your side.

Spirit enters a caution -that if you enter into desire or greed then you nullify your existence. Because your creativity is bright and high, therefore, you must walk the positive or the negative creates with even a slight thought. Spirit sees the warmth of the heart and within it places a great comfort, a solidness of oneness with the Beloved.

Though you have hesitated in formalizing this that is the ministry, the formality does not place it in any other position except the process of here and now. For in this you enter into that which is the energy of ministering. It establishes for you the legal and spiritual commitment to the organized form and the spiritual hierarchy. Therefore, be true to that which is the legal form, and be devoted to that which is the spiritual hierarchy. In this you receive the energy for the ministry.

Do not compare nor sit upon judgment of others, but let your ministry be the guiding light for all present, for in this you will exemplify the patience you have gained, and the strength you are growing into will be exemplified as the light bearer of truth and love. Stand firm in that that is your spirituality.

Walk in hand with the Beloved, and the illusions of this world will pass away. You will then find that what is necessary for you on this path will be provided.

We also bring forth a blessing of Spirit. We say to you that from this point on the Spirit within you will quicken to that that is the light, the sound of God.

When you walk on the path of the Beloved, the needs of the world meet themselves, and you become, then, one who partakes according to those levels inside of you that you are working to fulfill and to usher forward as a talent of completion. This often tends to place you in a confrontation with those who do not see clearly the inner levels from which your beingness springs, but your devotion to that beingness is your spiritual directive.

Place, then, first and foremost your trust into God. Then let that that overflows go into those who are nearby you physically, then out into the others in the world, for this then becomes part of the great ministry of the light and sound and love of God. As you do this, you will find that you will gain strength in your own inner beingness and its manifestation in the world.

Then you will find that your ministry is not necessarily a verbal ministry, but one of holding light in the peace of God's consciousness, in the silence.

That that is the sound of God is a very subtle process, owing to its very nature. You have been reaching through the heart to hear the sound of God, but it is found throughout the whole consciousness. Therefore, do not separate yourself, but place yourself in open consciousness to flow with all energies. Then your ministry becomes one of sound, one of light, and one of love. Within this, the blessings are found.

You must pull the boundary lines of your consciousness to you so that you only walk upon the path that you know as the Beloved. If you attempt to walk another's path, then you will stumble. The stumbling will produce a form of fear, and then you will find the darkness moving toward you. It is only an admonition.

The strength of conviction and purpose we now place within the spiritual heart. We say to you, that as you walk this path of light and love and sound, you will find the blessing of your mere beingness an uplifting factor to all around you. We see the confusion that has often appeared in the past within your consciousness and the doubt that has placed itself in the way of your progression. Now we change these and bring forward a new ordinance within you that will be in accordance with this that is your faith, belief, conviction and knowledge: that all other things are swept aside as you become one of those amongst all of us who usher forward this that is the Golden Age.

Your ministry, then, becomes one of service, of love, of sound. As this is performed, then all the needs of this world will be met and taken care of, and you will be also free to walk with that that is the Beloved.

At this time Spirit would bring its blessing. In the ancient time, you were known as one of "The Sons of Thunder." This carried a connotation of one who spoke loudly in a silent voice--that your speaking would move people and shake them loose in the very depths of their security and insecurity. This would give them the opportunity to, once again, evaluate those things they felt were secure and dear to them. At that time, you never supplied them with an ongoing form of philosophy that would hold them steadfast in the times of storm.

In this existence now, in this ordination, we bring forward that second part of the thunder, and we make it the lightning; for with this you will then lighten people in your speaking to them by supplying them, even verbally, the essence of the integrity of the spiritual light; and you will call forward this light of God to share with them, even by the touch, by the word, and by the look. Therefore, your ministry becomes threefold: that is just presenting yourself, where you will look at people and people will look at you; also, where you will speak or sing to people, and they will feel this essence; and thirdly, by the action of your body do you bring forward these divine harmonies.

We also tell you this--that you are being drawn closer into that that is the Traveler Consciousness, for this is the direct manifestation of God on all levels.

Spirit at this time wishes to place a blessing in your consciousness. As you walk the path of light and love and sound and do these works to glorify the Father's name, then the needs of this world will stand back, and you will walk in comfort through the environment.

Also, that as you speak, Spirit will use your voice to move other people in their consciousness and to stir them awake to the greater beingness that they are. Spirit also blesses you with health in the emotions and the mind, which will reflect through the body.

We place within your consciousness greater determination to keep the vision of your own fulfillment and completeness before you, so that you may bring yourself into the harmonious balance that is within your consciousness.

We also state to you that, as you walk in this light and this love and the sound of God, the world will bring itself into greater balance around you, that you will find that the needs of this world are being fulfilled for you daily, and your faith also will be brought forward and strengthened in this particular work.

We also place within the voice a greater quality of calmness, of smoothness, so that when you speak words of love and light and sound, they will carry forward to all those around you; and this will then be a method, planting the seed of light within their consciousness.


Before this embodiment, you chose the path to unfold into the lightest consciousness that you could find. This, as an action of Spirit, is being brought forward. You will never have to be concerned about the needs for yourself and those of your immediate support, for Spirit will always go before you, providing the means and the ways for you to uphold yourself and those around you.

It brings forward a blessing of quietness; it also places within the center of the mind the answers to questions that you ply upon your own self, causing consternation and concern. These blessings are yours as you activate your ministry into this world.

Spirit stands by at this time stating that it brings forward a blessing of calmness through the body, that you may activate yourself in the highest consciousness, bringing forward clearing where ever you go. Your place in the world has already been set for you. It is your responsibility to just perform your ministry, and all the needs of this world will take place in their proper time and order.

We baptize you with Spirit and ordain you a minister in the movement of spiritual inner awareness. We bless you and bring forward the keys of healing for administering to everyone wherever you find them, regardless of race, creed, or color. Do not sit in judgment upon the light that resides in all things, but love it and bless it.

Tune your inner ear to that which is the Inner Master, the Mystical Traveler, and you will find yourself flowing into that beingness that we call God. You are blessed.

We also extend upon you the keys of the Aaronic priesthood wherein you can give ordinations to those people in foreign countries through the auspices of the Mystical Traveler Consciousness.

Spirit places the blessing. To perceive yourself as either male or female is an error of focus, for the perception is that of a minister of light. Therefore, you must go forward into any plane of consciousness where there is strife, where there is turmoil and where that part of us cries out through another physical form, and often just present yourself for view. When they see the ministry consciousness, they will unlock the despair and start lifting themselves to their own recognition. This becomes a silent ministry, but the ministry of silence is also that of Sainthood, for those who are called into silent ministry are those who have the sustaining peace and the quietness of eternal support.

Reach into your consciousness of love, for in this you have gained the strength, unfoldment and growth which is now present. But this is just the beginning: As the light shines forward through the storms of consciousness, the New Day of the Age begins with this ordination.

Spirit brings its blessing. The necessary ingredients that bring forward the bread of life are not necessarily known by those that eat of it. But those who partake of the bread of life know that the necessary ingredients must be placed there. The experiences of your life have been the necessary ingredients that bring us to this point in time wherein the bread of life is being prepared. Do not be concerned now with the ingredients, but just present the bread of life, and let all partake who wish to. Then, if they feel they want to proceed into the ministry with you or assist you, you may then let them know of the experiences that have brought forward this bread, and therein share the deep inner beingness.

But the ministry of God is not necessary inasmuch as it is only by the fruits that you are known. Therefore, have no concern for the past, but only let that which is now and the future that is preparing itself based upon this ordination have its freedom inside of you. Neither judge "yea" impatiently nor “nay" impatiently, but allow the Spirit to flow through you, for upon this you will have your success. Even in this moment of Spirit flowing through you, the Spirit will also be in you and will prepare in perfection for you that which you started in the beginning. Take no heed of other people's comments, for you must now strengthen your own endeavors.

Spiritual Form

You have chosen the path to facilitate the working of Spirit within the human form. Therefore, you must be aware of Spirit. Take that time to walk consciously with the Beloved, for this becomes the ministry in your consciousness. And take that form that is the Loved One and let it see through your eyes into the world, and the light of God will travel on this.

Caution is placed that you do not place your lack or your lust on this form. But look upon all as just being that--all--and do not separate one for special endeavor, or for special consideration, for this then becomes separation and isolation, and you then are no longer ministering, but doing the work of negativity--and this will fall heavily on the consciousness.

You have chosen the path of the Beloved, for you have walked in the heart of that one many times. But you have always placed the distraction of worldly grandeur before that of the salvation of beingness.

This time again you come into this form. This time, make your will useful to you. For the process of won't power is that of negativity, and the process of will power is the stepping stone to God. Therefore, make your will useful to you.

Spirit brings its blessing. The formulation of the ministry has been looked upon in many circles of light as that which is representing of God, where, in truth, we represent the spiritual form in all things, and therefore, we function as the emissary of the Divine One, the Total Absolute.

We must, then approach all as being part of that form, and in that formulation we reach into our own method of the ministry. Therefore, stay true to that which is the spiritual form, hold fast to the Beloved and the living love, and upon this your ministry will succeed. Cast away your doubts and fears, for they are only of the lower nature that would again tempt you to block your own expression.

First minister to that that is the partner in life, then to that which is the issue, then to the world

The form of unfoldment varies according to that which presents itself. Therefore, what facilitates must also be flexible, for the form is only the medium for the spiritual flow of energy. Therefore, the formless becomes the action. Let, then, your movement extend itself into the formless. It cannot be commented upon, but is that which is the experiential level of life. Seek first, then, to perfect the form only as a vehicle for the formless expression, and upon this your ministry completes itself.

The form within, that is the minister, must not be looked upon as male or female, but must be looked upon as an extension of the Beloved. The Beloved is the God form. Therefore, walk within the consciousness of God, and secure each level as a level of experience. And speak from your experience level, rather than from the emotional or imaginative level. State clearly that which is your experience, and that which is contemplative thought. Within this you will walk the straight and narrow path. Be true to the inner form, for this is you. The outer manifestations will always be illusionary by their nature. But, in the illusion stands the truth, and this, others must sort out of the illusion. Yours is to present that which is the Beloved.

Stay close to the family pattern, and secure it first in your ministry. When it is ministered to unto God, then the next level will demonstrate itself to you, and you will be shown and will see the light of the next form that you are to approach. Do not question or place doubt there, for it is done according to Spirit, not according to man's time. Therefore, abide in patience.

Spirit brings its blessings. The form that represents the light and the sound of God is that that is noted as the heartbeat in the physical world. Therefore, as we follow the path of God, we find that our attention to the heart becomes more attractive, and we then shift that awareness to the spiritual heart and focus within the center of God's being. This then, allows the spiritual form to flow through, the Spirit then does its own work through us as the condensed spiritual form.

Neither look for the positive nor the negative, but let yourself be the screen upon which life will project itself, and let others place their own role of unfoldment before you. All you do is allow them the format by which they present the role they play into the world.

At this time Spirit places a blessing within the throat chakra center, so that that form that you speak by carries the vibratory frequency of love; and this, then, is the spiritual form. So, therefore, speak kind words, for sweet words are the tones of the heart, and God will manifest the presence to your own individuality, but according to its form and not a dictum or directive.

Spiritual Healing

We see within the consciousness that there has been struggle for perfection, struggle for unity of consciousness, and desire for the realization of God. As you walk in your path of spiritual fulfillment, as you keep to yourself the thoughts of your nature regarding the world and other people, then Spirit will bless you with full sustenance for your life upon this planet. You will find that your mere presence within a physical body will radiate love and light and healing to those who come within your consciousness. This does not mean that you have to be with them physically--it means that as you think of them in your mind, in your imagination, with perfect love and perfect understanding of them, then they can receive the healing of this spiritual energy.

Spirit has seen it within itself to bring you forward into a new form of ministry, that of conveying healing through the hands in the use of touching in your crafts. We say to you that it is now upon you to go forward into the world ministering to all people, regardless of race, color, creed, situation or circumstance.

Spirit also stands with a blessing by you, that many times in the past when you have stood within doubt in your confrontation with your fellow humans, you have placed yourself as the second one. At this point, Spirit is to let it be known that your light is second to none, and that it must stand and shine within its own right.

You have been walking the path of that we call "the minister" in your own consciousness, but now it is time to step forward and assume the full consciousness as ordained, to function as a minister of sound and light and love in the consciousness of God. With this comes activating powers of healing, for it is a gift unto you that you become a healing instrument for the powers of Spirit. Therefore, it is only necessary that you bring your consciousness to focus on that which is out of balance, and Spirit will bring forward that which is the balance; and you become, then, instrumental for assisting all around you. Often this will be done verbally, many times with a touch or look--but mostly you will find it will be in your silence that you perform your greatest ministry.

I also place in you a consciousness of selectivity that you may know and select those you can assist in unfoldment, and those that are not part of that ministry will be passed onto another, and thereby the glory of God will be known by all.

The ordination is also a baptism of Spirit. We bring forth and confer upon you the ministerial qualities of teaching, of healing, of balancing; and we say to you, go forward to all people, ministering out into the world, upbraiding no one, never slighting nor hurting because of race, creed, color, financial or any other situation. The responsibilities become great, as a minister of light, and as a minister of the Spirit. We seal this upon you. God bless you.


Spirit sees at this time the blessing within itself to place in your consciousness. We look upon the life path and see the experiences that you have walked. We say to you that this path is a straight and narrow one in your consciousness, that as you keep focused on that that is the Beloved and the consciousness of your own unfolding, you will find the ministry developing around and about you; that the needs of this world shall be met.

We would caution against desires, for this would detract from that that is your path. We also place within you the spiritual gift of conviction, so that you know that you know.

There are two factors that must be anchored in consciousness. At this time, we bring them with the blessing of sustaining them.

That first one is to bring forward that that is the courage--the courage to speak from your level of beingness, disregarding any mental, emotional or physical activities, and to speak always from that one who is the Beloved.

The second part that we bring and place in consciousness is that of determination, wherein you move from a field of stubbornness, which wastes energy, and place it into determination where you conserve the energy. And upon this you may build a ministry into the heart of God.

Also, we admonish you to-first of all--sustain your own levels and keep them clear and balanced before you look in another level for any form of ministry.

You have walked upon the path of hot coals, often reaching into stumbling blocks for perfection. Spirit, at this point, does take all that has been trivial and brings it forward now as lessons of strength and purpose. For behold, even that one who has walked in darkness, when touched with the Holy Spirit, then all darkness becomes light, all that has been trivial becomes stepping stones to the Beloved One.

Spirit places a caution within you, that you place in your voice only that which you want more of. It places strength and conviction, that you do stand in humility and humbleness, speaking from your experience of God's love and God's light and sound. As you do this, your ministry unfolds even unto those that are your brothers and sisters not present at this point.

The strength is now placed deep in the heart, that as you tune to that that is the living love, or the Beloved, your ministry of light and love and sound will unfold all around you, and you will then be walking in this garden of paradise while yet having your feet upon the planet. Those things that you call needs of the world will be met as your ministry unfolds itself to the God of all things.

Spirit at this time brings forward the blessing. Within the consciousness is placed what we could call the healing action of the physical, emotional, mental, and unconscious areas to bring greater rapport and harmony into this, the land of reflected light. Also strength of purpose and conviction is blessed within the consciousness at this time.

Spirit also places within you that which is dedication to your own strength of beingness. It brings forward its divine love, and issues it into the very cells of your total beingness. At this time it awakens the living love in the spiritual heart.

We stand by you with our hands upon your head in the symbolic representation of love and support, of sustaining you within this that is your ministry.

Now Spirit brings forward, also, the blessing to seal this ordination with you. It is the angel, Michael, who stands forward as the archangel, as the divino and love of the planet who will stand also as your strength in these lower worlds. He stands with a sword in one hand and the purple flame of cleansing and balancing in the other hand, saying that these are your passport and authority-to protect the Spirit within all things and to bring forward that that is of the purple to then cleanse and uplift. Spirit blesses you with strength in your consciousness to discern that which is of spiritual and that which is of magnetic.

As you walk upon this path of unfoldment, as you stay within the framework of your own spiritual law, all needs of this world will be fulfilled for you as you place them in front of you. For Spirit has blessed you, and God has ordained this action upon you, for you are known in the heavens, loved and respected. Many who are of your friends in Spirit have been brought forward in these last few moments to witness this, and they place their hands on top of ours to state that they also stand by this action of love and support, and that you also can minister into the Spirit by sending love and light to all and any who have departed from this physical tabernacle. It is, indeed, the blessings that already are.

Spirit brings forward a blessing at this time. As your emotions surface in this that is your love, and the tears come forward into that that cries for the Loved One, let these be tears for all in this physical world, that the release in your consciousness of distress and despair will be the release for many as you vicariously become the at-one-ment into that that is the Mystical Traveler, that one that is the Ancient One. The presence of this spiritual force with you will bring you strength and peace beyond any type of word understanding.

We at this time, from Spirit, place within you a blessing of strength, You have been in tribulations with consciousness of flesh and body. We say to you, from this point on, the strength of mind and your emotions over the needs of the world will become stronger, and that these will ascend into the spiritual consciousness, wherein your body walks through this world, but you will not find it pushing against your own consciousness of love and light. We also place within you a strength to bring greater love and support into your family of the personal and your family of the world.

We bring forward a blessing through you to your family, that as you walk in your truth, your love, your light and your honesty, the needs of this world will be met for you and, indeed, happiness will reign wherever you place your consciousness verbally, mentally, emotionally, spiritually or physically.

The path of your unfoldment has often brought you in the paths of winding consciousness and has brought you to that which has been the wall of weeping; but the weeping was baptism for the remission of guilt of past existence, and for this the forgiveness is completed.

We now place within the consciousness that which is humility, honesty and the ability to walk more directly with the Beloved into the fulfilling of this ministry. We bless your presence, as it will witness the Light even in the silence.


Spirit presents the blessing. Your processes of mentalizing are being balanced now by the energy of emotional content, for it is important that your ministry present itself in the fullness of balance. Therefore, it must be the holistic approach--that that is of Spirit must clarify mind, calm emotions, and heal the body. Therefore, your ministry is that of presenting the complete pattern of man on the planet. This brings with it tremendous responsibility, for in this you will be used as a reference point for clarification on many levels. Therefore, you must hold true to that that is the ordination and walk in hand with the Beloved, for this supplies the energy pattern for your breathing in and breathing out.

Also, Spirit is bringing a clarity to mind wherein the mind will now have that clear opportunity to synthesize material from many levels, dispense with that that is of the written-verbal level and present itself in the completeness of silence, and let this love that is God flow through the levels into the world. For this you have chosen this path for incarnation, and it has been striving against your consciousness for the awakening of ministerial responsibility. Hold true to that that is your devotion to soul; in this you will find a completeness.

We bring forth a baptism and blessing of Spirit. We confer upon you the qualities of information and teaching. We bless you and also place upon you the qualities of sustaining your husband in his ministerial qualities. Also, we bring forth that quality that represents healing, that quality that represents balancing.

We place a blessing at this time. Your quest has covered millenniums of time and space to reach into that which is the Beloved. I speak to you from that consciousness, for this is a milestone in the spiritual awakening of your levels into God consciousness, for as you place yourself in attunement with the Mystical Traveler and Preceptor, you have placed yourself upon the cycle of Soul Transcendence, and upon this should be placed the aim of your ministry: to teach all to transcend any level that blocks or hinders, and to encourage all those who feel that they cannot go on to step forward into the light of their own beingness; for, yea, these are the blessings which are placed within the consciousness of this one present. Those standing by you urge and support you in this endeavor, for they stand in this confirmation of spiritual love.

We ordain you a minister of light and give you the baptism of Spirit. The ordination within the movement of spiritual inner awareness is one of guidance and teaching. This ministerial ordination can be amplified into healing as your consciousness lifts, ministering to all people, at all times, regardless of race, creed or color.

We confer upon you the keys of teaching and counseling. We place caution and admonition with you--that you do not sit in judgment, that you serve all, regardless of race, creed, or color, that you upbraid no one, that you walk in the light of fulfillment and truth into your own God consciousness.


We say to you that this land that is reflected is not a land that can be defended nor attacked, for it is merely the schoolroom in which we come forward to partake of the teachings and to observe the testing as a delineator for future progress. Therefore, speak from your light to the light, and let their light flow into their darkness--then you have been, yea, among the greatest of ministers.

We also place a blessing here with you. This is the blessing of mental stability. For within your consciousness you question into your doubting, and it places you in the darkness of this land. Leave that to this land that is of this land, and place your light with God; for truly this is the action of Spirit.

All those who stand by you at this ordination give you support into the spiritual oneness that we all represent. Very shortly, you shall know that one that is the Beloved within your heart.

When consciousness, in the human form, attempts to qualify all things to the physical, emotional or mental realities, it is often beset with the confusions of double goals. This is only because of the duality of mankind. Man sits in the duality of his own beingness, being negative and positive, and in a duality of God, being negative and positive. This, then, places perplexity in the mind of how things can or cannot be in the totality of perfection. At the same time, God is not the author of confusion, but confusion is perpetrated by each individual against that that is misunderstood. Therefore, place your consciousness only in understanding, in attempt of cooperation, and accept the inevitable results of life on this planet. This, then, clears the way for higher perception.

Do not attempt to mold life to your own beingness, but flow with life in the forms of nature and its natural flow. This, then, raises the level of enthusiasm within consciousness, and upon enthusiasm we ride the cloud into God. For these are the laws of this realm, and these must be understood and fulfilled, not according to individual consciousness, but to that that is the Aquarian consciousness of the collective group. Therefore, release the Piscean energy of "I" and move into the group of the Aquarian Age; and in this, the collective consciousness will flow through you, and your ministry will be one of assisting on all levels.

Do not despair, nor grieve in ignorance, for it is only the lack of mind that cannot understand. Your soul, the spirit activating it, has total, complete understanding, and often pushes upon your own beingness so that you will release the thought and just know. Therefore, tune to your own intuitive nature, and let this be a great part of your guiding light.

At this time Spirit brings its blessing. The path of spiritual oneness has often been placed before you in the many lives that you have walked in this dimension. This time you do not start at the beginning; it is a culmination. It is the bringing forward of ancient talents intuitively and placing them with people as you freely give and release. For this becomes the clear ministry of your consciousness, to tap the oneness of your own ancient knowledge and bring forward the divine works of God, according to your understanding. We caution you, that this always be stated: "According to my understanding is the information I give to you." This, then, allows the person to gain their own understanding, with yours as its reference point of completion.

We also place in the consciousness the blessing of trust for your own spirituality, for it is upon this that your ministry will build itself. For you have often looked to others to gain the trust of your own consciousness, and yet they could only reflect to you their own state of misunderstanding. Therefore, look in to see that that is the clear vision.

The path of unfoldment has been one of question and confusion as we see into your consciousness. And we now bring forward the blessing of clarity of understanding, that as you speak the truth in love and in light, you will find the greater awareness inside of you opening, receiving even more of the consciousness of God. You will find yourself walking with people in many paths of unfoldment, and we admonish you to stay detached, least you enter into that which is less than the spiritual unfoldment. For you will be brought to those people to minister to them--yea, to lift them into a consciousness of love, for this is the greatest ministry.

As you are walking the path of the Beloved, fulfilling your ministry in God's light, the needs of the world will be met, and you will find that many of those things that have been your heart's desire will also place themselves forward for you to use.

Blessing of understanding. As you have been progressing in your consciousness of soul transcendence, you have come across perplexing areas of concern when you have asked yourself, "Is this what it is? Is this what's going on? Is this right? Is this what's to be expected?" These have caused some areas of consternation within yourself. But we say to you that these are only actions of mind, emotions and personality- -that as you do move into the greater spiritual consciousness, these things will come as ordained. Accept them, move through them--for this, then, becomes your birthright.

We also place within the consciousness a spiritual blessing, one of more complete oneness and attunement to that that is the Beloved, to fulfill all levels in these layers of reflected light.

Beloved, when we enter into the body, mind and emotion--and when we enter into a ministry--we find that we have to deal with other people's habits, other people's actions, desires and wants. Your ministry is to supply the needs of love, of light and of sound--all other things they will supply for themselves. Therefore, do not enter into the emotional, the reactive, the mental judging or the physical descriptions of anyone, but simply be that one who is the mirror, and reflect to them that which is divine love.

Therefore, you must keep yourself clear and open to divine flow. You must watch what is feisty in your consciousness, ready to fight--make it become more that which seeks clarification. Do not let it assert itself as a willfulness, but use your will power to bring greater and greater understanding to all around you. Let your understanding be the light unto others, for it is for this that the blessing is placed--that you enter into acceptance and cooperation, and manifest understanding, for it is so direly needed at this time in the physical world. Yea, find me one with understanding, find me one who demonstrates understanding, find me one who manifests understanding, and I will show you the Holy Spirit in action.

You have walked upon many paths of expression in this life, and you have resolved much of the karmic dispensation that had been gained in previous times. Now we bless you in those actions that have passed, and we exhort you to look upon them as stepping stones into the greater reality that is the Beloved. As you do this, and as you leave yourself open for the spiritual attunement, you will find that the healing of the body will be accomplished- -that the mind and the emotions will no longer confuse nor cast doubt, and yea, at that point you will know that one that is the Beloved, for it is being given to you in love and in understanding.

We stand by you,

We love you,

We support you,


We bless you.

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