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Thoughts, Consciousness & Manifestation (July ’82)

Stock # 8025-DVD


You know the ancient truism, “As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap,” don’t you? It has to do with everyone’s life on earth…yours too. “Mine?” Yes, yours.

It’s probably not true of you, but haven’t you heard people say, “Why did this happen to me?” Well, think about it. Is what happened to them bad luck?… or fate?…or something else, maybe?

Here is on of those important seminars in which John-Roger makes it all very clear in his relaxed and humorous way. What’s the ‘all?’ He starts with how we were in a spiritual form when we were born. J-R shows us how life on this planet works and how we can make it work to our advantage…er..advancement! He even speaks of what happens to cells after we no longer need a body. Pssst: they don’t die! It’s all in here; just watch.


J-R delivers an amazing seminar, defining the power-full tools that we, as creators, can learn to use to our advantage. He explains how thoughts persist in states of mind, states of mind persist in consciousness, and consciousness persists in manifestation.

God Bless You!
Duration: 55:19

Weight 0.70 oz
Dimensions 0.00 × 0.00 × 0.00 in