Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

If you find that you love God, you are separate from God. If you find God loving you, you are separate. But when you find that you are the Beloved, then you have become the path. You have become the Light, the Truth, the Way; and there is no separation. There is only the Beloved.

John-Roger, DSS
Q: What is the spiritual significance of marriage or relationships? John-Roger: My suggestion is that all relationships be conducted with as much loving as possible. Also, people have karma to clear, and they often do it through being in relationships of various kinds. In addition, when a person gets married, the person takes on some of the karma of their spouse.

John-Roger, DSS
Bless this day, wherever we go forward and whatever is coming to us, so everything takes place with ease and grace. If there are challenges and difficulties, we know immediately that You are with us and that You comfort us in our pain.

John-Roger, DSS
Spirituality must be grasped intuitively and experienced directly by each one of us. The voice of your loving becomes clearer as you practice listening to it. The spiritual heart always knows the truth.

John-Roger, DSS

November 30, -0001

John-Roger, DSS
You already know how to do pain, suffering, and loneliness. Wake up, the Beloved is present! That's plenty enough reason to have fun and take enormous pleasure in this moment.

John-Roger, DSS
Everyone can take a look at what we are accepting and when we are not accepting. Then, just be in awareness, like "Where is my awareness now?" If it is in, "I'm not accepting," then let go.

John Morton, DSS