Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Let's take something everybody feels at times -- impatience -- and see how observation can change our experience of it. When we're impatient, we want what we want when we want it. Impatience distracts us from seeing the reality of a situation. We focus only on how we'd like it to be. And trying to do something about our impatience usually makes us more impatient. The solution is just to observe.

John-Roger, DSS
To discern truth, you can use your intelligence. Intelligence is the key to bypass your hang-ups and move into what is without judgments, prejudice, or the idea of personal gain.

John-Roger, DSS
The only things needed from you in your life are involvement, commitment, support, and expression of loving. That's all, and on this planet of negativity, that's a lot.

John-Roger, DSS

November 30, -0001

On se laisse parfois déconcerter indûment par les autres. Si un bouddhiste, un musulman, un chrétien ou un juif vous expose la structure de ses croyances et de son expérience et qu'il vous parle de ses doutes concernant votre expérience et vos croyances, pourquoi cela vous dérangerait-il? Sa façon de s'aligner porte un nom différent, voilà tout. Nous tendons tous vers la même chose : nous aligner avec l'Esprit, notre Divinité. Pourquoi alors nous inquiéter de l'expérience d'autrui?

John Morton, DSS

November 30, -0001

John-Roger, DSS
Discipline is the prelude to freedom. Therefore we enter willingly into discipline to gain freedom.

John-Roger, DSS
Those who sit very quietly in the silence that roars the name of the Light and do the most mundane jobs in love and devotion are performing a beautiful service that God sees as very great, indeed.

John-Roger, DSS

November 30, -0001

Right now, You know what is in our heart and whatever we have placed in the way. You know our judgments, our disturbances, whatever we have taken on as disease or illness. We offer that up by coming into Your presence, Your light, Your love, Your strength, Your power. We can let go, releasing any form of negativity.

John Morton, DSS
I can't tell you who's going to win this race of Soul Transcendence. This is not allowed for me to do. I don't have that knowledge and information at present, but I know its presence. Its presence is simply this…. eventually you will win. You will win the big race. It's your destiny and it's established.

John Morton, DSS

November 30, -0001

Lord, through Your beloved Jesus, that one who has prepared our way through the Christ, we do ask for understanding, for Your presence, to be with us again. We ask You to be anchored to us as a way of being and expression.

John Morton, DSS