Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Take care of your body. Make friends with your mind and emotions. Live in your spirit as you walk through this day in peace.

John-Roger, DSS
Whenever you hear of any negativity, instead of adding to it by condemning the people involved, send Light and love to everyoneā€”even to those who have messed up. Start adding peace into the situation through your compassion acceptance, and understanding.

John-Roger, DSS
I donā€™t know if there is a final answer for finding peace inside. I do know that the key is to find that place inside where you love to be. Make it a habit to be in that place more and more, faster and sooner, and stay there longer.

John-Roger, DSS
Most people have a greater awareness of this physical earth and of the imagination, emotions, mind and subconscious, and very little or no awareness of the higher realms of the Soul and Spirit. There are people whose consciousness is more highly developed, however. They are aware not only of this physical world, but also of the higher realms of Spirit. These people are the great teachers, gurus and masters who come forward to teach and show the way to those who are ready to walk the spiritual path.

John-Roger, DSS

November 30, -0001

Spirit keeps its promise to us for life; all we are doing is choosing back.

John-Roger, DSS

November 30, -0001

Sometimes people hear a direction during meditation. Then they take that and amplify it, dramatize it and build on it until it becomes a tremendous "project" they feel they were directed to do. That project may only be an interpretation of the original message, and it may be such a distorted interpretation that it has no relationship to the original. The person who heard the message may be working hard, thinking it's a God-given process of enlightenment -- but it may be "false doctrine." People have killed because they thought God directed them to do that. And yet most can look rationally at that action and say, "No way. God would never direct anyone to go out and murder another." But the killer may have thought it was a great idea. The process can happen in very subtle ways as well as the more obvious ways.

John-Roger, DSS
It is your destiny to be blessed. As John-Roger has said, "Man is to have joy and to have it more abundantly." It is God's will. So claim the blessings and know that you are worthy to be blessed. Be involved. Be engaged in your upliftment and growth. Are there challenges? Absolutely, but the challenges are giving you opportunities to learn and gain.

John Morton, DSS

November 30, -0001

We have to communicate with ourselves effectively. That means putting in motion, inside of us, that communication, where for each thought, we get a feeling that matches, and we can move on it physically. Or if we get a feeling, we get a thought that matches and we can complete it physically. If we can't complete it physically, we just hold it aside. - John-Roger

John-Roger, DSS

November 30, -0001

The teachings of the Christ are our teachings. The teachings of the Christ are the teachings of Spirit. We seek to live in the ways demonstrated by the Christ, to be honest and loving in every way.

John-Roger, DSS
When you decided that what you wanted more than anything else was to know God and your own divine nature, to know yourself as Soul, perfect and complete, you created your connection to the Mystical Traveler.

John-Roger, DSS