Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

If you would find peace, look within. Peace is not something separate from you.

John-Roger, DSS
When you awaken each morning, it might be nice if you asked for peace to be with you and all you touch that day. Asking for this attunement each day (it doesn’t matter what words you use), can change the quality of your life.

John-Roger, DSS
When you ask for inner peace, you may find yourself talking less. To find the peace within, it’s often necessary to be quiet so that you can hear the inner voice of love.

John-Roger, DSS
Peace, happiness, and love represent the inner world. As you tune to that inner world, you may begin to experience peace. The emotions subside; the mind becomes quieter. You may feel the Spirit touch you; you may hear a voice whisper, “Peace, be still.” You will know that you are awakening to your true self more and more.

John-Roger, DSS
Peace is the absence of againstness, internally and externally, but it’s not the absence of sand papering, refining and moving towards excellence. There can be divergent points of view without having war. I call it conversation, communication, dialogue and sharing ideas. It’s integrity, which allows all people their moment to speak their truth.

John-Roger, DSS
In the one accord of peace, we have to put aside righteousness, indignation, accusations, problems, inadequacies and insecurities. Wrap them up, put them aside and say, “Today I am not participating in those. I only have this one thing to do—and that is to participate in peace.”

John-Roger, DSS
Make peace with yourself. Forgive yourself for all the times you haven’t done your best, no matter what the reason. Forgive yourself for forgetting that you are divine.

John-Roger, DSS
When I talk about peace, I may be using a different concept than what you are accustomed to. I don’t believe you can fight for peace. Nor can you defend yourself for peace. Nor can peace be purchased, owned or used for any purpose. Peace, according to my concept, is the natural state of humankind; we are children of a benevolent Creator. Peace is our eternal home. Peace is God, Spirit, the One, whatever word you choose to call it. It is bigger than our minds can grasp. It just is.

John-Roger, DSS
Peace is not a static condition. It is a highly active, alive state of being.

John-Roger, DSS
Peace is a cessation of againstness, where you are not holding a position about anything or anyone, and you do not judge.

John-Roger, DSS