Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

When you are in harmony, you will experience joy— along with its companion, a sense of peace.

John-Roger, DSS
Peace is found when there’s no misunderstanding.

John-Roger, DSS
Do you want to know how to have more peace in your life? In just a few words: Start being more peaceful yourself. Peace, believe it or not, is contagious.

John-Roger, DSS
Q: What is peace profound? A: Peace profound is an experience deep within, at the core of your being, beyond thoughts, feelings or physical sensations.

John-Roger, DSS
Peace begins with you as an individual. It starts with your breathing, as an elemental response to life. Peace is not radical; it’s a fundamental approach to existence.

John-Roger, DSS
Breathe in peace. As tensions and worries drop away, peace starts radiating through your body. Peace is very much alive and present. As you drop the pressures of your life, you’ll find that peace is present, beyond the distractions. It was always there.

John-Roger, DSS
Peace is present. Experiencing peace—that’s the goal. Whatever gets in the way of your experience of peace is yours to learn to handle. As you focus on peace, those things that are not peaceful will start dropping away.

John-Roger, DSS
Conflict can exist within peace. Don’t plan on there being no conflict in your life. You will have it, but you don’t have to have againstness about it. You can say, “I disagree with that, and that whole approach. I was there, and I didn’t see that.” That’s a form of conflict, but it’s not againstness. Againstness is more like, “You stupid idiot, I was there. I know what was going on. Wake up!” That’s againstness.

John-Roger, DSS
Practice using what I call the nine magic words. The first three are, “I love you.” The second three are, “God bless you.” And the third three are, “Peace, be still.” Say them silently when you are in situations of conflict or upset. These words are powerful.

John-Roger, DSS
Peace is your natural state. If you look out into the world for sensation, you can obscure that peaceful quality within.

John-Roger, DSS