Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

If you have established peace within your own consciousness, no one can take it from you. They won’t even be able to find it, and they certainly won’t be able to dislodge it.

John-Roger, DSS
Peace is present.

John-Roger, DSS
If you want to know whether you are expressing peace, it’s really simple. When you accept someone who is different, peace is present. When you move past your emotions and judgments into understanding and empathy, peace is being expressed. When you are loving, peace reigns.

John-Roger, DSS
How do we find peace? Peace isn’t lost. It is we who have lost our way back to our home. The way to return home is, first, by committing to do just that. Second, by doing what it takes as individuals and as a group to awaken others and ourselves to our divine heritage, which is peace. And third, by expressing peace with ourselves, our neighbors, our colleagues, our nations, and our world.

John-Roger, DSS
Spirit brings peace through your loving. Focus on loving, and you will discover peace.

John-Roger, DSS
You can know happiness, and you can know love. There is nothing else as worthwhile knowing. Love is the only channel for clear communication. And love is the parent of peace.

John-Roger, DSS
It’s of little value to love the world, but not have peace with your neighbor. Peace starts with each one of us, as individuals. Then, as a group, we can create, allow and promote peace until it becomes contagious. We can start a peace epidemic that can spread throughout the world.

John-Roger, DSS
Peace must start at home—in your physical home, and even more important, within you. You can call it the heart, Spirit, God, awareness, caring, empathy, or other words that identify the place of peace within you.

John-Roger, DSS
Peace is not a state of rest. It is an energy that, in order to be kept alive, must be constantly expressed. Peace is not expressed aggressively, but in a gentle, sharing way that gives the other person room for individual expression.

John-Roger, DSS
We have the power to create peaceful relationships with ourselves, our spouses, our children, our relatives, and the entire human family, regardless of race, creed, color, gender or nationality. Easy? No, but it can be simple. It takes great courage, which is the energy of the heart.

John-Roger, DSS