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Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

November 30, -0001

When old memories and pains come up, just place it all in the Light, send the Light to yourself and ask for balancing and healing. And then let it go. You will find that for a while it will keep coming up. Just keep repeating the process of letting go and placing it in the Light.

John-Roger, DSS

November 30, -0001

Have the compassion that sees past whatever behavior is present, whatever form is in your midst, and see the Beloved in that, and know that it is the sanctification that comes from the Spirit. Whenever you find yourself outside of that compassion, when you find yourself back in this land of reflection, in this struggle, in the war of the consciousness -- it is simply an opportunity to call upon God's presence to realize that the cathedral of the Soul is within you.

John Morton, DSS
How do you become capable of bypassing the conditioning, the demands, and the expectations? Not by forcing yourself or pretending. It is a process of awareness, acceptance, and action.

John-Roger, DSS
Many people are becoming aware of a fervent yearning for peace. We have the ability to make it happen. We can put our focus, attention and loving into declaring peace instead of war with every choice we make. Do this one small step at a time, one moment at a time.

John-Roger, DSS
Individual peace is the prelude to world peace. Individual peace starts with you, regardless of what anybody else does. You can have peace in relationships by not entering into conflicts. We can have peace in this world by not entering into war.

John-Roger, DSS
Peace is the cessation of againstness. More than just fighting, this includes any form of againstness in your thoughts, feelings, imagination or actions.

John-Roger, DSS
When you are in acceptance, you are in profound peace. Accepting something doesnā€™t mean you are agreeing with it or condoning it. In acceptance, you are freeing yourself of negative thoughts and feelings and making yourself available to the powerful presence of peace. You can see more clearly. This is the place you want to be in when you have decisions to make. This is the place from which you can make an impact on the world for the better.

John-Roger, DSS
Look only for the good in all people and things, and leave all the rest to God. Then you will start having peace.

John-Roger, DSS
When you seek happiness or peace out in the world, you are moving into lack, saying that peace does not reside naturally inside of you and that you must find it somewhere else. Then lack, not peace, is your result.

John-Roger, DSS
Have you thought about this? When people fight, they are attempting to bring harmony and balance into a situation. They are attempting to find peace.

John-Roger, DSS