Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

If you want to know what is going on, if you want to awaken to Spirit more and more in your life, put on the armor of the Spiritual Warrior. That armor is loving, caring, sharing, prosperity, abundance, riches, health, wealth, happiness... inside of you. When you have those qualities inside, they radiate out. Everyone benefits from them.

John-Roger, DSS
As a Spiritual Warrior, you must realize that there is no substance to upsetting emotions and fantasies. Instead of indulging the past, and making yourself a slave to it, through observation you will confront the upset and guilt of the past and stop it here and now. Most people think that when these thoughts occur to them, they have to do something about them: They have to explain, justify, feel guilt. But there is nothing you have to do except observe.

John-Roger, DSS
As a Spiritual Warrior, you must get the intention of progression very clear. I say it this way: "I am keeping my eyes on you, Lord, only on you."

John-Roger, DSS

November 30, -0001

The Spiritual Warrior's greatest foe is the sense of lack and separation and the resulting desire to obtain control over what cannot be controlled. Unconditional love and acceptance cannot be controlled. Each person must come to terms with them so that they love and accept every part of themselves, positive and negative. It takes great courage to see the face of God, because you must see your own face first.

John-Roger, DSS

November 30, -0001

A Spiritual Warrior does not take an outer stance or position. They are as flexible as the wind and as steady as the North Star. They maintain their loving approach to all things by always acting upon inner strength and purpose.

John-Roger, DSS

November 30, -0001

Rather than seek, the Spiritual Warrior is open to each experience serving a greater good and cooperating with the highest good available.

John-Roger, DSS

November 30, -0001

The master addiction is control. It is not lack of courage that keeps us from moving forward, as most people think; it is the fear of losing control. The Spiritual Warrior can overcome addictions by surrendering control and confronting inner enemies by embracing them like ones own children who are misguided and looking for loving discipline from the one who has control. By being the master of acceptance, cooperation, understanding, empathy and enthusiasm.

John-Roger, DSS

November 30, -0001

People question life but that is not the correct approach. The Spiritual Warriors watch how life questions them. And underneath it all the answer will always be, "Have I loved to my capacity today?" That is the answer to questions for every millennium. "How can I love more this day? How can I give more than I take?"

John-Roger, DSS

November 30, -0001

Even though the things we do in this physical world may continually misrepresent who we are, let's never forget for even one second that the divine spark that is God resides within each one of us.

John-Roger, DSS
You're never given anything you cannot handle. That's a spiritual law. There may be things which are difficult to handle or which you'd prefer not to handle, or which you'd like to handle better, but there is nothing given to you that you cannot handle.

John-Roger, DSS