Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

"I love you. God bless you. I love you. God bless you." These words will work. You don't always have to be silent about it, either. If you are feeling a special love for your spouse or your children or your parents, these words are often the nicest things in the world to say. They only take a second; they can change the world.

John-Roger, DSS
If you want a successful relationship, you might learn how to discipline the mind so that it holds a focus on what you want, rather than react to mental constructs that may not have much to do with your heart.

John-Roger, DSS
Marriag-ing, a sharing of what is, with acceptance and loving, is an ongoing action that can be rich, rewarding, and one of the most deeply satisfying relationships you can have on this physical planet. Constantly make the choices that allow both you and your partner to win. That way, there is no better or worse. There just is.

John-Roger, DSS
Spiritual Warriors are people -- men and women -- who confidently make choices about where to focus their internal attention, even when the external realities of their everyday lives are chaotic, troublesome, or just plain annoying.

John-Roger, DSS
Although the word "warrior" may bring to mind images of armed conflict, becoming a Spiritual Warrior has nothing to do with violence. The positive attributes of a warrior -- dedication, commitment, discipline, and focus -- can also serve us on our personal spiritual paths.

John-Roger, DSS
Life is not a matter of avoiding the tough lessons, but of extracting all we can from them for the advancement of our spiritual selves. The difference between a Spiritual Warrior and a lot of other people who wander around waiting for success, or love, or abundance to happen to them is that the Spiritual Warrior acts, not reacts.

John-Roger, DSS
If we want to attune to our spiritual selves and, in doing so, reap the rewards of the outside world, the Soul must be taken back into God and become a co-creator. The first step in reclaiming our inner territory -- so that we may ultimately become co-creators and Spiritual Warriors -- is to confront the habitual practices, or "addictions," that stand in our way.

John-Roger, DSS
Spiritual Warriors are open to the world, not shut off from it. They do not ask to control it but accept it as it is and seek inner guidance in order to respond to it in ways that are aligned with their highest intentions. They know that the fears, aggravations, and confusions of life aren't accidental; instead, our Souls can take advantage of the particular opportunities they offer -- opportunities to learn, grow, and share.

John-Roger, DSS
The Spiritual Warrior has enthusiasm for all things. When you open to the Spirit, Its energy pours through you, and you regain the wonder and awe of life.

John-Roger, DSS
The Spiritual Warrior understands all things. This doesn't mean you can explain everything that is going on within you; you just have to awaken to your experience of it. Then understanding appears.

John-Roger, DSS