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Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

November 30, -0001

When you look to the spiritual heart for your fulfillment, when you become pure of heart, when you let the spiritual heart speak, when you love -- then the body, mind, and emotions follow and you express total loving.

John-Roger, DSS
God is the foundation of love. This love isn't the love of "Now do what I want you to do or I won't believe you love me." It's the love of "Whatever you do, I love you." This is pure love. It can't just be stated; that's lip service. You have to demonstrate that love, every day -- in ways you never dreamed of. People sometimes speak with words as though they're close to God, even though their hearts may be far away from God. It is where the heart is that matters.

John-Roger, DSS

November 30, -0001

Love is the key to awakening to the Spirit within.

John-Roger, DSS

November 30, -0001

Let your love be your guiding star. Let it be in your breath. Then you live in the heart of God. All things are made new, and God is personally present, all the time.

John-Roger, DSS

November 30, -0001

Living love is not just loving from some place deep within you, but living love with every breath. Then you breathe in, love breathes in. And when you breathe out, love breathes out.

John-Roger, DSS

November 30, -0001

If you would find the Kingdom of Heaven, look within. If you would find the peace of God, look within. These things are not separate from you.

John-Roger, DSS

November 30, -0001

As long as you focus on the outer world you see imbalance and dis-ease. But there is no need to reside in that because there is a place inside of you wherein resides serenity.

John-Roger, DSS

November 30, -0001

There are times when we have experiences that we determine shouldn't be the way they are, which is a negative attitude, but not the reality. The reality is that things are what they are and that all conditions can serve us as a process toward peace.

John Morton, DSS

November 30, -0001

God issues forth love in all the creation, in all the aspects of the creation, with no exceptions. When we know that, we embrace all forms of God's creation. This is peace. This is an openness toward and an acceptance of the entire process of God. Peace has no opposition. Peace has no enemy.

John Morton, DSS

November 30, -0001

If we look through the eyes of peace, we don't see enemies and we don't see opposition. As we take on that perspective and shift our vision to the peace that is present, there's an opportunity to shift from opposition, from taking issue, into the process of peace that is life-affirming.

John Morton, DSS