Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Joy and love from the heart -- these are gifts that spring eternal. These are things that have to continue on, always. Don't look out there except as a reflector back to you. And if you must look out there, then look through the eyes of the Master. Look upon God's beauty in all things. It is there. It always has been there.

John-Roger, DSS

November 30, -0001

Sometimes it overwhelms us and stops us in our tracks when we find someone who is in need, but what is our life about? Is it about acquiring things? Having lots of money in the bank? Is it about having recognition publicly? Or is it about touching God's love in each person, in each situation? This is what leads to God.

John Morton, DSS
With loving, you can overcome all things. You can overcome your fears, your insecurities, your disturbances, everything. Through the Christ consciousness that is your heritage, you are born anew, resurrected in Spirit.

John-Roger, DSS

November 30, -0001

The more you are loving, the more you free yourself to experience the Soul.

John-Roger, DSS

November 30, -0001

We refer to loving not in terms of lust, but in terms of not hurting yourself and not hurting anyone else - and taking care of yourself so you can take care of other people. That's what we refer to as loving.

John-Roger, DSS

November 30, -0001

The important thing is not so much whether you are in a male or a female body now, not so much your circumstances, but what you make of them -- how much you learn, how much you grow, and, especially, how much you love.

John-Roger, DSS
It is through loving made manifest that you are able to recognize a Master. Love is the greatest step of mastership. When loving is expressed, all other aspects of mastership fall into place and blend into the loving. It is the greatest of the keys.

John-Roger, DSS

November 30, -0001

Love will take care of you. Love is the guiding Light inside of you. Pure love is the Soul.

John-Roger, DSS

November 30, -0001

Manifest loving in all you do. When you work, work in loving. When you play, play in loving. When you touch someone, touch with loving. And when you speak, speak with loving, for love is the sound of the Soul.

John-Roger, DSS

November 30, -0001

The choice that you, as a Soul, have in relation to doubt (or to anything else) is always to be loving. Do you understand that this is the divine purpose that all of us as humans have been given -- to love unconditionally? The rest of it is just etcetera. It's just commentary and specifics, that's all.

John Morton, DSS