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Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Q: Is there a key to being a peaceful or discreet warrior? In other words, not taking "warrior" too literally and becoming too aggressive with yourself and others? J-R: The most important key is acceptance toward all things. The Spiritual Warrior is everyone. They are not recognizable based on any outward appearance or way of life. However, if you look carefully, you will notice the impeccability in their approach to life and above all, the glint in their eye as they go about it. When acceptance appears unavailable, the Spiritual Warrior begins by letting go so that being too aggressive is no longer a choice.

John-Roger, DSS

August 28, 1999

You hold the keys to your liberation. When you give it to the Christ -- like, "here, take my upset, my disturbance" -- you have to let go of it. In the letting go and letting God take it all, you set yourself free.

John Morton, DSS
Every Soul comes out of God. Each of us has the essence of God within. That is the Soul, an essence of God. There are people who think the Soul is in trouble because they see all the negative levels below Soul. The Soul is not in trouble. Being an essence of God, the Soul cannot destroy itself because God will not destroy Itself. In time, each human being will realize that they are, indeed, the Soul.

John-Roger, DSS
One of Jesus' great statements was when people came to him and said, "Lord, Lord," and he said, "You call me Lord, and it is true, I am your Lord, but why do you call me Lord if you do not do what I say?" Many people turned and left Jesus at that point, because it was very easy for them to say, "Lord, Lord," and get what they wanted. But it was more difficult for them to say, "Lord, Lord," and to obey his commandments. Yet the commandments are very easy: to love God with all your body, mind and Soul and to love your neighbor as yourself. All the rest of the Bible is a commentary on that.

John-Roger, DSS
When children need something, they come to you to fulfill their prayers. And they really are issuing prayers. They are depending upon you to see what you can do to fulfill them.

John-Roger, DSS
Why play the victim with anyone, young or old? It's not that you have to participate with everyone you meet. You choose to what degree you want to become involved. But if we do not acknowledge our irritation or joy, and so master it, it will drive us crazy. We will get nervous, irritable, upset. We will have attacks of terror, anxiety, or depression. All these feelings are nothing but signs that we are not acknowledging parts of ourselves. You may be thinking, "But you don't know what I've been through, what a struggle, what a battle my life has been!" I understand that, but remember that everyone has struggled. It's not the trouble and pain you've been through that makes you special.

John-Roger, DSS

August 23, 1999

On the way to God, you can't afford judgment and condemnation. They won't make it into the Soul. You can't take them with you. The entry begins with acceptance of all God's creation; that's how you enter. And if you don't accept it all, then you get assigned to the very thing you condemn and resist. You'll be married to it, your children will carry the gene, you'll live with it by the sweat of your brow. Wherever you go in the world, it will be there, until the day you are free of it.

John Morton, DSS

August 22, 1999

Living love is not just loving from some place deep within you, but living love with every breath. Then you breathe in, love breathes in. And when you breathe out, love breathes out.

John-Roger, DSS

August 21, 1999

Worship should really be called "worth-ship" because a lot of people would say, "Well, I'm not worthy of that." It's not what you're doing or what you're thinking that makes you worthy; it's what you have your eyes on. If you have your eyes on the Lord, then it's immediate worship, and just having your eyes there makes you worthy of it. If the Lord shows up, that's called celebration time.

John-Roger, DSS
If you have a spiritual experience and you want to keep having spiritual experiences, you must turn from that which you just completed and go on to the next thing.

John-Roger, DSS