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Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

September 08, 1999

The master addiction is control. It is not lack of courage that keeps us from moving forward, as most people think; it is the fear of losing control. The Spiritual Warrior can overcome addictions by surrendering control and confronting inner enemies by embracing them like ones own children who are misguided and looking for loving discipline from the one who has control. By being the master of acceptance, cooperation, understanding, empathy and enthusiasm.

John-Roger, DSS

September 07, 1999

Take care of the body temple, the instrument provided by God through the Traveler to connect to Soul Transcendence while living in this world. It's a most precious gift to those who know it.

John Morton, DSS
Whether we attach our egos to our race, our gender, our nationality, our bank account, our profession, our abilities, when we come right down to it, we are all the same thing -- a child of God -- and our true home is in the Soul realm. Everything else is designed to assist us in returning to where we started, the source, the I Am that I Am.

John-Roger, DSS
The Bible says that Jesus said, "When two or more are gathered in my name, there I am, also," and "What you agree upon, the Father will give you, if you ask in my name." But he actually didn't say it quite like that. He said, "Where two or more of you are gathered in God's will and you ask of the Father in my name, keeping God's will present, I will give it to you."

John-Roger, DSS
Children learn best through love. When they love something, they look forward to it and are wide open to the energy of information. That's why you should prepare a loving place for children to come into - so that they can be open to receive the goodness that you have in your heart for them.

John-Roger, DSS
I am convinced that all of the negative things we hear or do, or that other people do, boil down to two primary motivations: I want to give love and I want to receive love. Then why not, right this moment, steel ourselves against failure, against subterfuge, against deception, and cut straight to love?

John-Roger, DSS

September 02, 1999

When you buy into delusion, you become a party to it.

John Morton, DSS

September 01, 1999

Each heart awakens a little more as it trusts itself.

John-Roger, DSS

August 31, 1999

By making positive and uplifting choices in your life you will be choosing back to Spirit; and when you choose back, Spirit can work more closely with you.

John-Roger, DSS
It doesn't matter how wonderful or uplifting your experience was; you turn from that and go on to the next thing. To do less is to deny your growth and awareness.

John-Roger, DSS