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Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

September 18, 1999

The Mystical Traveler is a spiritual consciousness that exists throughout all levels of God's creation. It resides within each one of us and is a guide into the higher levels of Spirit, the greater reality of God. The Traveler can assist a person in clearing karma (balancing past actions), and its work is done inwardly, on the spiritual levels. To get an idea of how the Mystical Traveler works with people, you could think of climbing a mountain, say Mount Everest. If reaching the top of it were your goal, you might want to climb with the assistance, suggestions, encouragement, and guidance of someone who has already climbed it and knows the way. Similarly, the Traveler Consciousness is one who knows the way "up the mountain" to the Soul level and above, and who can guide and assist you spiritually. Still, though, the climb is always yours. You are the one who does it.

John-Roger, DSS

September 17, 1999

If you would learn to drop the unnecessary thoughts, you would learn to drop the unnecessary weight. Remember that your body is the temple for your Soul.

John Morton, DSS
Many people approach today's relationships based on yesterday's lack, precipitating tomorrow's pain. Almost everyone has a history of some form of deprivation, qualifying himself or herself as a leading candidate for the soap opera called life, and many people constantly relate through the drama of their traumas. Influenced by traditional conditioning, most people will not approach relationships based on their own immediate experience. As a result, they may miss out on the thrill of life: abundance, loving, and joy, which are always present for those awake and aware enough to claim them.

John-Roger, DSS
Feel gratitude for the person next to you. You find out that this is an easier, nicer way to live than trying to beat somebody out of something, to get ahead of them and compete.

John-Roger, DSS
When you become a so-called "adult," you often feel like the world didn't give you a chance. It has never given anybody a chance. The world is to be reached into and used. You can't take it because it's not yours; you can use it, however. Things of the world are to be used. If you have something that you can't use, pass it along to someone who can. If everyone did this, do you think there would be shortages in this world?

John-Roger, DSS
When we start to become whole and complete, the goodness of God in us starts to flow up and out, and takes the personality and lifts it up. That doesn't mean that the negative side won't still nag away at us. But if we acknowledge the negative side, it will lose its power and will cease to control us.

John-Roger, DSS

September 12, 1999

Where two or more people are caring for each other, we have family.

John Morton, DSS

September 11, 1999

Look within yourself; inquire within yourself to find understanding.

John-Roger, DSS

September 10, 1999

Treat people as they deserve to be treated, as the extension of God that they are.

John-Roger, DSS

September 09, 1999

As soon as you measure your present experience with a past experience, you have judged it, and your judgments will be upon you. You have then propelled yourself out of Spirit. To get yourself back into the Spirit, you move into the present moment and love whatever is happening. When you are not living in expectation, you can't be caught in negativity.

John-Roger, DSS