Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

No hunter places a trap while the animals are watching. Like a hunter, negativity tries to catch you with traps of negative thoughts and feelings. But if you are in a state of observation -- if you are watching -- you catch negativity off guard. You know where the trap is, and you avoid the place. Then that negativity, having no energy to sustain itself, dissolves.

John-Roger, DSS

October 07, 1999

Be flexible. There is nothing sacred about a schedule on paper. Be available to what is, what Spirit is directing.

John Morton, DSS
It takes a high degree of intelligence to cooperate with what is going on. In your mind, however, you will usually not allow it to be like that. You'll say that it is not so. It is your attitude towards things that either blocks you or frees you.

John-Roger, DSS
Sometimes we've desired something and didn't get it, and we've cussed God, our wives, our husbands, our lousy kids, and everybody else in the world -- and then weeks later the better thing comes forward. Then we don't know what to do because we've put God down, we've put our wife or husband down, we've put the kids down, we've put everybody down, but here comes this wonderful opportunity. It's because Spirit, the substance of life, had the better one coming for you and negated the one that was not going to give you the fullness that you had tuned in to. And so it looked like a curse, but the blessing was right behind it.

John-Roger, DSS
Your children will tend to cope with the world much the same way you do. Children learn by example. If you don't do too well, how are they going to do better? If you're really good at lifemanship, however, they're going to learn. Take your children out into the world and teach them what to do. Take them to social gatherings, churches, bowling alleys, circuses, art galleries, parades, and the theatre. Show them how to behave by demonstrating how to behave.

John-Roger, DSS
Once you love the enemy inside, once you embrace it, that enemy will transform and yield its power to you. At that moment, you are sitting on the most wonderful wealth of your existence. The ability to do, the strength to do it, and the energy to complete it; that is the true wealth. Out of that come our health and our happiness.

John-Roger, DSS

October 02, 1999

Have the compassion that sees past whatever behavior is present, whatever form is in your midst, and see the Beloved in that, and know that it is the sanctification that comes from the Spirit. Whenever you find yourself outside of that compassion, when you find yourself back in this land of reflection, in this struggle, in the war of the consciousness -- it is simply an opportunity to call upon God's presence to realize that the cathedral of the Soul is within you.

John Morton, DSS
If you create an attitude of supporting yourself and others in doing the best you and they can, many aspects of creating your abundance can fall into line. Many people think that wanting the best from themselves and others can often be demanding and painful. It doesn't have to be. You don't have to demand or expect it. You can go for it with encouragement and enthusiasm. It's a matter of recognizing that "going for it" is a matter of first doing the best you can, which may not always be perfect. You don't have to berate others or "get on their case" just because they made a mistake. The key attitude is one of assisting yourself and others in correcting yourselves on the way to doing the best that can be done.

John-Roger, DSS

September 30, 1999

The mind is finite and the Mystical Traveler and Spirit are infinite. The heart understands. Tune into the love in your heart, and it will respond to the love that is the Traveler. The mind will most likely continue its haranguing, so keep focusing back to the love and listen to your heart.

John-Roger, DSS

September 29, 1999

As you come to understand that Christ is not the man, that man is of Christ, you start unfolding.

John-Roger, DSS