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Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

November 27, 1999

In circumstances that are about survival, keep your focus on the things that give you survival, that provide you with what you know is important -- like your next breath.

John Morton, DSS

November 26, 1999

Q: How does one respond to certain aspects of society that are oppressive and still maintain one's individual or spiritual equilibrium? J-R: Well, to me, that's very easy to do because I maintain the physical body here, walking through this world that I would call oppressive, while I live in Spirit, which I would call freedom; and all I do is keep bringing the freedom into this level everywhere I find it.

John-Roger, DSS

November 25, 1999

When you feel like you'd like to give someone a piece of your mind, give them, instead, a piece of your heart; give them love.

John-Roger, DSS
Spiritual exercises are designed with the specific intention of getting you off the planet for good. And it is good.

John-Roger, DSS
Impatience is part of our negativity, distracting us from our here-and-now life. So, what do you do with your impatience? You don't do anything with it, because impatience is doing something to you. All you have to do is observe it.

John-Roger, DSS

November 22, 1999

Secret is about sacred. It's not about what's hidden. What is hidden must be revealed. But it's revealed according to God's terms, when we can handle them. And we're not given those terms until we really can handle them.

John Morton, DSS
You forgive yourself your own stupidity and ignorance and lack of knowledge, and you forgive everybody else in the same instant. And at that moment, you're moving into enlightenment. Not only do you say, "I forgive you," but you also forgive as a process of beingness. Your attitude is one where you would reach down into the muck and mire of where someone is and gently lift them out and cleanse them from what they had on them, as bad and terrible as it may be.

John-Roger, DSS

November 20, 1999

The true master realizes the opportunity of oneness with God in every experience, in every human being, and in every event.

John-Roger, DSS
When you teach your children to face the world and the people in it with honesty and truth, you are giving them a most valuable key for living. When you hide something, then you are not functioning in honesty, and you will not have love. When you are open, saying, "You can see everything that is going on," then there is nothing hidden. All is present. That is a very easy way to live and to teach your children to live.

John-Roger, DSS
How can something negative push you back in line? Let's say you are doing important work and the phone rings. You forgot to turn on the answering machine and the person calling knows you are there. You can either get frustrated and irritated and answer in a huff, or you can use the phone ringing to remind you to take a breath, to stretch, to say a quick prayer for your children.

John-Roger, DSS