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Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

December 17, 1999

Q: I have heard you say many times that we are perfectly protected when we are working with the Mystical Traveler. Does this mean on the physical level, too? J-R: The protection is spiritual, not necessarily physical. If a karmic action can be handled in the night travels rather than in the physical, then it may well be that you don't have to go through the action physically. If it is for your highest good for you to go through an action physically, then you will go through it. Don't assume anything; pay attention and don't get yourself into situations where it is obvious that there is potential for physical harm.

John-Roger, DSS

December 16, 1999

Suffering is pretty much somebody's subjective point of view about being deprived of something, and why they're being deprived. And this is based largely upon needs, wants, or desires. But how would we come to a unity of God unless we experienced a lot of the things we call suffering and work? And often our suffering turns us toward greater levels of behavior and understanding. If you had your finger caught in a door and had it slammed on, you suffered pain. When somebody else does it, you immediately have an understanding with them that transcends everything. It's an immediate knowing, and you may be able to assist them by saying something that is very helpful.

John-Roger, DSS
Many people say, "I've been meditating for years and I haven't seen a thing. No fairies, no angels, no sparks, no nothing." I laugh. When we are impatient for results, we are not focusing on love.

John-Roger, DSS

December 14, 1999

Happiness has an effervescent quality, a radiant quality. This is how I relate to happy -- that it's a kind of percolating and has its own source.

John Morton, DSS
How can we observe God when we are observing resentment or worry? Where is God? God is in goodness. If you want to find God, don't waste your time with what is bad; spend your time in goodness.

John-Roger, DSS

December 12, 1999

There are those who I would look to and say, "Well, that person is connected to their happiness." They're conscious of it, they're aware of it, so when they're not happy, they're still aware of the happiness even though their expression may appear unhappy.

John Morton, DSS
As you change behavior, you change the emotion. As you change the emotion, you change the thinking. As you change the thinking, you're getting wisdom. As you gain wisdom, you go into forgiveness.

John-Roger, DSS

December 10, 1999

You can only be upset and hurt when you're carrying upset and hurt.

John-Roger, DSS
Children are often brought together in family patterns to sandpaper each other and to teach each other. Your job is to see that no one gets hurt and that no one exerts an overpowering type of infliction against the other. Other than that, your attitude can be that they will learn from one another.

John-Roger, DSS
Once we focus on love, we are motivated by the very essence of life, not by some pattern of fantasies that causes us to think, "Oh, I wonder what she'd be like in bed. I wonder what he'd be like in bed. I wonder what kind of car they're driving. I wonder what we're going to eat tomorrow for breakfast. I wonder if I'll be able to get home before the traffic gets jammed up." Wonder, instead, what you are doing right now, because Divine presence is here.

John-Roger, DSS