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Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

January 21, 2000

A peacemaker is known by their peace in conditions and circumstances where it's very difficult to be at peace.

John Morton, DSS
We can be in a state of doing, or we can be in a state of being. In a state of being, we don't have to do anything. All we have to do is just be here. That's pretty much what the Mystical Traveler is. It's a state of being. It doesn't have to perform.

John-Roger, DSS
Kids, in their actions, teach each other to withstand the world. The play they go through teaches them how to win and lose both inside and outside. If they play a game and lose and become so frustrated that they have a temper tantrum or have to go to their room, they may not be learning. When they can say, "It was just a game," and go on to the next thing, then they're learning. If they can let the other children win, then they walk away winners, too. This is cooperation and flexibility.

John-Roger, DSS

January 18, 2000

Dig deeply into the spring of love and partake of it. The supply is infinite.

John-Roger, DSS
You may claim, as many do, that you are an intensely aware person. You are so intensely observing, forcing knowledge and awareness on yourself, that you forget to see the experience whole, and rise above it. Experience is valuable, but a dog can experience something and learn from its experience. Humans are able to get above the experience and observe it. They learn more from the observation than from the experience itself.

John-Roger, DSS

January 16, 2000

The key to a really great relationship is to see the Lord in all the things and to see the good - it keeps us aligned inside with everything.

John Morton, DSS
When you connect to the presence of Spirit inside you, the teachings are given to you inwardly and become an aspect of your experience.

John-Roger, DSS

January 14, 2000

Q: When I do my spiritual exercises I often experience anxiety and anger. What do you suggest I do? A: The anger and anxiety is being surfaced when you do your spiritual exercises. If those feelings were not in you then they would not be coming up. You are being given the opportunity to break through those patterns as they come up for you so you can look at what is coming up as a blessing. Observe the feelings and continue on doing your spiritual exercises. Releasing that during spiritual exercises can be a beautiful action.

John-Roger, DSS

January 13, 2000

Free will happens only when you're more highly evolved, because only God has free will. So, when you make your will the same as God's, it's free. But prior to that, you do the individuality. I usually call it "won't-power" instead of will-power. "I won't do this. No, I won't do that and you can't make me." In the free choice level, you can make a lot of choices and they're all free. Whichever one you make, though, institutes the next choices that come up. And we're held responsible for them, whether we like it or not. A lot of people don't want to believe that, but all they have to do to prove it is look at their lives.

John-Roger, DSS
We get our prejudices through our eyes. But when we truly observe the world around us, we find ourselves with fresh eyes: We are no longer encumbered with prejudice against the world. Often we say, "I like that one and I don't like that one." How do you know? "I looked at it." But did you observe it? "No, but I know what I like, don't I? Why should I observe?" Take another look. Because you wonder why you do not get what you want. The things you do not want are what you attract when you focus on your judgments, resentments, and guilts.

John-Roger, DSS