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Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

January 31, 2000

One of my constant prayers is that I express the highest consciousness I know: unconditional loving, acceptance and forgiveness.

John Morton, DSS
He wins who endures to the end. And I've never had that as referring to competition with another person. When I've said it to myself, I've meant that this one inside of me is going to win. Because when this outer personality gives up and makes its excuses, this inner one is still going to continue on doing the best it can.

John-Roger, DSS
There is an implied directive: Do the best you can and encourage others to be the best they can around you. That means colleagues, supervisors, students, those under your supervision, friends, lovers, mates, even clerks and waiters serving you. Many people think encouragement is a verbal expression, such as, "Go for it," to be delivered with inspiring enthusiasm. That is a more obvious form of encouragement. A more powerful support is not said with the voice but is stated in the heart and manifest in attitude.

John-Roger, DSS

January 28, 2000

You are divine love. You are living love.

John-Roger, DSS
It is rare in meditation that you will hear anything. And when you do, more often than not, it is just your own mind chattering at you, and your meditation will seem fruitless. What should you do then? My advice is: listen.

John-Roger, DSS

January 26, 2000

Let us dedicate ourselves to peace within ourselves, that wherever we go, we bring peace and we learn to find peace in all things.

John Morton, DSS
The value of the Mystical Traveler is that it has traversed the realms of Light, extended itself into the physical form, and now uses the physical form to bring you the teachings on a verbal level, explaining to you that there is more to your existence than the three-dimensional figure you misrepresent yourself to be. You are more than your physical expression.

John-Roger, DSS
When you get to Soul, you can bring into the physical the Soul knowledge of what is, and you can correct the things in life that need correction. You can make your life wonderful and beautiful and joyous.

John-Roger, DSS

January 23, 2000

When we say "Take care of yourself so you can help take care of others", we also mean to take care of each other. That is what serving from the heart is about. We should not forget that when we minister to our spiritual family we are doing God's work too.

John-Roger, DSS

January 22, 2000

If you really want to meditate and see God, you will.

John-Roger, DSS