Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

February 10, 2000

God is in control just so we can relax and be patient.

John Morton, DSS

February 09, 2000

Anyone who is residing in the power of love is never destroyed, never separated, always free, always up, always growing.

John-Roger, DSS
If you're not forgiving your enemies seven times seventy, if you're not loving your neighbor as yourself, if you're not loving God with all your body, mind, and Soul -- if none of that's being done, if none of that is true, if none of that's possible and you can't do that, then you can just put on a tin bill and go out and pick feed with the rest of the chickens, because it's of no avail to do anything else. And if it is true, then why aren't we getting to it? Maybe it's because someone left off some of the steps that have to be done. They forgot to say, "This is a planet of trial and error and making mistakes." So get on with doing that so you can correct your errors, and then start to live a life of showing other people.

John-Roger, DSS
To move inside to your own spiritual inner awareness is not always easy to do by yourself. But then, you weren't put here by yourself, either. You were put here as part of the body of God, as heir to the kingdom of Heaven.

John-Roger, DSS
Practice the discipline of holding your attention on a thought. It won't make you a slave; on the contrary, it will teach you how to be in control of it. When you can control, focusing your attention, you can free your mind. Observation is the key to doing this. When you can free up your attention, you can put it where you want it.

John-Roger, DSS

February 05, 2000

It is not our job to punish people. We are not troublemakers. We are problem solvers and those making things better than we found them. We stand for embracing what is, and dealing with it.

John Morton, DSS
So many times the way out of something is to go through it and gain the greatest awareness available to you.

John-Roger, DSS
How can you check spiritual information? Does participation with a teaching bring you more joy and abundance on the inner and outer levels? Does the information received and applied evoke more loving in your life? If not, you may be playing with fire rather than upliftment.

John-Roger, DSS

February 02, 2000

You are becoming totally aware and completely capable of maintaining multidimensional awareness. You are already in Soul Consciousness right now. You don't need to do anything except recognize it. You're there.

John-Roger, DSS
It becomes a hard life when we pray to God for all sorts of help but we won't be quiet, sit back, and listen for the answers God provides. Don't dominate the conversation: Be silent and listen a little. In other words, meditate. Quiet down and observe your life.

John-Roger, DSS