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Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

February 20, 2000

We are asking for what is unmanifest and still in the Spirit to be brought forward and manifested. Our destiny as we incarnate into this world -- is that we shall be fulfilled of the Spirit. And when we make that claim of the Spirit it is done.

John Morton, DSS
People will be attracted to you as you show and share your Light, and they will come forward to contribute to your success. Greed is like the flame that attracts moths, which usually burn themselves out. But the spiritual Light, which exists within you, is like a divine magnet that will attract others who seek to share their own Light, expanding the source of your success. Some people may be frightened by this onrushing support and back away, wanting to remain in a more familiar level of limitation. If you want more than this, however, it means claiming the Light, the support, and the prosperity that are available and embracing success past your wildest dreams.

John-Roger, DSS

February 18, 2000

When you become one with life, the very leaves on the trees are the scripture of nature. The face you look at is the scripture of your own beingness. The aura around you is the scripture of your mind and emotions and, very often, of your own spirituality. The very Soul is seeing the face of God in the physical world.

John-Roger, DSS
In creation, God was just one, in one location called the Spirit.

John-Roger, DSS
Observation and letting go will ultimately lead you to a greater awareness of the reality of death, and a process of "letting God." And that is awareness of the joy that we are, the bliss that is present.

John-Roger, DSS

February 15, 2000

The "stuff" in our life that we can't handle, the so called "overwhelm" is our mis-creation. Have the wit to let it go and be glad in the parting.

John Morton, DSS
It's much more difficult to have the inner experience of Spirit if you're running around in the world lying and cheating and getting into all sorts of trouble. Many times you get the inner experience of your own sacredness by sitting down and detaching yourself form the physical world in a form of meditation, contemplation or spiritual exercises.

John-Roger, DSS
Forgive yourself and the other person. Forgive the emotions you ran on someone else. Forgive the other person. For to err is human; to forgive, divine.

John-Roger, DSS

February 12, 2000

I've given you the key to the inner worlds and told you that you have to build some muscle, through spiritual exercises, in order to get there. Spend a little time with the Mystical Traveler. Just forsake this world for a little while and go with the Traveler to where you are. Some of you do your spiritual exercises and touch into your reality for a little bit, and things straighten out really well; then you go off and gallivant around and forsake the very thing that you are. And you wonder what's wrong. Do your spiritual exercises until you are so full inside that no matter where you go and what you do, that fullness is always there.

John-Roger, DSS
When you meditate, the ego wants to feel like it has accomplished something after sitting there all that time. But why give up your precious attention to your ego? That will just create defeat: Anxieties, animosities, depressions, insanities, and general craziness. Instead of allowing your ego to push you around, observe, then choose wisely where you will place your thoughts and actions.

John-Roger, DSS