Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

There is always more than enough for everyone to keep playing. The Lord's game is played for fun and for keeps. Share your wealth, that the unlimited Divine Source may replenish you evermore.

John Morton, DSS

February 29, 2000

It's nice to recognize that the Soul holds itself responsible for all its actions and creations. The consciousness may try to "get away with something" or may try to fool itself and lull itself into patterns of unawareness, but the Soul says, "These things I am. These are things for which I am responsible. These things I will fulfill right down to the last farthing." The Soul fulfills all things within itself.

John-Roger, DSS
As Spiritual Warriors, we do not judge the meditation. We do not judge the mind or the emotions. We observe them, and the observing itself dissolves our negative emotions. You may ask, what will be left when they are dissolved? If you ask, you are losing. But if we can observe what is happening and record it accurately, and then place the love in it, that love will move the disturbance. That is how we get free; that is how we dissolve negative karma.

John-Roger, DSS

February 27, 2000

If I act out of integrity and loving, it doesn't matter who is right. It doesn't even matter what happens. What does matter is what I have invested inwardly. If I am attached to my history of limitations, which weighs down the present, I have lost the war even if I win the battle. If I present myself and my point of view in loving, with no attachments to the outcome, I have won before any battle has started.

John-Roger, DSS
Spiritual exercises are a tremendous key. They may not solve anything for you, but they give you the altitude to see more clearly. And as you see more clearly, the solutions often appear.

John-Roger, DSS
Waking up means observing yourself to find out what you are doing. This is really the easiest process in the world. It is called meditation. People complain to me that they have been meditating for many years and all they see is darkness. They get irritated and angry. But remember, you don't have to do anything with that darkness. Get rid of your false expectations of what spiritual experience means: Just be silent, and observe your darkness. If you could just realize it, God is speaking through the blackness that you see. But you are so busy being uptight and resenting it that you fail to hear God's voice.

John-Roger, DSS
It is possible to live your life in Soul consciousness right now, from the physical to the Soul and back again, co-creating health, wealth, and happiness.

John-Roger, DSS

February 23, 2000

God sees only perfection.

John-Roger, DSS

February 22, 2000

You're not great in the sense of your ego, but in the Soul you are far greater than you think you are.

John-Roger, DSS
By observing, you can spontaneously rise into love. Spontaneously, without having learned how.

John-Roger, DSS