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Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

March 21, 2000

If you strive for perfection, the work you have started will be finished by the Christ.

John-Roger, DSS
It is so important to allow each consciousness, each Soul, the freedom to evolve into its own awareness in its own timing.

John-Roger, DSS
Have you noticed that when you try to work on guilt or resentment or other problems, they beat you on the head? We start by rationalizing our problems, and end up complaining about who is in our way, and how to get them out of the way, and if we had had better parents we would never have had any problems at all. Then we say, "Why is my life so much harder than everybody else's?" Why don't you sit back and observe your life? Now.

John-Roger, DSS

March 18, 2000

Q: How does one control the wavering thoughts while doing meditation? A: With practice. The natural tendency of the mind is to wander and the process of meditation or spiritual exercises will help to discipline the mind and keep it directed the way you want it to go. If you are a beginner to meditation or spiritual exercises, it's a good idea not to try to "keep the mind quiet." The mind can continue to chatter but you just place it off to the side and continue to meditate. Don't be real concerned at first if your thoughts are all over the place. As you practice and continue to discipline yourself, you will experience the results. It can take time, so be patient with yourself.

John-Roger, DSS

March 17, 2000

Q: How can I avoid suffering when I release negative conditions? A: When you consciously set onto the spiritual path you get a chance to clear up those areas of your life that have not always been for the "highest good of all concerned." Many times as you change these old habit patterns and the way you go about doing things you may experience emotional pain or mental confusion...things you may think of as negative. And then you think you are "suffering" when you really are releasing old patterns that no longer work for you and consciously taking control of your life. If you created "suffering" in the past, you may have to go through some more of it in order to clear that both inside yourself and with those around you. Don't judge the action. Love the fact that you are going through it and realize at the other side of the suffering is the freedom from the pattern that has controlled you.

John-Roger, DSS
The essence of all blessings is goodness. Let's all go out and do some good.

John Morton, DSS

March 15, 2000

You're the one who knows what's best for you and by allowing that time to be with the God in your heart, you will strengthen the knowledge of yourself and then realize the divine essence that's inherent in you.

John-Roger, DSS
If we can just be, and we can let that being of who we are come forward, and we can let our voice and our mind just present themselves, this being will do away with all the doing that has been our compulsive and obsessive behavior. Do you understand this? That being comes forward, and then it does the doing. And there's no karma because the action is done from the state of being, not from the state of ego, or from right and wrong or from "I'm supposed to know" or anything else like that. People say, "How do you know these things?" I reside in the state of being. They say, "But how do you accomplish so much?" What I do is done from the state of being, or I don't do it.

John-Roger, DSS
The value in spiritual exercises is that you make the Spirit familiar to you, so you can replace the familiarity of the world's distractions, activities, and excitements with the familiarity of the Spirit inside. You have proven time and time again that you will not move out of the familiar into the unknown; it's too threatening. So we are working with those proven patterns of behavior and creating a new familiarity so you can move into that.

John-Roger, DSS
In order to do what it takes to manage your life, you have to go to the source of strength. It is not on the outside. It is not subscribing to the latest diet fad. The last one didn't do it for you because you were putting your energy into outside cures. If you take it from the inside, you are then able to create what you really choose. You have within you the ability to create.

John-Roger, DSS