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Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Love is. It is noninterfering. It is supporting. It's that which says, "Look, I may not understand everything going on, but that doesn't mean you can't do it, just because I don't understand it." Love is.

John-Roger, DSS
I have found that the deepest, most meaningful aspects to my life are often the ones that first appear to be so ordinary and inconsequential. The source of the blessings in my life is deep within, past whatever abilities or attainments I have or don't have, past any circumstances or fortune, past whatever can be seen as a cause or an effect. That source is still invisible and unknown and yet the most real aspect of my life. Praise be to God.

John Morton, DSS

March 29, 2000

Love yourself no matter what.

John-Roger, DSS
It matters little what someone else has or has not done. What matters is what you're doing right now.

John-Roger, DSS
The number one enemy of the Spiritual Warrior is resistance. Resistance is the ultimate contracted state; it produces discord, disease, and violence. When we resist our own divine nature, we commit an act of violence against ourselves. Ironically, when we resist our dark nature it is also an act of violence. For people seeking a path of awareness, resistance can become either a stepping-stone or a stumbling block. But you can't overcome resistance by resisting it.

John-Roger, DSS
Watch out when you win an argument. That means someone else lost. If you are loving that person, you are then part of the loss. If you are not loving that person, you have your work cut out for you. As for me, if there is a conflict with another human being and someone declares it a win-lose situation, I'd choose the loss. I'd rather lose my ego, my position, my need to be right than win. I'd rather that someone I love learn from their winning than I inflict a loss on them. That's a heavier loss than I prefer.

John-Roger, DSS
"Baruch Bashan" is a statement that means "the blessings already are" -- that blessings are present, and all we have to do is to partake of them, enjoy them, and appreciate them. That is what a genuine relationship with God and Spirit is really all about: The blessings of God are present and available.

John Morton, DSS
When you have established the familiarity with Spirit, it's an easy transition from this level to the next. At some point, you will just let this world go, and the physical reality will drop away from you. You'll realize your physical body is no longer present, and in the perfection of spiritual reality, it won't matter much to you whether you come back into this physical world or continue your path of evolvement on the other levels.

John-Roger, DSS
No matter how spiritual you claim to be, you can still go crazy with emotions if you don't strengthen the spiritual inner connection and exercise the conscious self's willpower. Most people give in to the basic self's won't-power and erupt in emotional energy that only vents anger, hurt, and dismay. What they are left with after this expression is anger, hurt, and dismay, as well as a lonely, exhausted feeling of energy depletion.

John-Roger, DSS
If you immediately get involved with your emotions or your thoughts of what should or should not be taking place according to some preconceived notion you have, you are creating a pattern inside of you that you will feel compelled to follow. So what we think is positive we attempt to put into our Soul, and what we think is negative, we try to send to hell and forget. But that is judgment. That is categorizing and placing. It has nothing to do with letting go.

John-Roger, DSS