Events Calendar

Peace Awareness Trainings (PAT I)

Hotel Zara Bansko,42, Yavor Street, Bulgaria

The PAT Trainings were created under the direct and supervision of John-Roger, D.S.S. to provide a retreat where people can break through whatever blocks their conscious awareness of Spirit. If you’ve ever wished you could get free of the habit patterns and mind chatter that get in the way of attuning to the divinity of your heart, this is the training for you.

Meditation, Movement, & Sound: An Evening of Inner Attunement

Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens 3500 West Adams Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner harmony with meditation, qigong, and a crystal sound journey featuring crystal bowls, crystal chimes, a crystal lyre, and crystal pyramids.

DSS Program in Transcendent Leadership: Gathering – Year 2

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The Doctoral Program in Transcendent Leadership builds on the work of the master’s experience in TL as we stand in the strength of our capstone demonstration, and use that capstone as a stepping stone toward the next highest summit and next greatest level of expansion.

The Traveler in your Dreams

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As a student of the Traveler, you are receiving valuable information and guidance 24 hours a day. Are you aware of all that is available to you?

The Path of the Mystic: A Way of Being for Our Times – Part 2

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“Your ultimate destiny is to be consciously aware on all levels at all times and to know your own divinity. When you do this, you also know the divinity in all things and realize that it is all one.” John-Roger, DSS