Events Calendar

Celebration of 26 Years of MSIA (Belo Horizonte, Brazil)

Caesar Business Belvedere Rodovia Stael Mary Bicalho Motta Magalhães, Belvedere, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

We define Celebration as a gathering of students and their families, where we can share stories, photos, videos... share from the heart... tell tales, etc. It is a time to celebrate from the heart and reconnect with the reason that brought us here: to be part of the MSIA family.

Joy & Laughter, Gifts of the Spirit Workshop (Belo Horizonte, Brazil)

Caesar Business Belvedere Rodovia Stael Mary Bicalho Motta Magalhães, Belvedere, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

J-R says that the soul resides in a happy state, a happy, detached state and you can mockup this thing that you could call a portable paradise and then you start moving with it. John-Roger, D.S.S.

Q&A for Ministers & Initiates with John Morton (Belo Horizonte, Brazil)