Events Calendar

Personal Integrity: The True Currency of Our Time

This Event is Online Only

If you ever felt like the world's spinning out of control, with fake news, empty promises, and people saying one thing but doing another, and you've found it stressful and exhausting - that's where personal integrity comes in. It's not just a fancy word, it's our superpower in today's chaotic world.

Sound Bath: A Sonic Journey into Who You Are

Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens 3500 West Adams Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Relax and let go as you allow the sound of over 20 instruments to take you inward on a sound and musical journey to attune to the inner sound, and to your true self.

One Day Urban Retreat

3726 West Adams Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90018.

The purpose of the retreat is for you to completely relax, let go of worldly concerns, and connect more deeply with who you truly are and with what breathes and sustains you.

Celebration of 26 Years of MSIA (Belo Horizonte, Brazil)

Caesar Business Belvedere Rodovia Stael Mary Bicalho Motta Magalhães, Belvedere, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

We define Celebration as a gathering of students and their families, where we can share stories, photos, videos... share from the heart... tell tales, etc. It is a time to celebrate from the heart and reconnect with the reason that brought us here: to be part of the MSIA family.

Joy & Laughter, Gifts of the Spirit Workshop (Belo Horizonte, Brazil)

Caesar Business Belvedere Rodovia Stael Mary Bicalho Motta Magalhães, Belvedere, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

J-R says that the soul resides in a happy state, a happy, detached state and you can mockup this thing that you could call a portable paradise and then you start moving with it. John-Roger, D.S.S.

Q&A for Ministers & Initiates with John Morton (Belo Horizonte, Brazil)