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BlessingsFest with John Morton (Mendoza, Argentina)

November 3, 2024
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Would you like to experience being showered with blessings? That’s what happens non-stop for hours in the BlessingsFest. It’s a Traveler marathon that leaves you knowing you’ve been blessed, that you are blessed, that the blessings truly already are.

John Morton is scheduled to participate online. (health & schedule permitting)
This event is English with consecutive Spanish translation in person and online.

Date and Time: November 3, 2024
4:00 pm – 10:00 pm ART, Sunday (Mendoza, Argentina)
11:00 am – 5:00 pm PT, Sunday (Los Angeles, CA)

Participate Online

Online Tuition: $250.00
Online Registration: Required. Viewing instructions are sent via email upon completion of registration.

Questions About This Event? Email registrar@msia.org or call +1 (323) 737-4055
Need Technical Support? Email ptshelp1@gmail.com

Cancellation Policy: All tuition paid is non-refundable and non-transferable unless MSIA cancels the event.

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