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Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Jan 25, 2015

The way to move on worry free, which is part and parcel in the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness, is through your acceptance, trust and faith. Engage in the knowing that all is in God's perfect order. All is taken care of in God's light and love. Then you'll realize, "Hey, things are okay. I don't have to worry. I can move on, worry free." - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "Moving On, Worry Free," on the New Day Herald website:

John Morton, DSS
Jan 20, 2015

Be like a pure, innocent child who prays to the father, mother, God with complete faith in the prayer being answered. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jan 13, 2015

Spiritual fulfillment is a knowing that who you are overcomes all things that could ever challenge you. It's an understanding that you are complete. It's not something that we can fully speak to in this world. We can't show it to you, hold it up to you and say "Here is your spiritual fulfillment." It's something you already know inside of yourself or you know enough about it that you want it. We call it Soul Transcendence. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "What is meant by Spiritual Fulfillment?" on the New Day Herald website:

John Morton, DSS
Jan 08, 2015

Through Christ all has been delivered through the Spirit, and we are in process of cooperating with the manifestation of God's blessings, which already are. We become jubilant in celebration that our prayers are answered, not necessarily in the way we requested or hoped for, but in the way that serves our Soul, our true self, and our spiritual destiny. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jan 01, 2015

Make a list. In one column, what you don't want. Other column, what you do want. Make a decision about what your life is about. It's either negative or positive about what is to become of your life. Once you make the decision, make a deep, deep commitment, with God as your partner, to make it happen for the highest good of all concerned. Make it happen. Stop switching up/down as that just creates ineffectively. Stay on purpose. Keep the focus going. Watch Rocky (the movie), Rocky, friend of Bullwinkle also works. Energy follows thought. Act like it. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Dec 27, 2014

I'm going to do an exercise in forgiveness. I would like you to join me and we'll just put that out for ourselves, for those who we have close to us, certainly our family and our neighbors, and even those we don't know. Dear Lord, we ask that you visit into our heart, that you bring to us our awareness of whatever we hold in judgment, and especially whoever we would hold in judgment. We ask that you lead us in forgiveness and teach us what we must do. And as we understand you show us we are to let go and be open to your mercy. We ask for our judgments to be bathed within us so we are merciful towards ourselves, that each one of us lets go of any judgment to find we are cleansed of harshness and bitterness. We especially ask that you move into what we have forgotten, into our past actions, and that you clean up and clear the transgressions that we bring to you. Thank you for the children and for showing us again and again that we all are beloved children of God. Come again and again into our midst and remind us of our innocence and our purity that lead us in the ways that we are to become like you. We are all children returning to our rightful place in your loving embrace and in your peace for all. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "Giving and Forgiving," on the New Day Herald website:

John Morton, DSS
Dec 19, 2014

Remember, our true self is entirely spiritual in nature. The temporary conditions involving the body/mind/personality are all set-ups for awakening spiritually. Choosing acceptance and cooperation with how things work in this world creates higher and higher experiences including our ability to create positively in the world and experience understanding of the great and divine plan that is God's will being done perfectly. All conditions serve in this purpose as opportunities to grow and evolve spiritually. This is the movement of spiritual inner awareness. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Dec 15, 2014

Let's choose to tend to our brothers and sisters in whatever forms they come to us, which may be in ways that aren't on our terms. My brother or sister's needs don't necessarily present themselves to me in ways I want or like. At those times, I discover how willing I am to drop my agenda, let go of any selfishness, and care for them in the best ways I can. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "Am I my Brother's Keeper?" on the New Day Herald website:

John Morton, DSS
Dec 15, 2014

Let's choose to tend to our brothers and sisters in whatever forms they come to us, which may be in ways that aren't on our terms. My brother or sister's needs don't necessarily present themselves to me in ways I want or like. At those times, I discover how willing I am to drop my agenda, let go of any selfishness, and care for them in the best ways I can. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "Am I my Brother's Keeper?" on the New Day Herald website:

John Morton, DSS
Dec 09, 2014

We are all co-creators endowed by God with creative abilities to make each situation better than we found it, regardless of any conditions that come present. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Dec 03, 2014

Spiritually, everything is on purpose and happening in ways that are for your upliftment, learning, and growth. In truth, nothing is happening against you ever. Take a moment in your day to tune within and get a hold of the divine consciousness where worry and fear cannot reside. Choose to move forward with the strength, courage and joy that is of the Spirit. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "Moving On, Worry Free," on the New Day Herald website

John Morton, DSS
Nov 27, 2014

Happiness is a blessing, which means you can be happy regardless. So choose to be happy. Do happy things, and do whatever you do in a happy way. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Nov 21, 2014

I see the Divine Self as one who doesn't have worry or fear. In the Divine Self, loving and caring is the way. Your needs are met. You can experience that everything is on purpose and happening in a way that's for your upliftment, learning, and growth. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "What is the Blessing in Fear?" on the New Day Herald website:

John Morton, DSS
Nov 14, 2014

Just because someone asks you for a response does not mean that you should give them one, at least immediately when you are not clear or sure or balanced in your response. Patience is a virtue of allowing God to reveal, clarify, and come into manifestation for the highest good of all concerned. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Nov 09, 2014

Spiritual fulfillment is your destiny. It is your heritage. It's the course of your life that is more than a potential. It is a given. Spiritual fulfillment will take place. However, you may not experience the completion of your spiritual fulfillment in your life. It's something that works on an eternal level. It's about you making the choice, allowing yourself to claim spiritual fulfillment, and to live according to what that is for you. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "What is Meant by Spiritual Fulfillment?" on the New Day Herald website:

John Morton, DSS
Nov 02, 2014

For those who come in the name of the Lord, God is your partner always. You are never alone or abandoned. When you serve in the name of the Lord, you are called into action through the living love of the Mystical Traveler. You are called within through the Christ beloved. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Oct 28, 2014

One day, it could be this moment now, you are going to realize and understand that you are not your body, you are not your emotions or mind, you are not what you have done or what has happened to you so you are not your past nor future. You are a being of God in perfect working order and fully one with all of God's creation which has just one energy and that energy is loving. In that moment of realization you are going to be in relaxation. And you can claim this now so you can begin to relax more regardless of the conditions in your life. You can still do your life very actively while being relaxed as a way of doing and way of being who you are in the world regardless of the conditions present. None of the conditions matter to God when it comes to the loving and peace which are always present. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Oct 21, 2014

When faced with a personal health challenge, do whatever is available in your choices for caring and supporting yourself. Take initiative and learn how to better care for yourself. Remember, taking care of yourself is a divine responsibility. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Oct 16, 2014

If you want spiritual fulfillment, if you want Soul Transcendence, then it is yours to have. It's just a matter of you choosing back to what is already yours and prepared for you. It is prepared spiritually. In some ways, what that means is that you release yourself from your lower nature and your earthly material existence. You let that go so that it no longer has the importance or the attachment that it once had. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "What is meant by Spiritual Fulfillment?" on the New Day Herald website:

John Morton, DSS
Oct 09, 2014

Ultimately, what we teach in MSIA is you are a Soul living a material life in this world. You are not your body or whatever conditions you are processing physically and psychically. Your challenges may include pain and suffering. As part of the human condition, you may experience frustration, confusion, resentment, guilt, and the like. Love it all, and remember that everything in this world serves your Soul's learning and growth. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS