Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Aug 04, 2002

There is something truly wonderful that goes on when we worship: You are placing yourself before the One that you would most want to be with and see and know and hear and touch - to come into that Presence and move beyond the world in consciousness. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "Blessings, Prayers, and Invocations", an audiotape, Tape #7630)

John Morton, DSS
Jul 29, 2002

Happiness is a sign of successful service. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jul 23, 2002

Worship doesn't have to be something really specific like what you see or hear or sense. It can just be the realization that you are loved and nurtured, that you are taken care of and protected - a chance to re-source and to regenerate in the divine presence. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jul 17, 2002

You can set yourself up so that you're constantly blessing yourself and others. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jul 11, 2002

One way to check yourself in each moment is to find out if you are conscious of the present. Are you pulled away? When you're here and present, that's a way of knowing you're in a neutral state. When you find yourself reflecting on things like, "What did I do? Why did that happen? Oh, how will this work out?" - that's a conditioned state. Neutrality is being fully available and present to what is here to do, and responding directly, with no condition. Neutrality allows you to give fully, participate fully, and express fully. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jul 05, 2002

Things are already perfect, so they don't need to be fixed. What does that mean? It means to be with everything in a state that's neutral and flows with what it is the natural progression. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jun 29, 2002

God's will takes place through a state of perfection, and in this perfection, nothing really needs to change. Yet everything is changing, so you always have an opportunity to let go, allow for the change that is God's will, and release your will that comes through any state of illusion or falsehood. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jun 23, 2002

The openness to be of service may be your getting out of the way and realizing that what is really here as an action of service is for the situation to take its course now. The service may be that you are to let it be and let the person take their own course. You are to step back, to go to a neutral place. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jun 17, 2002

Our basic job is making our awareness of Soul and our relationship with God more conscious. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jun 11, 2002

It takes a certain amount of detachment to be able to involve yourself and yet not personalize what you're involved in. Some people project an expectation and look at the result. They look at what shows up and decide that something hasn't worked or been served, instead of realizing that it has been served. So be patient and take God's course. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jun 05, 2002

The more you exercise the grace, the less restrictions have anything to do with you. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
May 30, 2002

Shift toward the liberation, the beauty of the moment, the willingness to embrace the impact, the hurt. Something powerful goes on whenever we direct ourselves toward accepting and cooperating with whatever is in our presence. We move closer to God's presence in all things. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
May 24, 2002

The reality is that loving whatever you find in your life extends to a constant spiritual exercise. Your family becomes a spiritual exercise. Getting dressed becomes a spiritual exercise. Going to the doctor, paying the bills, driving in the car, doing all the routine and mundane things in life - all that becomes a spiritual exercise. As you love it all in the world, it translates inside of you. You come into a loving rhapsody and harmony that transcends. Love will flow in and out so there will be no stopping it. There will be no holding you back. You will be in a consciousness that cannot be denied because you are attuned to God's will being done. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
May 18, 2002

Not everything that shines brightly is a real source of Light and satisfaction. As you discover that within you is a real source of Light, then you will naturally attune to that Light and experience more satisfaction. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
May 12, 2002

Boredom is the reality of your creation when you are lazy and in a state of separation. If you create laziness, slothfulness, darkness, nothingness, and idleness, then you will need to deal with the results of not taking the responsibility that is your creation. It is no surprise that what you have created shows up for you to deal with. You are a creator. How do you deal with what you have created when you don't know how? Take on the consciousness of God, which is an eternal power of love. Take that on and love whatever you find. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
May 06, 2002

Serve the heart; this is the way to live a vital life. Where there is the will of the heart, there is a way. When the heart is truly inspired, that's the Lord talking. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John-Roger, DSS
Apr 30, 2002

The first focus of an initiate is our attention to God. We bring our attention into the experience we have with God's way. We have that first as an inner experience of revelation. As we have that revealed to us, we take on that responsibility. If you have a singular glimpse of a moment where the Light and energy of God is revealed - even just for an instant - you then have a responsibility for the rest of your life. You have seen and you have known in that instant. You might have a sense like, "Maybe I made that up. Maybe that was not real. Maybe I am no longer worthy. Maybe God faked me out. Maybe that was the devil masquerading. Maybe, maybe, maybe." Regardless of the conditions, we are called upon to hold and to trust in God. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Apr 25, 2002

One of my constant prayers is that I express the highest consciousness I know: unconditional loving, acceptance and forgiveness. Am I aware of other states? Yes! I'm aware of reactive states that are also competing for my attention. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "Everyday Soul", audio and videotape, #7707)

John Morton, DSS
Apr 20, 2002

Whenever you do not come to peace with your creations and let go by letting God, then you will have judgments that you continue to hold against yourself and God. If you hold negative judgments, then you will manifest them in the negative levels of God's creation. That means anybody, any time, and any place. That is a big list. How do you clear that and let that go? You begin where you find yourself. In spiritual exercise, there is a focus of calling on the Lord's name and being in worship in the Spirit. In doing this, wherever you are and whatever is with you or confronting you, you will be lifted. That is the promise. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Apr 15, 2002

Smile upon your creation, as you smile upon all of God's creation. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS