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Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Mar 15, 2008

You are being raised. Raised as what? A co-creator -- someone who comes into the divine inheritance and lives your life in full. - John Morton, D.S.S. Easter eve seminar with John Morton worldwide - Saturday, March 22, 2008, at 6:30 p.m. pacific daylight time at

John Morton, DSS
Mar 10, 2008

As a result of meeting one another, we can turn it into something that's to be glad and thankful for. So we relate to one another as friends, as beloveds. Even if you don't act like it, I have that choice to hold that inside, to know it's still true. You're a friend even when you don't act like a friend. Friendship is not dependent on what goes on in the world. - John Morton, D.S.S. Easter eve seminar with John Morton worldwide - Saturday, March 22, 2008, at 6:30 p.m. pacific daylight time at

John Morton, DSS
Mar 03, 2008

It doesn't matter what people say or do, because inside of you there's a garden. There's a precious place. There's a love that never goes away. And there's a presence of a being, the Lord or by whatever name you call it, that's with you. It doesn't forsake you. It doesn't go against you. It doesn't condemn you. It stands in adoration of you. - John Morton, D.S.S. Easter eve seminar with John Morton worldwide - Saturday, March 22, 2008, at 6:30 p.m. pacific daylight time at

John Morton, DSS
Feb 27, 2008

Your karma is to love yourself and to love whoever and whatever shows up. That's your karma. That's the karma of the beloved. - John Morton, D.S.S. Easter eve seminar with John Morton worldwide - Saturday, March 22, 2008, at 6:30 p.m. pacific daylight time at

John Morton, DSS
Feb 20, 2008

Worrying is not God's idea. Relax and let God. - John Morton, D.S.S. Easter eve seminar with John Morton worldwide - Saturday, March 22, 2008, at 6:30 p.m. pacific standard time at

John Morton, DSS
Feb 15, 2008

Love yourself. This consciousness of inner love very effectively opens you to receive what God can do for you with mercy and grace. - John Morton, D.S.S. "Rest & Rejuvenate in the Beloved Within" webcast class with John Morton worldwide - Tuesday, February 19th, 6:30 p.m. pacific standard time at

John Morton, DSS
Feb 08, 2008

When the peace that is present is experienced, then the process is dynamic, moving, and changing. New ways come present. If you are worried and fearful, then these are areas to complete. If there is illness, then these are areas to complete. Whatever is not complete for you is an area calling for your attention and willingness to do what can be done for completion. - John Morton, D.S.S. "Rest & Rejuvenate in the Beloved Within" webcast class with John Morton worldwide - Tuesday, February 19th, 6:30 p.m. pacific standard time at

John Morton, DSS
Feb 03, 2008

QUESTION: My question is about knowing love. Sometimes I don't believe that I'm deserving of it. ANSWER: Worship is also worthship. God determined your worth when you were created. You are dealing with confrontations with the false self. Keep your values clear through faith and trust in God. Your job is to not participate in self doubt about your true worth and loving nature. - John Morton, D.S.S. "Rest & Rejuvenate in the Beloved Within" webcast class with John Morton worldwide - Tuesday, February 19th, 6:30 p.m. pacific standard time at

John Morton, DSS
Jan 27, 2008

You ask: "What's going on with me? Is it that I don't know myself? Is it karma? Am I doing things right?" You are learning to trust yourself and trust God. Remember this translates to relax and be patient. There is also value in learning to wait on the Lord. Endure. Especially steer clear of judging your process. Trust your process is bringing you the experiences that are important for you. - John Morton, D.S.S. "Rest & Rejuvenate in the Beloved Within" webcast class with John Morton worldwide - Tuesday, February 19th, 6:30 p.m. pacific standard time at

John Morton, DSS
Jan 22, 2008

QUESTION: What can I do to make things better? How can I know that I deserve love, forgiveness, and all good things, and have it seem real? ANSWER: Each situation is a perfect teacher of loving your life. Your challenge is to let go of negative fantasies that just end up bothering you with what you are unable to change. Take charge of your choices so you do things that nurture and connect to your peace and happiness. Better to work this out in this lifetime as much as you can. Find your encouragement which has courage in the spelling of the word and in the manifestation. - John Morton, D.S.S. "Rest & Rejuvenate in the Beloved Within" webcast class with John Morton worldwide - Tuesday, February 19th, 6:30 p.m. pacific standard time at

John Morton, DSS
Jan 15, 2008

Look for the next steps involved in creating what you want. Look for the enthusiasm that comes with your experience of making progress. Be patient so you hold for each step to come forward in ways that work with what is needed. - John Morton, D.S.S. Q&A with John Morton webcast live worldwide - Wednesday, January 16th, 6:30 p.m. pacific standard time at

John Morton, DSS
Jan 10, 2008

By concluding that things not present should be present, you set yourself up for frustration and discouragement. It's fine to imagine what you can become if you can see how to apply yourself now. Imagining works to create. - John Morton, D.S.S. Q&A with John Morton webcast live worldwide - Wednesday, January 16th, 6:30 p.m. pacific standard time at

John Morton, DSS
Jan 03, 2008

Much of what works in this world is done through patience and enduring until the end. You would likely feel better about yourself simply by being involved with uplifting things. Do things that work for you and others. Start out by finding something simple to do that you can contribute. Even selling things from a tin cup can be a contribution by helping to provide what others can use. - John Morton, D.S.S. Q&A with John Morton webcast live worldwide - Wednesday, January 16th, 6:30 p.m. pacific standard time at

John Morton, DSS
Dec 29, 2007

You are enfolded by our love and compassion. Remember this world is not the true home of your Soul. - John Morton, D.S.S. Q&A with John Morton webcast live worldwide - Wednesday, January 16th, 6:30 p.m. pacific standard time at

John Morton, DSS
Dec 23, 2007

Keep letting go of any judgment toward the conditions that are present and trust God until grace and loving flood you. - John Morton, D.S.S. Q&A with John Morton webcast live worldwide - Wednesday, January 16th, 6:30 p.m. pacific standard time at

John Morton, DSS
Dec 17, 2007

There is always a presence, an experience present in any situation in which the glory and majesty of God is the supreme truth. - John Morton, D.S.S. Q&A with John Morton webcast live worldwide - Wednesday, January 16th, 6:30 p.m. pacific standard time at

John Morton, DSS
Dec 10, 2007

Anytime you allow anything or anyone outside yourself to cause you to choose hurt and to be disturbed inside yourself, then you are being shown how you can strengthen your understanding of the first and second laws of Spirit, to accept and cooperate, no matter what, no matter who. That can be a very tall order that perhaps only God in the flesh could fully express. Nonetheless, the opportunity for you to fully accept and cooperate is available which can lead to realization of understanding, enthusiasm and compassion for exactly what is the reality of the situation. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Dec 05, 2007

One of the great signs of participating and awakening with our Divine nature is people help and care as a way of being. These are the people who are anointed, who become radiant beings walking amongst us. These are the ones who are demonstrating how to take care of yourself so you can help take care of others. Let them say about you that you are an angel sent from God. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From the forthcoming book, "You Are The Blessings")

John Morton, DSS
Nov 27, 2007

Often how a person will enter into a state of God is like a sense of, "Well, I don't know what I have to offer, but I'm surrendering since it's all I have. It doesn't really seem like it's worthy, but I'll give it anyway. Maybe God can find something precious in it." Then God reaches into you, pulls out the most precious thing, holds it up before you and says, "This was in you all along and this is who you are." - John Morton, D.S.S. (From the forthcoming book, "You Are The Blessings")

John Morton, DSS
Nov 21, 2007

Trust that God answers your prayers always in the way that serves your learning and growth but not necessarily how you would expect or understand. Let go of your attachments and practice your faith and trust. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS