Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Sep 09, 2011

Expecting the world to be safe and secure is like expecting that the world will not change. All things in the world are temporary. When what you like is present, enjoy it. When it goes away, look for the love of God which is always present with you. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Sep 03, 2011

Look deeply within for your experience of what is of deepest meaning and truth for you in this situation. Look for your living truth that is what you need to experience and express. Look for what aligns with your truth and what does not align. Be more willing to be true to yourself however that works for you. Be careful that you don't attempt to assign truth that is not yours to direct. It can look like feeling responsible for others or things and situations that are not your level of concern and not for you to direct nor express. The truth that is yours will be right here, right now, fully available and clear to express. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Aug 28, 2011

Remember, your Soul, who you truly are, is not your body. As with every Soul, you are destined to leave the body. Consider shifting your awareness and view to the spiritual domain while you love and care for the body, doing what you can sensibly to assist with healing, and focusing on your growth and learning in your process. If you attempt to control anything in the physical world, including your body, you are likely to come up short and judge yourself as inadequate. This is all part of your opportunity to let go and let God which translates to be open and trust that greater good is what is to become. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Aug 22, 2011

Keep extending to all the freedom you want for yourself. Keep letting go of any demands, wants, attachments, hurt feelings, anger, etc. about what anyone should have done or how anything should have been different. Let it go so there is no burden and you are relieved, cleared and healed. Let go so completely that whatever has been your burden does not come back to you because you no longer are functioning in a way that allows attachment or judgment. It's called unconditional loving and acceptance. It's called forgiveness. It's called letting go and letting God such that your experience becomes the direct and complete experience of God which is, again, unconditional loving and acceptance for all of the creation. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Aug 17, 2011

A key in everyone's life is to move to acceptance and cooperation including with your choices and how they are working with responsibility and correction. With grace all comes into an opportunity to be used for uplifting, learning and growth. We are offered continual access to the processes of the Light that renew, redeem, and bring us into alignment with the highest good. Still, we are co-creators with free choice who are respected and not inflicted upon by the Spirit. We need to choose into the Light often by letting go of our involvements and attachments from our past creation. The greatest choices always come from loving and, ultimately, loving all. - John Morton, D.S.S. Connecting To Your Inner Wisdom -- Live Webcast with John Morton, Saturday, August 20, 2011, 1:00 p.m. pacific daylight time at

John Morton, DSS
Aug 12, 2011

When any of us manage to realize that we are not from this world but only visitors here to work out what we need to experience and learn, then the perfection appears which illuminates our understanding and profound appreciation for the ways and timing in which the Creator works. Just the same, be patient, be kind, seek the Grand Embrace which at once consoles, heals, and delivers what we seek as our fulfillment. - John Morton, D.S.S. Connecting To Your Inner Wisdom -- Live Webcast with John Morton, Saturday, August 20, 2011, 1:00 p.m. pacific daylight time at

John Morton, DSS
Aug 07, 2011

Trust that whatever the conditions are in your life, they are in some way being served as Light actions. Be open for transformation through the grace of God. - John Morton, D.S.S. Connecting To Your Inner Wisdom -- Live Webcast with John Morton, Saturday, August 20, 2011, 1:00 p.m. pacific daylight time at

John Morton, DSS
Aug 01, 2011

There are friends, at least One for sure, who will minister to you right where you are. So be open to share what's going on with you, rather than keeping things to yourself as some kind of dark secret that God does not already know and love regardless. - John Morton, D.S.S. Connecting To Your Inner Wisdom -- Live Webcast with John Morton, Saturday, August 20, 2011, 1:00 p.m. pacific daylight time at

John Morton, DSS
Jul 26, 2011

When dealing with a challenge, remember to check out the conditions thoroughly. Factual information is your friend. Taking care of yourself is your friend. Trust in God is your friend. You don't need to have fear or doubt towards yourself or the conditions. So strive to let those go and let God. - John Morton, D.S.S. Connecting To Your Inner Wisdom -- Live Webcast with John Morton, Saturday, August 20, 2011, 1:00 p.m. pacific daylight time at

John Morton, DSS
Jul 20, 2011

Though we may be thousands of miles away from one another we all are immediately present within the inner sanctuary in which our oneness and connection with God welcomes each of us in silence and prayer. - John Morton, D.S.S. Connecting To Your Inner Wisdom -- Live Webcast with John Morton, Saturday, August 20, 2011, 1:00 p.m. pacific daylight time at

John Morton, DSS
Jul 14, 2011

Keep the process of taking care of yourself as one of enjoyment rather than a privilege that requires permission from others. When you choose to take care of yourself rather than require yourself to first attend to others you can do so smiling and with ease. Often by taking care of yourself you put yourself into a position so you can help take care of others with joy and satisfaction for all involved. - John Morton, D.S.S. Connecting To Your Inner Wisdom -- Live Webcast with John Morton, Saturday, August 20, 2011, 1:00 p.m. pacific daylight time at

John Morton, DSS
Jul 08, 2011

The heart is the great connector, equalizer, and healer. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jul 02, 2011

Awareness is your constant friend and enabler to choose into higher consciousness and all that comes from higher consciousness. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jun 26, 2011

Remember, God is an unlimited source of greater good. Often enough, as God's partner, the responsibility is upon each of us to place the intention forward to the as yet unmanifest for what can become manifest into the world through the grace of God. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jun 20, 2011

The planet is in constant change so there is plenty of room for expansion of God's Light radiating upon the planet and with everyone and everything. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jun 14, 2011

Remember none of us came to this world for a permanent stay. All of us are destined to move completely from the world into the Spirit domain. Spend time in the beautiful sanctuary of the sacred heart within you where there is majestic silence and restoration. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jun 08, 2011

You are loved and adored exactly as you are regardless of what you have chosen, created, or allowed. You need not be any different than you already are. And you are alive and in process of becoming better and better as that is the truth of your life in Spirit regardless of what temporarily appears to you in the world. Grow up. You are so much bigger than any folderol of the self judgment you have been encountering. Let it go. Give it up into the love of the Christ Beloved present right now in your breath. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jun 02, 2011

Compassion is an understanding that becomes an open and free expression. It is an exchange of love as we experience our oneness together. And it comes through the state of who we are. Compassion works through the joy, the loving and all of the goodness of who we are. That is the true compassion. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
May 28, 2011

In the teachings of MSIA, we speak of ten blessings -- loving, caring, sharing, health, wealth, happiness, abundance, prosperity, riches, and touching. Sometimes people ask, "What does touching have to do with the other nine blessings?" You are a touchable being. Being a physical human being is being someone or something that is touchable, meaning you are able to touch, and you are able to be touched. That's how you know you're alive. That's how you know you're something rather than nothing. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
May 22, 2011

Even as perfected as we might be, or think that we might be, we all bring in disturbance and negativity. Rather than go further into negativity, we can step into loving completely. Loving brings an opportunity to contribute to the equilibrium, the balance, and the peace, rather than something where we bring further disturbance. It is important that we learn to step into a state of equilibrium, which is not really trying to change what is here as much as coming into balance with it. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS