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Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Oct 04, 2014

Spiritual fulfillment means the realization of your true self -- of who you are. You can't realize that just through your mind or anything that this world can bring to you. That realization is an inner experience in which you know that you are not only just enough but you are always more than enough. That means there's nothing that exists or is in your life that can ever stop you from your spiritual fulfillment. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "What is meant by Spiritual Fulfillment?" on the New Day Herald website:

John Morton, DSS
Sep 27, 2014

What is it worth to know your Soul as the guiding force for living your life? It's priceless. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Sep 22, 2014

I find that the answers to our questions about the great mysteries of life and death are part of the spiritual promise. There is a spiritual promise that what we seek truly and openly we will find. And probably most of us have heard of the scripture from the Bible that says, "If you seek, you shall find." I consider that part of the spiritual promise -- that if we seek the truth, it is our heritage. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "What is our Spiritual Promise," on the New Day Herald website:

John Morton, DSS
Sep 15, 2014

Serving as a form of the highest consciousness in the world, calls upon us to begin here and now, often in simple, ordinary ways including serving your self. Consider what is the best way to serve the highest good right now. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Sep 10, 2014

The source of your strength, your Spirit or Divine Self, is larger than any fear. If you don't have that experience with yourself, it's an opportunity to delve deeper within to find the strength that overcomes whatever the fear would be. It's not that you will never experience fear again. You may still be aware of the fear. But by tuning in to your divine nature, your relationship to fear will change so you are one who functions in the strength and courage that is of the Spirit. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "What is the Blessing in Fear?" on the New Day Herald website:

John Morton, DSS
Sep 03, 2014

A great key in this process is to be patient with yourself and others and with how all is working out. Remember, you are a Soul temporarily living in the world. This is not your true home. Use everything for upliftment while you are here. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Aug 29, 2014

It's okay that you don't necessarily understand or even agree with how you find or experience things in your life. Have compassion for yourself in your ordinariness as a human being. Keep striving toward God's perfection. As with the secret of Soul Transcendence which involves looking for the good and the divine in people and things, you can then leave the rest to God. You can relax as you let go of negative concerns and judgments while trusting that God's will is being done perfectly without againstness. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Aug 22, 2014

Once you realize that everything is in God's order, there is no cause for resistance. You can relax, which is a natural outcome of knowing everything is the way it should be. There's nothing to worry about because everything is in God's order. That order is such that it's all taken care of for what we need from God at the level of the Soul. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "Moving On, Worry Free," on the New Day Herald website:

John Morton, DSS
Aug 17, 2014

The tone of our expression clearly influences people and things. Keeping conscious is vital to keeping positive outcomes increasing. And knowing when to pause for "what refreshes" is also vital. This can be as simple as breathing in calm and breathing out with a clear sense of the intention. It can also be a moment to see the image or sense the outcome in action. In MSIA terms, this is called holding and sending the Light. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Aug 10, 2014

That we are worthy of God is a spiritual promise. It is done. That means we can't remove it. That's a power of God, and it's done. That means it's complete. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "John Morton, D.S.S. on the Spiritual Promise," on the New Day Herald website at

John Morton, DSS
Aug 05, 2014

Indeed, a trustworthy servant of God is with us and we are to follow in kind to victory. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jul 29, 2014

The blessing in fear is that fear teaches us what we need to learn how to overcome. It teaches us where our strength and courage are, which is within. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "What is the Blessing in Fear?" on the New Day Herald website:

John Morton, DSS
Jul 24, 2014

Within you is always found the unconditional love of God regardless of whatever are the conditions in the world and your own self judgments. Learn to use everything for your upliftment, learning and growth. You can do it. All you need do is be loyal to your Soul by trusting that all is good. Be patient and merciful with yourself and all involved when you are challenged by any form of negativity. You shall overcome as the way is already prepared for your triumph. Your every need is met. Endure until you experience yourself enfolded in the divine presence of the beloved of God. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jul 17, 2014

If the road you are on is washed out and now there is a rushing, dangerous creek where there once was a road, it would be foolish to say, "I said I was going to go down this road so I am going to go down this road!" You will go into the creek. That is "stupid" consciousness because it is not dealing in what is present. Some basic ground rules may override what you say you will do. First, take care of yourself. If whatever you are involved in is not taking care of yourself, do not do it. If you are taking care of yourself, that gives you the ability to help take care of others because you are already taken care of and in a position to offer help. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "Living On God's Terms," on the New Day Herald website:

John Morton, DSS
Jul 12, 2014

Trust the supreme God of all of the creation who loves and knows the truth of all. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jul 05, 2014

Devotion is whatever we determine is most important. Devotion could be negative or positive. My devotion is loving. I find that's the most important aspect of my life. Everybody needs to love and to be loved. If we were all experiencing that we're being loved and loving, today would be a grand celebration in the world. I can imagine that. I can dream and envision that. So I know the loving begins within me. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jun 30, 2014

In Spirit, there is no fear or worry. Who you are as a Soul is free from anxiety. Although anxiety or negativity may be around you, anxiety is not who you truly are. Who you are in truth is loving, clear, and calm always. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "Moving On, Worry Free," on the New Day Herald website

John Morton, DSS
Jun 23, 2014

We don't worship traditions or the past or things carved in stone. We are alive with a living, loving truth that radiates to all in equal measure. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jun 18, 2014

With God all things are possible. However, practically, only that which is God's will is done. Even more practically, consider what is your level of concern as that applies to the highest good for your learning and growth. Be wise in what you choose to focus upon and become involved. Seek to use everything in your experience for greater good with upliftment to all and for learning and growth. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jun 11, 2014

The Christ is the Light of the world. So it has an application as the logos of this planet. But what about the worlds to come? That becomes the Traveler, which is the wayshower, the all in the all, that which is required to reconnect, to realize our true self. That realization is when you say, "I am a Soul and not really this body. I'm in the body, but I'm not the body." So you start discerning that "I'm first of the Spirit." That is a Christ realization. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "The Door and the Way" on the New Day Herald website

John Morton, DSS