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Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Sep 24, 2001

God smiles upon you and welcomes your being. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
Sep 19, 2001

Just to know you have a place inside of you that is an unconditioned state of loving is very important. The people who do not know that "go crazy," and their "craziness" tends to manifest in the nature of their struggles. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
Sep 14, 2001

It does not matter how many times you move into a condition as your reality or identification; it is just one more chance to choose into the unconditioned state of being. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
Sep 09, 2001

If you do not know how to forgive and forget, you can call forward the One whose nature is to forgive all, to love all, the One who is anointed in this purpose of God, by God. It is at your service. It can forgive what you do not know how to forgive, love what you do not know how to love, and take away the anguish that has visited our mind and emotions, the places in your body where you've harbored the resentment, the disappointment, the guilt. All forms of negativity are now loved and forgiven by this Holy One. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are) .

John Morton, DSS
Sep 04, 2001

This place inside of you is a place of silence, a place of utmost simplicity, as you breathe in and out with God. Know that you are always doing this breathing with God, and God is breathing with you. Open your conscious awareness for greater knowing of God than ever before. Experience the ease of God's breath in you, the ease that is actually around you in the world, even with all the complications and difficulties. With whatever pain and struggle that are present in the world now or are yet to come, God's breath is always easy. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
Aug 30, 2001

You are embraced in God's love. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
Aug 25, 2001

One of the primary ways to love any condition is to be thankful for it. Start with gratitude, and realize that if an adjustment is needed, it is first an internal adjustment which if needed can lead to external adjustment. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
Aug 20, 2001

You are in this Holy Breath of God. In each moment, renew your faith. Renew your faith in this moment. Take this moment to rededicate yourself to God's love and doing God's will through you into this world and into all your choices into the worlds to come. You are renewing your holy sacrament to become one with God. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
Aug 17, 2001

The inner reality of Spirit will always be better than the outer manifestation. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
Aug 14, 2001

Spirit is the source of inspiration within you. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
Aug 11, 2001

I am not here to get into comparison or evaluation of the conditions. I am here to love the conditions, pure and simple. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
Aug 06, 2001

When you go through a negative condition -- no matter how severe -- in loving, you can neutralize and take authority over the condition. Then you become one who walks free in any condition. You are not really troubled by the conditions because you have placed yourself in an unconditioned state of loving as you go through them. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
Aug 01, 2001

Even though it is quite common to argue, fight, or fuss, this reaction against any of the conditions present is just a demonstration of forgetfulness of the divine nature of things. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
Jul 23, 2001

The place of inspiration is always more pristine, more clear, more bright, more wonderful than what ends up showing outwardly. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
Jul 18, 2001

Those who are choosing to serve the Spirit are committing to move into alignment and to maintain that alignment. You will be challenged by your lower nature as soon as you make the commitment to align with Spirit, which is your higher nature. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
Jul 16, 2001

When you partake in outer loving and outer blessings, it really is a time to praise and to be thankful that the inner blessing could also take place outside of you. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John-Roger, DSS
Jul 11, 2001

Your lower nature will drive you toward accomplishing things and attaining recognition in the world. Your higher nature will direct you into and through experiences that enlighten and nurture your being by utilizing everything that you do or that happens to you in the world as a means of learning and growing. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
Jul 06, 2001

Part of what is true is watching where you are going, paying attention to the conditions, focusing on what is important, and choosing to cooperate with what is working while staying clear of what is not working for you. Be sure to catch the learning and change of consciousness in this moment of convergence. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jul 01, 2001

We are to love all of God's creation. Begin by loving your own. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jun 26, 2001

My dedication is that no matter what the condition, I love. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS