Buscar en las Citas de Amando Cada Día

Aquí hay tres formas de buscar a través de la historia de más de 5,000 citas de Loving Each Day de John-Roger y John Morton.

I carry around a little card with a quote that reads, "If you would learn the secret of Soul Transcendence, look for the good, for the Divine in people and things, and all the rest leave to God." I carry it around with me because, at times, I need to be reminded. I have had moments of difficulty seeing the good -- not only in people but also in events, in feelings, in thoughts, and in various situations. For me to work this principle, I need to look at each challenging person, situation, or thing and tell myself, "There has got to be some good in there somewhere. There is always good. The Divine is always present." My job is to continuously look for the good and the Divine.
-John Morton, DSS
Fuente: The Blessings Already Are