Buscar en las Citas de Amando Cada Día

Aquí hay tres formas de buscar a través de la historia de más de 5,000 citas de Loving Each Day de John-Roger y John Morton.

You would likely feel better about yourself simply by being involved with uplifting things. Do things that work for you and others. Start out by finding something simple to do so you can contribute. Even selling things from a tin cup can be a contribution by helping to provide what others can use. By interpreting that things that are not present should be present or vice versa you set yourself up for frustration and discouragement. It's fine to imagine what you can become if you can see how to apply yourself now even in some seemingly small way. Imagining works to create. Look for the next steps involved in creating what you want. Look for the enthusiasm that comes with your experience of making progress.
-John Morton, DSS